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Posts posted by adamchiangmai

  1. I have lived 25 years in CNX and some german friends have passed away. I have names, some 

    family names are missing, although place of origin. If you have some useful information send 

    to my mail  *email edited out*

    Horst Fruchtenicht                     Bremen

    Horst Schneider  (adjaan)            Bamberg

    Achim         profession skipper    Hamburg

    Wilhelm      retired policeman      Schwaben

    Salami Kurt      ( Swiss )  worked at IBM

    Roland Nebelung

    Heiner Leuser

    Dieter Geid         ( wineyard in Saraphee )

    Didi                  ( Austria , Restaurant owner and part of Elefant Camp MaeWang)

    Wohlfeil                                    Rosenheim

    Siggi             of spanish origin, lived in Germany 

    Gerhard Kurz                             Ravensburg

    • Like 1
  2. Who remembers the "domino" bar at thapae gate with the west-brothers and maybe the "blue moon" restaurant

    of Max near todays lucky bar and nearby a 24 hours restaurant with crocodile and snake dishes. Not forget

    the so called "ambush alley" behind the prince hotel. The exchange rate was about 12 Baht for 1 "deutsch mark".

  3. As a German I have some experience with good beers.I tried Chang Export today and it is the first drinkable beer of this brewery, I think canned beer is most times better than

    bottles.I dont know about the hangover because I just startet. P r o s t !!

    • Like 1
  4. My house is in the Changklan area (M.Weejangton) just short of the bridge of airport highway and mae ping.this time it was 25 cm higher than the "century" flood 6 years ago. At 4.94 m

    At the deepest point in the moban ihe water level was 1.80 m .I watch the website " hydro-1" regular and prepare my house ( sandbags, shutter and pump).On the flooding night

    the website was shut down ( no access) and nobody told us how high it will come.It is a 2 storey house so I could save many things.Water level in 1. floor 1.30m

    As the electricity was shut down i had to save my sausages in the deepfreezer and frigerators (www.countrysausagethailand.com) with a canoe and bring them to some friends.Today is already the 2. day of cleaning.

    My experience is, that the house will be dry in about 3 weeks and the smell gos away.Some losses of furnitures and food and a lot of work.

    Remember Thaksin : Chiang Mai will never be flooded again and 3 weeks later we had the century flood, i wonder what they will call it now.His sister now reigns the country.Is the

    flood now a bad omen for thailand ?

  5. I live in the Changklan area and have " true" cable internet for some years without major problems.You can buy a 20 MB line for 930 THB per month

    and your transfer rate is mostly at 2000 kb. I do not know if more upgrade is possible, for me it is enough.

    They cut me down to 10 MB the last 2 weeks but reduced the fee to 450 THB. Still have to check out why.

  6. Next to the UFO Bowl in Nong Hoi they have nightly football coaching and practice. I believe it's considered to be the best CM has to offer and has turned out a couple of players on the national team.

    That is exactly the place where he has been. Poor quality.

  7. Does anybody know a football club or youth team which has a qualified coach like in England or Germany which teaches technical skills?

    My son is 15 years and boring with his club.They run around the field and then play.No tackling or shot exercise. I am too old to be outside

    in that heat.

  8. the best pool is in Mooban Tanawan.A lot of shade and the best water quality in Chiang mai.in my case no more ear infections, even dont need earpads anymore.They open early morning before 7.00.coupon for ten times cost 400 B.Tanawan is located at the Mae Jo road, the entrance is about 200m after the Rimping Store on left side. pass the guards, just behind the bus-company.

  9. I got a problem with chronic ear infection (swimmer ear). i go swimming nearly every day and shut the ears with a plug, special for swimming, but it is not 100%. infections come and go and come. I was in Chiangmai Ram at EEN for about 20 times in a year...not realy succesful. I try now with Mungkalas chinese medicine!

    Anybody has some advice for me.

    thanks guys for your interesting answers. they have a new doctor now in Chiang mai Ram and a camera which shows you inner ear, but the price is up to 850 B for consultation.diagnosis: light infection and a funghi (not deep inside). no medication

    "just keep it dry for 1 or 2 weeks". i do it now and eat the chinese pills from mungkala too.it seems working but i miss swimming, wonder what happens if go again. i will try the prevention with "pet-drops" or "vinegar-alkohol". keep you in touch adam

  10. I got a problem with chronic ear infection (swimmer ear). i go swimming nearly every day and shut the ears with a plug, special for swimming, but it is not 100%. infections come and go and come. I was in Chiangmai Ram at EEN for about 20 times in a year...not realy succesful. I try now with Mungkalas chinese medicine!

    Anybody has some advice for me.

  11. i herited the house, which was on her name, and gave it to my son, who is thai-citizen.

    i have been to court to get a document which proves that i am the manager of the house, because my son was 10 years at this time.

    as i understand, as a widower you have the same status as married.

    i get a one year extension for family support reason and have to show 400 k.

    there was no will or something else, just regular thai marriage certification.

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