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Posts posted by williamrobson

  1. Why are people, especially westerners, still riding in these mini-vans and VIP busses with all the press about how many accidents and deaths there are? The quickest way to save lives, is don't travel in Thailand in those death traps. Some of the responsibility does have to be shared with those who willingly hop on board. You can't say it is 100% the driver, the company, or the government. True, they are 100% responsible for driving well with well maintained vehicles. But passengers are responsible for their decision to get on. I have lived here 6 years and I never ride in them even though I have no car. I don't see why the plane or the train aren't chosen first. If they don't go where you want to go, don't go there unless you except and understand the risks associated.

    Because its cheap and convenient I use this service 5-6 times a year to get to BKK from Samui and back and until now I have had no personal reason not to use the bus. However after this story being quite close to home me and the wife pause for thought and will probably use the train next time even if it is slow and a pain to get too. Better to get to your destination safely I guess.

    Lucky you that you can avoid this means of transport. However the train and certainly flying (from samui) is just out of the question for most budget/time conscious people.

    In the end the VIP bus is cheep, comfortable, convenient and safe (most of the time)

  2. Me and the wife quite like watching the game of thrones series but the fast dialog means I have to pause every now and recap the scene for her. Any how the other day she was searching and found this http://www.doo-series.com/ an archive of many old and current streamed tv shows from around the world with Thai sub titles.

    not sure if this sight is already well known by you guys but thought I would share anyway. Enjoy.


  3. Last week I had the same problem, all be it a kittle less maybe 6 or 7 kg the wife suggested we take it to tesco so we did and they sorted it no problem. I have no idea if they charged any commission but came back an hour later and collected 1500 plus a bag of mixed foreign coins and a few left over bahts.

  4. I belive there was a topic along these lines not so long ago and the list that the rotery club has was mentioned. I have passed that info along to the person involved.

    However a friend of a friends mother has suffered a fall in KPG and has been transfered to Nathon hospital where she has been informed they dont have enough oh her blood type to peform the operation she needs. I belive the hospital has said if she wants the operation she has to find the blood herself ( this is third hand info so I am not sure how true it is) but anyway from what I know they dont have enough 0- blood and need more.

    So if you have 0- blood and are free on the morning of 23rd March pop down to nathon hospital your help would be apretiated i'm sure.

    Thanks, lots of good karma coming your way.

  5. Anyone else feel that that frigging truck advertising galaxy club several times a day is a bit much.

    I haven't been in the place but I am assuming its a strip club haveing a mobile advert for a strip club in my view really casts samui in a poor light. We all know girl bars, go gos that kind of thing is very prevalent in Thailand but like I said to have that thing driving around the island constantly in my view is a bit much. Not good for the the family holiday destination image.

    Very seedy

  6. Last year I was on a boarder run and got chatting to a guy who was working on the street selling time share he was about 30, with a shaved head and came from London. was a compete gobshite if you were talking to someone else about your black cat he would interrupt and rant on about his blacker cat. However from the fact he said he had to do the same run again in two weeks I am guessing he didn't have a wp.

  7. I would class myself as very lucky.

    Yesterday i found a pick slip in my letterbox informing me to go to the post office and collect 5 packages of jewellery i have been waiting for, from Bali (total 100kg). In the 3 months I have been waiting for it to arrive me and my wife have been asking around to find out roughly how much duty we were likely to pay and depending on the items we were told 30 - 50% import tax roughly 70,000 baht. Steep but still cheaper than buying from Bangkok. When i went to pick it up today the lovely post master informed me i didn't need to pay a thing! I dont know why and i don't care, I wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

    On the other hand I got some fossilised teeth posted with TNT from the UK 2 weeks ago and had to pay 1000b

    So yea, it looks like its pot luck.

  8. the noisy truck adverts is one thing, there is not only the RP advert truck, but Bar Ice, Chaweng Boxing, Petchboon Boxing, Bar Solo and several others if there are events comin' up.

    However the RP is one of the well established Samui Institutions, it's Legend, I know it from it's times when it really still was a small pub with a sandpit for a dance floor and since Sergio is the DJ, he is a piece of this institution..... my opinion is that those gentlemen who carry any complains about this entertainment place, look into the magic mirror and think about what makes them so old and think so backwardly... maybe it's "too old to rock 'n roll and too young to die!"

    by midnight the Reggea still enjoys it's clientel and they still enjoy the Reggea Pub music, there are choices, Bar Solo, the Green Mango, Ark-bar and more, Samui "Hard Rock Cafe" with it's 70ties Music, there is Roong Beer, and Camp Beer for some local taste... and yes, the red light district bars for "entertainment" with their squeeky girlies and the mind numbing "boom, boom, boom, boo, no money, no sex, no money, no honey, honey, honey" themes - well and then nobody is forced to go to the RP.. and yes another year samui is going through a bad downturn, june is approaching... many places closing, even "Chez Andy" has shut it's doors, the bars in Soi Reggae not only because of lack of customers, but yes beside bad business, being completely flooded twice in within under 4 month time.....

    I live very close by, in the area - it never bothered me... I'll go there if I can't sleep, or simply want some fun!

    My op was more to do with the poor choice of song used to advertise an event on a Sunday no so much the Reggae pub itself.

  9. I live on the ring road and get a fair bit of noise from traffic and advertisements that go past. As i got out of the shower today i could hear the massive ego which is Bonno singing Sunday bloody Sunday it took a second, and then i though, was that someone playing there music obnoxiously loud or..... someone is using a song about a massacre to advertise an event on a Sunday?!? well role on about 2 hours and i am sat at work and the same truck saunters past blasting out the same tune at ear shattering decibels and what was it?........ the Reggae pub and that moronic DJ (the tonight tonight Thai boxing one) advertising their beer drinking contest.

    Now i don't know which genius scripts these advert trucks but come on dont just play a song because its got Sunday in the lirics.

    Reminds me of Alan Partridge

    "'Sunday Bloody Sunday'. What a great song. It really encapsulates the frustration of a Sunday, doesn't it? You wake up in the morning, you've got to read all the Sunday papers, the kids are running round, you've got to mow the lawn, wash the car, and you think "Sunday, bloody Sunday!"."

  10. No problem. Just to let you know the non brand ones are made quite flimsy and i'm not sure how long it will last. Also they are cast aluminium so it wont work on an induction hob. All this talk of coffee made me dust off my Bialetti, makes good coffee but so strong any more than 2 and i start to get the shakes.

    Oh and if any one is interested i have Arabica Beans from Chiang Mai I get them posted direct from the farmer PM me if you fancy some.

  11. The photo you posted the Italian stove top type one i have seen them in the kitchen shop in nathon on the left about 50ish meters before you get to the big kassikorn bank.

    The better quality ones are made by bialetti and cost around 2-3 000 in thailand (remember seeing them in central shopping mall in bkk) however the one (of several they had in stock) i spotted in nathon about 6 months ago was a non brand one and was a 6 cup not a two. cost was 900b i think.

    good luck.

  12. Regarding Key money to secure a position in a good location I believe nearly everyone pays it. I am located in Lamai close to Fusion and the rent + key money works out as a fraction of the monthly cost of just the rent in Chaweng.

    Next April the 3 year contract is up and I know to renew the contract I will have to pay key money and that it will increase from when we last paid it, but the land owner couldn't care less. If I leave sure a pharmacy or one of the other likely candidates will take my spot and they know that so what ever they ask I just have t work out if its worth it.

  13. Hi Johnny

    I am 22 and in Pattaya as of 15th September Diving was over there in march april and found it difficult to find any divers who played golf thinking about taking my clubs over when i go back. just wondering what its like just rocking up and playing and how steep the costs are?

    Cheers Will

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