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Posts posted by shadiadi

  1. I actually got married 2 days ago in Nong Khai.

    It was a big hassle.

    The first problem was they demanded that a Government official had to be one of the two witnesses and had to be someone that knew us. They were unwilling to provide a witness for us.

    The second time we went and the person who had authority to sign was not there for the day.

    We ended up going to a smaller Amphur office where they demanded a certified translation of my passport in Thai.

    Eventually, we got everything done, though.

    If you are divorced they require the divorce certificate also.

    Just letting you know it is possible to get legally married at the moment.

    The whole process took us 8 hours. The first time I did it more than 10 years ago it took 30 minutes. 







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  2. I feel for you I had the same plans. I just got my papers back from the MFA this weekend.

    I am unsure if you may still be able to register the marriage in the mean time at the Amphur office.

    I have been considering going to ask next week, as I feel going to ask this week may be a bad idea.

    If you are worried about the visa, why not just get a cheap flight somewhere and fly back in so you get 30 days.

    I see that with Air Asia if you book for Kuala Lumpur today to fly back the same day on the 3rd it will be less than 2500 Baht.










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  3. Where did you meet this person and how do you know they are feeding her drugs?

    How does she see you when she is supposedly a captive and why can't you make her disappear when she comes to see you?

    How do you know it's her child? Perhaps it really is the other persons child.

    Too many questions to believe this is 100% as she tells you.

    I actually met her in a karaoke bar but she is not a singer.

    Sometimes she called and sounded terrified to speak her number would have been changed so i could not call her.

    She is or was scared they would take the kid away.

    Def not someone else's child she brought the child to meet me a few times when we first met.

    Ok, you answered the first question, kind off. What does she do at the Karaoke bar...a sex slave?

    What sort of karaoke bar is this?

    I think you are being played personally, but I'm a cynical guy at the best of times.

    Pay to take policeman karaoke with you and get him to sort this out once and for all.

    A nasty one at that not a light in the whole place.

    Sit with customers and make them drink as much as they can they were charging 90 baht every 45 minutes but paying the girl hardly anything.

  4. I guess or I hope that some well educated policeman has been reading this thread or someone. (maybe put a boot up someones ass)

    As I just got a call from the policeman who said he would originally help said his battery died odd it was ringing when I called it all day yesterday.

    Hopefully I am correct and someone has put a boot up his ass or I might end up dead walking the to the station.

    Just thought i would write that in case any of you hear of a foreigner from the UK having a fatal accident.

    Let's see I want them to follow the money usually the easiest way to catch an idiot.

    I don't want the money back either I don't care about the money I care about the girl, right now I have some ideas on where she is but she is too scared to call me, not allowed to, they have been trying to keep us apart for over a month now.

    All I want is for her to be free if possible have these scumbags arrested if not I'll settle for the girls freedom for now.

  5. shes worth nothing to them dead

    even if they were pimping her ,they wont kill her whether you pay or not

    if shes forced into prostitution and fed drugs everyday how did you ever meet her ?

    why does she keep asking for money and then go back to her "slavery" only to return and ask for more money ?

    I hope so.

    I actually met her when she was on her per*** I know that to be true for a fact, I did not try to sleep with her the first time i met her either.

    I stopped her working at the karaoke bar she has never really asked me for much ever, she has never had anything before as everything has always been taken away from her, she was returning because of the child.

  6. Where did you meet this person and how do you know they are feeding her drugs?

    How does she see you when she is supposedly a captive and why can't you make her disappear when she comes to see you?

    How do you know it's her child? Perhaps it really is the other persons child.

    Too many questions to believe this is 100% as she tells you.

    I actually met her in a karaoke bar but she is not a singer.

    Sometimes she called and sounded terrified to speak her number would have been changed so i could not call her.

    She is or was scared they would take the kid away.

    Def not someone else's child she brought the child to meet me a few times when we first met.

  7. Ok here is my problem I have been here 20 years I have no visa issues.

    I have a girlfriend she tells me she is from Laos she was brought to Thailand when she was 14 years old I guess she was sold to somebody.

    She tells me her family are dead but that may be what she was told by the evil people who trafficked her to Thailand.

    She has no idea barely knows her name does not know her date of birth only knows it is 5th of some month.

    She had a child with a Thai guy 2 years ago but he is dead she has a birth certificate for her baby naming her as the mother.

    I really want to clear her ID issues then get married but we have no idea how to start.

    She does not speak English only Laos and Thai but I am fluent in Thai I can read more Thai than her as she did not have an education.

    Is there any legal way to go around solving this problem if not is there an under the table way that we can fix the problem?

    Any advice would be appreciated, I have had 3 failed marriages in Thailand finally I meet someone who is really nice and wow a bag of problems.


    Yes it's been getting more out of control she ran away but got caught by them again.

    I assumed it was her name on the birth certificate she said she had one for the baby turns out it's not her name.

    Apparently they used another Laos persons name on it kinda got more complicated since then.

    The kid has been moved somewhere else too.

    At the time i thought it was just her ex's family had been holding her but apparently not from the reaction from the police seems to be much bigger.

    Does the expression "people who play with fire..." mean anything to you?

    3 failed marriages... Out of the frying pan and straight into the fire...

    I'm not being at all negative here, just realistic...

    Sorry to be harsh

    Yes 3 failed marriages a student a bank teller and a nurse

  8. I think you called the right people. Hopefully you will get a call back soon and you'll start to see results. I used them years ago in a case of a 15 year old forced to work in a bar. I can't remember her name, but she literally took over the case and handled it. Whether or not the young girl went back to work is unknown. But the Paveena Foundation did help.

    Thanks that's what some Thai friends told me also I have been pulling my hair out for a month actually got sick because of it.

    Poor girl before she met me she has been through years of hell.

    Is this the one who's trapped but could come to see you? Is this the one who, when you declined to pay the second 30k came to see you the next day?

    She has a lot of stories. I'm sorry, but I'm not all in on this one. It doesn't pass my smell test. I could be wrong of course.

    I hope everything works out for you.

    Mmm second time the guy asked for 500 baht but the same account as the 30k

  9. Ok here is my problem I have been here 20 years I have no visa issues.

    I have a girlfriend she tells me she is from Laos she was brought to Thailand when she was 14 years old I guess she was sold to somebody.

    She tells me her family are dead but that may be what she was told by the evil people who trafficked her to Thailand.

    She has no idea barely knows her name does not know her date of birth only knows it is 5th of some month.

    She had a child with a Thai guy 2 years ago but he is dead she has a birth certificate for her baby naming her as the mother.

    I really want to clear her ID issues then get married but we have no idea how to start.

    She does not speak English only Laos and Thai but I am fluent in Thai I can read more Thai than her as she did not have an education.

    Is there any legal way to go around solving this problem if not is there an under the table way that we can fix the problem?

    Any advice would be appreciated, I have had 3 failed marriages in Thailand finally I meet someone who is really nice and wow a bag of problems.


    Yes it's been getting more out of control she ran away but got caught by them again.

    I assumed it was her name on the birth certificate she said she had one for the baby turns out it's not her name.

    Apparently they used another Laos persons name on it kinda got more complicated since then.

    The kid has been moved somewhere else too.

    At the time i thought it was just her ex's family had been holding her but apparently not from the reaction from the police seems to be much bigger.

  10. A little hard on credibility with a name like shadi adi ?

    Its not blatant its only your interpretation of events.

    Are you sure you havnt got "white knight syndrome"

    Just a nickname i got stuck with as a kid I used to be able to solve things others couldn't I would never tell them how I did it.

    They always thought i was cheating I guess.

    "White Knight Syndrome" in this case something needs to be done, I can't leave it alone forget about it. I am nice to women.

  11. I might add every case is different. The foundation can only work within the law so it makes it hard to know what they can and can not do. Corruption is part of the problem. Maybe that aspect will not be as much trouble due to the junta taking over. Good luck.

    I do have a friend who's father used to be chief of the air force here he did say if i needed some troops he could make some calls but that's a last resort.

  12. I think you called the right people. Hopefully you will get a call back soon and you'll start to see results. I used them years ago in a case of a 15 year old forced to work in a bar. I can't remember her name, but she literally took over the case and handled it. Whether or not the young girl went back to work is unknown. But the Paveena Foundation did help.

    Thanks that's what some Thai friends told me also I have been pulling my hair out for a month actually got sick because of it.

    Poor girl before she met me she has been through years of hell.

  13. I will also add the reason she has not ran away is she had a baby 3 years ago when she gave birth they put another womans name on the birth certificate they have used the child to make sure she does not try to return home. they were telling her that if she went home they would tell the Thai immigration to never let her back into the country. She is simple uneducated can not read or write. When she met me I told her we can go get you an ID go back get a real passport and come back find the child have a test to prove she is the natural mother and have all these people arrested, she did not know this.

    She wants to do it but is terrified of these people.

  14. Before you read this be aware i speak fluent Thai and can read and write and have been here 20 years so no stupid comments please.

    I recently went to two police stations in Bangkok the first looked through all my evidence I met a girl who has been here illegally for years.

    She is being held captive fed drugs probably being sold also, instead of going to work she came to see me this has been going on for 4 months she really likes me I really like her but she has a problem, They have tried to get her to stop seeing me several times, I know she is being held captive i was contacted and extorted out of 30000 baht by a thai person saying they would le her go, one time i sent the money making sure I got the name and account number..

    Another idiot called me told me that if i did not send him 1800 baht that my girlfriend had not paid him he would have her arrested so i sent him it and got his name and account number by sms an hour later the same guy called me back saying he could help me see her she had no money and asked me to send money to her at the same account sent the first 30000 this also came through sms. I did not send any obviously.

    When I saw her the next day she said I should go make a police report she was angry.

    she has been disappeared a week now she was crying telling me she was worried she was going to be killed.

    I had all the details on the 30000 extortion as the idiots did it by online by chat.

    At the first police station as soon as they saw two sms sent by the last idiot out of the two names the name of the 30000 account the policeman said out loud as if he knew it, he arranged to take me to another station which was more in the area where the girl is he answered the phone agreed to meet me at 3pm he was a no show.

    At the second police station i showed them all the evidence again they wrote a 7 line police report just saying i had met my girlfriend and she was worried she was going to be killed nothing about the money the extortion etc once again i even asked them don't you want to write down the names or account numbers.

    I believe these police at both stations knew the name of the Thai person on the account and is why they showed a lack of interest

    Not sure where to go to get some real action from the police now it would appear they are in the pockets of the name of the account i was extorted by.

    Every other time i have filed a complaint there has been interest and action immediately.

    I t would appear there are probably a lot of other girls in the same situation in these two districts and the police know and are being paid off.

    Someone needs to put a stop to this whole thing and bring it down.

    No they are not areas foreigners go.

    Is there a real police station anywhere in Bangkok I was looking at Rama 1 Royal Thai Police Head Quarters but not sure if its the best place to go???

    Any advice on how to get real action I called the paveena foundation yesterday I am still waiting to hear back from them.

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