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Status Updates posted by fennielyn

  1. Ah ain't that the curx of it all. It's quite maddening really. The heart's been claimed and there's not one darn thing I can do bout it. Exuse the moping and such pls.

  2. OOOoh cute baby! Me want one too! So you reckon our boys will be kicking ass at the next match? uhm..your answer should be nothing short of a resounding, BUT OF COURSE!

  3. uhm..ignore the incoherent post before. :P I am not responsible. BUT if blame but be laid, I"ll have you know it's solely the pharmaceutical folks' fault. But meds are always a good thing. Good grief, can't believe I can't even be brief and consice in a ###### comment. okie...gonna just shut up now. :P

    p/s your baby is beyond adorable!!!!

  4. Well, since I know who well where my heart is...and then my home is of back there in Thailand. I just haven't found a viable way to physically be there yet. So count ya blessing. :) Coz I'm just dying a little with jeousy right now. :P

  5. Your wee babe must be uber adorable. Hope you're able to post some pix soon, when you get all the loose ends settled. All the best. :D Things will be looking up real soon, I promise! =)

  6. Asia, specifically SEA. My heart's in LoS tho so really I'm there. :D

  7. 3 stars for being a fellow Cancerian and July baby (your b'day is two days before mine :P ) and for being a calvin and hobbes fan (I assume) ;)

  8. Now, was that merely intuition or am I really *that* obvious? =p

  9. look who's talking. =p

  10. Just wanted to shout out....always likded your posts. Keep em coming, ya got a fan in me =P

  11. Thanks for all the shout outs yo! Uhm..not even a hi eh? It's all good. Here's a big ole holla to you silent ones. :) Thanks for dropping too ;)

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