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Posts posted by gonenorth

  1. As I said befor they are 4 years old now. The come from American Champions sire and dam ,so 20,000bt is a deal. ( this considering that you would at the least make back 4,000bt per pup with an average of 10 pups per litter)

    But If someone would like one or both ,please make an offer. I am sure anything reasonable would be fine with her.

    Thank you

  2. Hello everyone. My x-wife has two Kennel club of Thailand pedgree Golden retrievers for sale asking 20,000bt each. I know these dogs well as I was breeding Goldens in Thiland for some time. ( Now in the USA.) I paid 20,000 for them as pups and bought them from a Vet outside of Bangkok ( Santa Kennels. I paid 80,000bt for the sister of these two.)

    I now breed in the USA but would like to help out the X-wife with selling these. They are 4 years old now and have only been bread once. They are in great shape and would very easy make you your money back on the first breeding. I sold pups in Thailand( goldens for 40,000bt each in many cases, but most were in the 20,000bt range. Finding a sutd is easy and should only cost you around 8,000bt for the stud fee.

    They are located in the Khon Kaen area, Pon Pie, Mancha Kiri.) If you are interested drop me a line at please personal message the OP

    Thank you, the price in workable if the 20,000 is too much.

  3. I have a big question, and hope someone with real knowledge will be able to answer this.

    Bottom line , Is it legal to shoot porn in Thailand. From Video to hardcore photos.

    I see it everywhere. Really feel sorry for some of these girls, that have no choose but to do it for the money. I mean it's one thing to do a short time or long time. But to be plastered all over the Internet doing hardcore stuff is another.

    Some of this stuff is so humiliating it's just not right to take advantage of these girls, guys and LB's

    Anyone have any true facts, not really looking for the "hel_l yea" answer.

    If so or if not who if anyone is in charge of this?

    exporting it as well?

  4. Hello,

    can anyone tell me is there is an office in Khon Kaen ( like the ones along wireless and Sukhumvit road going to the US embassy in bkk) that can fill out the US embassy visa application papers and carry them to the US embassy in Bangkok.

    I know that in my last case when I got a US visa for my wife . I had to submit the paper work one day , wait a day - pick paperwork up the next day, and then wait for 3-7 days for a personal interview.

    So what I was hoping was if there was an office in Khon Kaen that could do this, and then tell me when the appointment was.



  5. We bought our GR in Chaingmai for 3,500 Baht with a full pedigree.

    The OP's price sounds rather expensive.

    As with all things you get what you pay for. I can not imagine a pedigree Golden Retriever for 3,500bt. I spend 2,000bt a month to feed one dog. Yes it can be done for less...So maybe they feed their dogs grass and rice as many here do. I have a kennel not a farm and we love each of our dogs and yes we sell the pups.

    I would not think about buying a dog for 3,500 bt in anyway due to misrepresentation of the dog by the seller. I have emails everyday from people all over south East Asia and know the stories that go with 3,500bt "pedigree" dogs. Like the "pedigree is in the mail", or "I will send it to you", or "it's a registration not a pedigree" or the famous " he was not sick when you bought him", or "all dogs limp when they walk", or "you pay the Vet. bill and I will pay you later".

    Their is no way that a quality Champion line Golden Retriever can be sold for 3,500bt. A stud fee alone is 20,000bt to start. Much less a pedigree Golden Retriever. Vet bills, food and care. grooming , kennel club fees and time. At the least a quality dog ( non pedigree )must be 8,000bt. it's impossible to breed and care for a female and male to sell pups for less. Although I see it often in Thailand. So you do the math on what you will end up with. Do you really want your 2 year old child playing with a dog that was mated with it's brother or father? As is the case more than not with this type of 3,500bt dog?

    So as I said you get what you pay for.

    I will add ...I have a non-pedigree female that is just as beautiful and loving as my pedigree and we love her just as much as the others. You do not need a pedigree to have a great and loving Dog. It's just many people like to know in writing what the history of their pup is. Funny people think twice at buying a pair of shoes for 4,000bt knowing they will only last a few years. But seem to think that a loving animal at 20,000bt that will love you for 12-14 years, day in and day out is expensive?


    Grayland Nelson

  6. Hello, If anyone is interested in quality Golden retrievers. my wife and I have a kennel out side of khon kaen. We are expecting three litter in February 2006. At this time we have one male pup Samson. The only pup of his litter. Sire is American Golden imported to Thailand now showing in Korea and China. The dam comes from a Thai Champion line.

    You can find out about all of our pets and our Kennel by visiting my profile

    we speak Thai and English and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

    Breeding Pedigree and Non-Pedigree Golden Retrievers

    prices start at 8,000bt

    thank you

    Grayland Nelson

    edit: Please read the forum rules with regard to links and advertising.


  7. If any one is interested in Golden Retrievers. We have a Golden Retriever Kennel just outside of Khon Kaen. Pedigree and Non - Pedigree dogs. We will supply you with all papers of the animals family line.

    Don't belive what you hear in the markets of Thailand, all dogs are not the same. All our dogs are in the best of health and we guarantee each one.

    We will have a new litter of pups coming up in a few months. Please take a look at our web site if you are interested http://thaigoldenretrievers.com

    Thank you,

    G. Nelson

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  8. What a joke, as is most things in Thailand. It's all about the money and payoff. Like I just did with traffic cop in Chaiapum, who knew the light was not working at all, but still told me it was red. Then let the other three cars go.

    Was in Chaing Mai a few weeks ago and bars open till ...well they never closed only pulled down the doors and the girls were there all night . Cops what cops?

    Come on it's all a joke anyone that does not pay off the cops will be closed and hassled till they do pay off. It's absolute corruption and it's never goes away.

    Stop making it seem like it's going to go away.

    If you like it here then get use to it. As a tourist there is plenty to do all night like in Bangkok , when the bars close, just go sit on the sidewalk and drink as long as you want, heck maybe a cop will be sitting next to you. no license and no door ( pretty hard to close). talk about your jokes.

    Stop making it seem like it's going to go away.

    Chaing Rai, same goes bars and clubs open all night. more guys selling drugs that you want to ever see in a lifetime. Does not that a cop to fine them. just have your eyes open.

    It's not going away. If the government wanted to make it go away they could, but then again they would not all be driving a Mercedes on 108,000 a month would they?

    absolute corruption !

  9. Thank you for these replies. I do feel they are just being Thai. Nothing to do with one thing or the other. I would happy do what they ask. If only they were clear. Then again I have not forgotten where I am . I must of asked this question 4 times and I did have my wife ask, 365 days or present year. They Just don't care. They are going to make there 6,000bt this month regardless how rude they are to anyone.

    I find interaction with anyone in a uniform here a pain or a pay off. It's amazing to me how putting on a uniform and having a Thai education would make anyone feel they are superior.

    Thank you for your advice.

    gone north

  10. American, age 46.

    this is for a marrage( or support of a Thai faimly) 'O',VISA

    I just got back from another nightmare in Nong Kai. I had been to the immigration office about 3 months ago. I had just recived my 'O visa' with my Thai Wife in Laos.

    > Nong Kai advised me to get a letter from the bank showing how much money I had in bkk account account. ( which I did in Bangkok which is where my account is)

    They would only give me a letter stateing my balance. not the previous deposits.)

    Nong kai also asked for a letter from my US bank showing my income and to have this notarized by the US embassy( which I did ).

    Well Thai being Thai, it was all a waste of time. As is so the case here. 5 years and counting I might add.

    Now they tell me they want another letter from the Bangkok Bank that shows my monthly deposits each month.( please keep in mind my pass books show more than any letter would ever show, as I have brought into Thailand in this last year Aug2003-Sept2004 over $75,000. dollars.

    I requested just such a letter at Bkk Bank, the guy at Bkk Bank said "for immigration?" I said yes he said this is what they require. only showing my balance. Now they have asked for month by month.

    Ok so i will continue once more with this Nightmare of Thailand and the "Bull" I must go through to be with my wife and her child.

    My questions are please.

    1. The amount they are requesting transferred is it from Jan1, 2004 till to

    September 1, 2004


    Is it a full year Aug 31, 2003-Sept 1, 2004.

    ( I would guess this is a full year , because if you applied in January for example there would be little of no money to show.)

    2. Is there an immigration office in Khon Kaen? If not closest one to khon Kean...please.

    Thank you,

    Gone North

  11. first a katoey is not a girl. they are still a boy. You will find the term refers in Thailand to a gay male, a per-operation or a post -operation .

    Pre-op...So they have tits or not and all male parts.

    post-op... they have had the operation and had their D$%^ removed. Ouch!

    you will find them from Thai TV shows to the bars,even banks. Very common in Thailand.

    Bar fine is an amount of money that is paid to the bar owner,to have for the right to remove one ( or more) of his staff.

    As the girls go with customers the bar has less and less girls. making the bar not as pleasurable to new comers.

    So what could happen is, if a bar had 30 girls, and 20 went with customers. Many guys will not want to come into a bar that only has 10 girls. This in turn leaves the other girls without a chance to be with a customer that night and the bar without further sales, beer or otherwise.

    try Soi 33 to find a 1,000bt bar fine or even more. Most bar fines range from 100bt to 600 in a few of the crazy bars. A bar fine such as 600bt do nothing bt hurt the bars and the girls working in them. Note: also most bars do not pay a persent back to the girls unless they meet the amount of customers they MUST go with to get a sallery. now that is pimping!


  12. I have two pool tables.

    one I bought out of a bar in bangkok, I will take 11,000 same a I paid for it. it may need some wood work, It is the type with a ball return at one end. square legs.

    the other is a Diana, i payed 108,000bt for it and will sell for 80,000. it is as new today as when I bought it. arched legs, redwood dark.

    will deliver to Bangkok if your interested. In Khon Kean now.you will need new felt for both tables.



  13. STOP! think twice and then again. Now that you have made a mistake make the move.

    First. make sure that you fit in to one of the visa areas. This will drive you nuts if you think you can make a border crossing every month. Just a pain in the A$%. Make sure you can walk the walk with your passport and visa. if not you will be in for a short stay. what ever you think you will not want to eat Thai food all the time. you need a car or you will need to live close to a major shopping store.

    Next, I have three rules that one should always think about.

    1. Never live near your girlfriends or wife, mother and family.

    2. Never live so close to a temple you can hear it. they love to talk and yap on the microphone all the time day and night. As do the local village people.

    3. Never live on a dirt road. you and all you have will be covered in dirt 8 months out of the year.

    Ahhh Thailand...


  14. Greetings, heading up to Nong Kai and driving over to Vientiane, Laos on April 8th.

    I have a couple questions that I hope someone could answer.

    1, Can I get the application form for my class 'O' on line?

    2. How much will the 'O' visa cost?

    3. How long will it take, and what time do they open?

    4. Is it possible to get this in one day?

    5. If not, anyone know of a good / safe /1,000bt or so hotel close to the Thai embassy.

    6. Have bank book,copy of wife ID card signed and dated, copy of house papers signed by wife and dated. (stating we are married) ,photos, marriage license,car& truck books( my name). even a picture of the family dog.

    Last time at Nong Kai the Thai guys doing the stamping were helpful. but I really didn't ask these questions.


    Gone North

  15. Aranyaprathet by far easist. don't need to drive over it will just wast time getting the papers in order. Then again unless the car is in your name you will not get it over anyway. Just park on the Thai side ( lock the car as best or better than possible) and walk over. easy.


    Gone North

  16. Greetings to everyone. I am an American age 46. I have been living in Thailand for 5 years now. met my now wife ( married in November 2003) about 4 years ago. We started building out house shortly after meeting and retained an apartment in Bangkok at the same time. I have about 3 million in the house. paid cash for my 2002 Toyota truck 800,000 ( in my name), 100,000 in my Motorcycle and cash for the 3 motorcycles ( in her name). She has bought more land than I care to mention with my aid. Our son ( hers really) is in private school at 100,000 a semester.

    My income into Thailand for the past 5 years has been without fail not less than 160,000bt a month sometimes 300,000. the money is transferred each month from the US into my Thai bank. ( have all the bank books). I / we seem to find a way to spend every drop each month ( it's a 10 room house 3 baths with a 12 foot wall around it).

    So would not be able to show a large balance. ( I would hope the income and the receipts I have would stand for something?

    OK the problem:

    for years I had

    a 30 tourist visa,

    a 90 day visa

    a class 'O' for two years

    a class 'B" for two years

    Last year I went back to a 30 day visa going to Nong Kai. ( January this year we moved from Bangkok to our house outside of Khon Kean). This 30 day in and out is a breeze in Nong Kai, and only a 3 hour drive for me, 1,500bt stamp into Laos. But it's eating up my passport. I need to get my class 'O'.

    For my last stamp I was visiting a friend near Surin so made the run over to Cambodia. They were really nice at the border, and told me I should just go to

    Laos, Vientiane to get a class 'O'. When asked if I could do it in Vientiane they replied yes no problem what so ever. To take my marriage licensed.

    So... Can anyone tell me if this will be a problem. would like a multy-entry 90 day visa. with the hopes of then ( getting the time) to go to Bangkok and get my marriage papers sorted out with immigration.

    I know someone will say go to Panang, but would like to just drive up for a few days and stay in a hotel with the wife( if needed).

    Thanking you all in advance.



  17. Greeting to all, I must say I have enjoyed the reading here. this is my first post and would like it a few of you could answer a question or two.

    I have been in Thailand for 4 1/2 years. I am 45 and live on a trust. about 5,000usd a month. I have had several visas like 90day,classO, 2B visas. I am on my last two weeks of a 'B'. I have been with the same girl for 3 years and made a promise to marry her this year which we did last month. She has been to the U.S. with me and we got her visa in 2 days without any problems.

    I bought a motocycle several years ago and last year bought a toyota4x4 paying cash. For the last year we have been building a 3 million bt. home in North Thailand. :o ( driving me crazy but almost done.)

    My understanding is this.

    1. I can not get a visa in Bangkok based on the present statious of my visa.

    2. I should go to Panang, and take my marrige papers.

    3. they will issue a classO visa.

    4. take classO and the other requirements to the immigration office

    5. they will then deside if I can get a....what?( what will they give me is the question)

    and could you tell me just what are the requirments they may ask for at immigration.

    thanks so much,regards


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