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Posts posted by rahni

  1. Hi

    We've been using travelex cashpassport card everytime we revisit Thai. Our rellies have the second card so we transfer money in to pay for the house (not so much)

    Question: If we wish to pay the house off while there this time, should we take 'cash' AU$ and walk into the bank with it and cop their rediculous charges etc. or change AU$ to Baht at the airport then hit the bank.

    Using the card at atm would be too costly at 20k bht at a time.

  2. I feel like being young, or a farang-noi if you will, still puts me in a bit of a novelty category in terms of my interaction with Thais. Sometimes I will go somewhere, be it a shop or restaurant or hotel and I observe that Thai people are much more friendly towards me than they are to you, a 40,50,60 year old farang.

    Now, there are likely a couple of reasons for this:

    1. There are more of you around so they are more likely to have experienced a problem with one of you. You are not at all a novelty.

    2. There are so many of you around that its like "Oh god, here comes another farang and his mia"

    3. Simply being precieved as attractive is very valuable in the eyes of Thai people. So they look at me and think "Oh he looks like David Beckman/Tom Cruise/etc"... whereas with you, its like "Oh god, he's gonna ask me a million dumb questions and make me speak English".

    4. I dress well, so might continue them in their line of thinking "Is he a famous athlete or model or movie star?", whereas when they see you they are thinking "Why does that farang sweat so much?"

    Now, sometimes I am kinda scared for the future, how I will be treated in Thailand. To be honest, again, I really don't feel like you guys get treated very well. I border on the line of saying that Thai people more or less hate you. Its not fair to many of you who fall into the minority and do behave, dress and act well... Because you are simply a victim of the overall perception earned by farang in Thailand. Its as though you were to walk through the ghetto and see a young black male with baggy pants and tattoos. Maybe he is a law student but you will probably assume he is to be avoided and perhaps selling crack...

    The perception of farang in Thailand, is again, "Oh god, xxxxxxxx" or "Oh god, xxxxxxxx + I hope I can get some money out of him".

    Thoughts? Has the ship sailed? Is there any way to save the farang image in Thailand? In 30 years, will I receive the same eye rolling, "please someone blow my brains out", sighing, "why god me" reaction from Thai people where ever I go that you guys are receiving now? Will I be the one posting about how much Thai people hate me and how all they are interested in is my money? Will I be the one inquiring about sin sot and complaining about the sick buffalo stories?

    HI CUPCAKE :-)

    Boy you have some type of experience that you wish to keep under wraps!

    Just be an honest caring person and after a while people will appreciate you, and not just as a toy boy who might have some $.

    Just like everywhere there are good and bad people and I'm guessing you are the latter in the wrong place! with a log on your shoulder ... sweetheart.

    Keep travelling ... the baby fat as well as the imature thoughts will fade ;-)


    I'm not in your above age suggestion either. (younger) not nearly as pretty as you though i'm sure.

  3. Some interesting repies to this topic!

    I am married to a Thai and have been for a few years.

    We have been back on many occasions to visit family and friends in recent years. We bought some rai and got a house built and are also hoping to live there in the near future. (I'm not, and never will rely on aus superannuation thanks) if I ever get to see any at all. I have much more faith in my own portfolio.

    I have been searching for ideas to establish a form of income, small business or something of some sort. I dont plan on sitting doing nothing except eating and drinking beer chang/leo etc. and deteriorating.

    What about tax? From what I've seen around Udon most wouldn't have a clue! Part n parcel with the rest of the corruption?

    What will our pathetic government try to get from me once I've departed?

    Can I leave a share portfolio where it is and then opt out (sell) (in one hit) and transfer to our acc. in Thai (electronic). Or would it be similar to one of the first times I came back to Australia with two cartons of cigarettes that cost me $16 in Nong Mek to discover our government would charge me $117 for a product that they have zilch to do with, because they're losing tax. (that's criminal) Thailand should be able to prosecute.

    If one has an investment of his own he should be able to keep it there for as long as he wishes with no questions asked, unless selling or disposing of, and attracting capital gains. However, if you keep a particular stock for more than 1 year you dont attract capital gains?

    The house is already in my wifes name to avoid this country's fraudulant exercises, and Thai, and yes in my wifes name which makes no difference, before there's too many comments :-)

    Yes we plan on moving back to Thai asap when we are satisfied with our finances and future. Not even thinking about any type of super, and never have, sounds good but ...

    Just a small business, one that provides a cheap, and yet unique necessity that Thai's can afford.

    Any ideas ??

  4. I live between Udon Thani and Sakhon Nakhon and am looking for a decent house builder. The area is Phang Khon 60kms west of Sakhon on the road to Udon. Anyone who know's of one and can pass on contact details either via this means or PM would be much appreciated. One that speaks a bit of English would be a bonus. Thanks in advance.


    My Father inlaw lives in Udon and is a very respected man and builder.

    I am in Australia and married to his daughter.

    I have seen many of his projects and depends on what you are looking for. We have just bought Rai in Udon and are getting him to build on it.

    You will get ripped off as I have seen some buildings and the prices that go with them.

    1 million Baht will just about get you a mansion depending on YOUR type of mansion.

    We talk to my father inlaw on a regular basis. I would assist you if you like.

    Hi Rahni,

    My wife Natcha and I are looking to build a house in the near future on our land at Bang Chang near Udon.

    I am an Aussie and Natcha's family come from this area so we would like to return to her village and build a nice home.

    Really don't know where to start so would like to make contact with your father in law to see what is possible.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Hi Purakan

    Is your land and inlaws living in Ban Chang A.Thungfon ?

    If so my Father inlaw and family are vertually next door in Ban Loawicha about three km towards Ban Dung. We/they frequently use the covenience store at Ban Chang and buy fish from a farm there.

    When you are there you could easily visit my father inlaw 'Thongtawee Thammasong' by going to the first shop on the left as you get into Loawicha and ask directions which is very simple, as they live down the first left turn at the shops and down 3-4 houses on the right, the one with the rendered fence and sliding gate.

    You could always explain that you have been talking to Shane, his daugthers husband and take it from there. As I said, we are regularly in touch via the phone.

    I am sure that if you were to catch up with him he would phone us.

  5. Hi,

    Due to a miscalculation, I will have to overstay for 1 day next month before taking my flight out to NZ. I spend a lot of time here, although I'm not retired or old enough, and have never overstayed before. So assuming I turn up to the airport (at Samui), apologise and pay my fine, will this affect any future touist visa/entry permits I might have?

    You wont pay a fine you wont go to jail you wont get locked up when you get home.

    Tax has gone up to 750bt now and somehow we avoided paying it when we came back because of delays etc , we went through in front of hundreds of people and never paid any ? (nearly missed the bus though) but not our fault.

  6. Not sure who you are replying to (300k) for a house in Thai ?

    But that is my point exactly ! after hearing that ppl on this site have said they have spent 1.8 mil ! and others asking where to find a builder !! Your joking surely ?

    Hi all

    I have noticed a couple of threads on building in Thai.

    I would just like to inform any who are interested , that my father inlaw is a builder in Udon Thani and is a very respected and trustworthy person.

    I personally know all of his workers and we have only recently bought Rai in Udon and things are under way to start building.

    I have seen prices etc. posted on this site that do sound well over the top (up to 50%) over the top from my experience which I HAVE seen and do know the financial side of things.

    Most of us Do realise that Farangs DO get ripped off unless they can speak a decent amount of Thai and understand the 'Thai' way !

    I'm an Aussi by the way who has been amongst the building industry in Aust. all my life.

    Any who would like info on anything I would be pleased to pass it on.


    What is your worry then?

    Thais can build a livable house at 300K baht.

    If you are ready to spend 30K A$ you could be in a mansion there.

  7. Hi all

    I have noticed a couple of threads on building in Thai.

    I would just like to inform any who are interested , that my father inlaw is a builder in Udon Thani and is a very respected and trustworthy person.

    I personally know all of his workers and we have only recently bought Rai in Udon and things are under way to start building.

    I have seen prices etc. posted on this site that do sound well over the top (up to 50%) over the top from my experience which I HAVE seen and do know the financial side of things.

    Most of us Do realise that Farangs DO get ripped off unless they can speak a decent amount of Thai and understand the 'Thai' way !

    I'm an Aussi by the way who has been amongst the building industry in Aust. all my life.

    Any who would like info on anything I would be pleased to pass it on.


  8. Hi,

    I live in Nong Mek, 8km East of Nong Han on the Udon-Sakhon Nakhon road and have built a house here recently (moved in Late Jan) with a local builder from Nong Hang. We did visit many builders and houses before we decided for this builder.

    If you wish we could bring you in contact with this builder, you will need to visit some of the houses he built though.

    We used some of the house books you can buy at any good book shop to find what we liked most.

    PM me if you like.

  9. Working on the principle that you should never post when you are either angry or drunk, I have slept on this matter and I am posting it the next morning.

    During Songkran (April this year), my then 22yo Thai boy-friend applied for a Tourist Visa to visit Australia for 3 months. Considering he was an ex-bar boy who had been unemployed for 3 years, supported by me the whole time, I didn't think he had much hope of getting a Visa - but he had no problems and was granted a visa. He stayed in Australia for 6 weeks, got homesick and we went to Thailand. We broke up.

    Fast forward 3 months. I have known W for a number of years. We are friends in the true sense of the word. We have been chatting on MSN for 2 years and I have met him on 4 occasions. Unlike Thai BF number 1, he is very different. He is a 30yo, university-educated and has a responsible government job.

    He has lived at the same Bangkok address for 3 years and has worked in the same government job for the past 4 years. He wants to visit Australia as a tourist.

    Last Tuesday, he went to Thai CC Tower with all his paperwork - passport (unused), photocopies of both sides of his ID Card, spare passport photos, his bankbook, showing he had sufficient funds for his holiday, a letter from me inviting him to apply for a tourist visa and stating the length of time we had known each other, in which I gave a guarantee I would support him and pay for his accommdation, meals, plus any legal, medical or dental expenses. He also had a day by day Itinerary of what we would be doing while he was in Australia. He had 6 months of my bank statements showing I was able to support him financially. He had a letter from the chief of his section at work, stating how long he had worked for the department and granting him 2 weeks' leave to travel to Australia in October this year and stating he had a job to return to. He had his Form 48R (Application for a Tourist Visa) filled out. He also had a photo-copy of the inside (picture) page of my passport and a letter detailing my visits to Thailand from Australia.

    All in all - I thought just the sort of person any country wants as a short-term tourist. When W arrived at Thai CC Tower, his paperwork was checked and he was told it was not necessary for him to have an interview - and he could collect his passport yesterday (Monday 06 August) at 3pm.

    At 3.30pm Thailand time 6.30pm local time, I phoned to get the result. He was shattered. So was I. He scanned and emailled the 3 page letter of refusal. Please read it. I have blanked out his name and my name for privacy reasons.

    post-6192-1186429442_thumb.jpg post-6192-1186429458_thumb.jpg post-6192-1186429475_thumb.jpg

    According to the Australian Department of Immigation's website, under ELIGIBILITY, W meets ALL the criteria. He is in excelent health, is of excellent character, meets the financial requirements and has no debts.

    He received a phone call yesterday (Monday morning from the Australian Embassy. He answered all the questions truthfully about the length of time we had known each other and stated I was just a good friend. He emphasised that he was applying for a Tourist Visa, not an interdependency visa (same-sex couples).

    Because he has no relatives in Australia - he can not appeal the decision to refuse him a visa. I want him to reapply immediately - but I want your opinion, please.


    I almost went insane with the burocratic rubbish to get my now wife here !

    I ended up getting a 'migrant agent' (yes costly) and definately registered to do ours because I had had a complete gutfull of the crap ..... and i mean CRAP ! all contradictory, and you would know what it is like to get everything politically correct in Thailand even down to the spelling of things for 'legal documents' !

    What a farse ..... GOOD LUCK !


  10. I live between Udon Thani and Sakhon Nakhon and am looking for a decent house builder. The area is Phang Khon 60kms west of Sakhon on the road to Udon. Anyone who know's of one and can pass on contact details either via this means or PM would be much appreciated. One that speaks a bit of English would be a bonus. Thanks in advance.


    My Father inlaw lives in Udon and is a very respected man and builder.

    I am in Australia and married to his daughter.

    I have seen many of his projects and depends on what you are looking for. We have just bought Rai in Udon and are getting him to build on it.

    You will get ripped off as I have seen some buildings and the prices that go with them.

    1 million Baht will just about get you a mansion depending on YOUR type of mansion.

    We talk to my father inlaw on a regular basis. I would assist you if you like.

  11. I have been to Thai many times (my wife is Thai) we're both in Australia. You already have a visa so a one way ticket wont be a problem. It's as simple as crossing a border and then returning to allow a further stay. Rules and regulations in Thai are a joke and you will find 'contradictions' everywhere all the time.

    So relaxed and an easy place to live ! We will be going back to stay soon.

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