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Everything posted by DannyS1951

  1. Lou, do you live in Napo or know someone who does?
  2. Lou if you live in that area I will send a message to you with what details I have. You will probably know who it is once you get a message. He had been calling me every month to find out what is going on in Bangkok. If you don't live in the area then it's not needed.
  3. Does anyone live in or close to Napo township in the northern tip of Buriram province? If yes could you look in to see an old friend of mine whose mobile has gone silent. He is quite old and his eyesight is going. Thanks, Danny
  4. Many thanks for all those who have answered both on the forum and by message. My visa is NON-O and dates to 1997. The reason for the extensions is now retirement although it was originally for Thai wife and I had a business and work permit. I was grandfathered into the social security as our company had all the staff in it. The social security department a few years ago insisted I retire and returned many years of contributions but encouraged me to rejoin as a retired person so I pay into it monthly. Thanks to those that have told me the AIA insurance can be extended past 70 years. I will chase this up. The last two times I have extended my stay I took insurance documents from both the social security department and AIA to immigration but they were not wanted.
  5. The Bangkok Post the other day informed us that retirement visa holders now require USD100K Covid insurance. Is this correct? My private (AIA) insurance runs out this year as I pass 70 years. I am grandfathered into the Thai social security system and pay them monthly. Would this make any difference? I should next month get my second shot of Astra vaccine. I have to extend for another year in December. Is anyone else here in a similar position?
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