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Posts posted by landtrout

  1.  Omeprazole is available at all pharmacies that I'm familiar with under several different brand names. The one that I purchase is called "Miracid", and a two week course of 20 mg capsules will run you around 75 baht on average.


     I'm not familiar with atorvastatin, but simvastatin (branded as "Bestatin") is also available everywhere (without prescription) in 5, 10 or 20 mg tablets. As Tmoney says: less than 5 baht/tablet.


     I've never priced lisinopril, but amlodipine (a calcium channel blocker, also used to control blood pressure) is available without prescription and similarly priced.


     In my experience, hospital pharmacies are FAR more expensive than retail pharmacies!

    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    So much for draining the swamp.


    But credit given where credit is due, the heat on Trump has caused his most ardent supporters to evaporate.


      If you're referring to his most ardent supporters on this forum? Almost none of them seem to be American citizens. Presumably, their paymasters have read the writing on the wall, and the rubles are no longer flowing...

    • Confused 1
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  3. 2 hours ago, RANGER55 said:

    Hey landtrout, I don’t have to. You and the rest say it over and over here on TV. If you would like the rioting and looting to stop get Trump out. Read you and your other Trump hate posts. Get Trump out and the violence will stop. You and others say it over and over.


    On 08/26, Don Lemon one of the CNN anchor people let the old cat out of the bag. On CNN he said this violence is hurting our poll numbers. Biden needs to come out and make a statement.


    BOOM, the next day Biden put out a rambling statement and finally at the end he says something like (and this violence is not good for anybody and needs to stop).

    So, I guess Lemon, CNN is working for the democrats. Lemon is now an adviser for Biden? Of course we already knew that.




    “But guess what? The rioting has to stop,” Lemon continued. “Chris, as you know and I know, it’s showing up in the polling. It’s showing up in focus groups. It is the only thing – it is the only thing right now that is sticking.”

    Biden eventually spoke out in a tweet Wednesday afternoon, saying Blake’s shooting made him “sick” but calling for an end to violence.

      You "don't have to" do what, exactly?


      You don't have to familiarize yourself with the contents of the 2020 Democratic Party Platform before lying to all of us about what's in there? Okay...


      You are also lying when you falsely assert that I have ever said "Get Trump out and the violence will stop".


      I have no idea what you mean when you say: "Read you and your other Trump hate posts", but I'll just go ahead and assume that it's another lie.


      Are you sure that you haven't confused me with someone else?

    • Like 2
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  4. 7 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

    Biden has been i Washington since 1972 . . . 47 years.  You forget that he already has a track record that anyone can access.  Obama refused to endorse him until very late in the game for reasons most can suspect.  Perhaps Obama's own words would explain?  'Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f*** things up'


    Biden and the Dems can create as many websites as they like to promote their idyllic platforms which look good on paper but after eight years of Obama and Joe's "Yes we can" policies I will kindly pass.



      What on earth are you talking about, and what is it that I'm supposed to have forgotten?

    Is this your way of admitting that the assertion you've seconded regarding the 2020 Democratic Party Platform was indeed a bald faced lie?


      Are you sure that you've responded to the correct post?

  5. 17 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

    Well, I guess I'll be called a liar.  In an Oct. 9, 2018, CNN interview with Christiane Amanpour Clinton remarked, "That's why I believe if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that's when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength."


    I would say RANGER55 is correct.  The looting and burning will not stop until they get their way, just as civility cannot begin again until the Democrats have regained power.  The legitimate process for instituting change is being hijacked and replaced by the process of mob rule.  Not difficult to understand the difference.

          So, you would join RANGER55 in asserting that "No, actually that is the democratic party’s platform. You either vote for us are(sic) we will continue to lot(sic) and burn." Is that right?


    Here is a link to the 2020 Democratic Party Platform: https://democrats.org/where-we-stand/party-platform/


    I've read it through, and am unable to find the plank that both RANGER55 and now you are referring to. Please point out the section that reads: "You either vote for us are we will continue to lot and burn." It's quite a long and interesting read, so take all the time you need!


    When you're done with that, you might want to have a look at the 2020 Republican Party Platform.


    Unfortunately, none exists. :whistling:

  6. 1 hour ago, Why Me said:

    Jeezus, Nov. was the Dems to lose. And now they have figured out exactly how to accomplish this. Strident, insincere and amoral. The country isn't going to vote for a President Kamala Harris, which is what the Dems are asking with this pick.


    You would have thought after the 2016 debacle they would have figured out that pandering doesn't get you across the finish line. And likeability matters. Ah well, we'll survive 4 more.


       I'd be interested to hear your opinion as to who the Democrats were "pandering" to when they chose Tim Kaine as their vice presidential nominee in 2016.


      As far as 2020 is concerned, they could nominate Mrs. Butterworth without coming close to losing my vote. Talk about likeable!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 1 hour ago, scorecard said:

    Would you mind please sharing the name of the quarantine hotel you used in Bkk, whether it was satisfactory and whether the hotel was flexible if you had to change the hotel check-in date. Thanks.


      I booked a room on short notice at the Maple Hotel in Bang Na. Typical "4 star" (2 1/2 stars would be more accurate) Thai hotel in an area that doesn't see many foreign tourists. It was one of the least expensive options at 33,000 baht for the 15 nights, and although far from luxurious it was acceptable for the purpose. When I booked, they asked for a 50% deposit with an option to change the check-in date once for no charge. I believe that any subsequent changes would have cost 1000 baht.


      The only notable thing about the room was that it had a small balcony, which might prove useful for smokers. No alcohol allowed, but nobody checks your bags! ????


      Feel free to PM me if you need more info.

    • Like 1
  8.    Looking at these replies, I guess that the answer to your question is dependent on where you're traveling from, and which ASQ hotel you've booked.


      In my case, no Covid-19 test results were required during the CoE application process. They were required prior to boarding the plane in Los Angeles, and were examined by both the Thai authorities on hand and the airline staff before a boarding pass was issued. Upon arrival at Suvarnabhumi, they were examined by several layers of medical/governmental officials, and again when I arrived at my quarantine hotel.


      I was tested well outside of the 72 hour window before my flight departed L.A. (approximately 90 hours), and the results were issued approximately 60 hours before departure. They were not questioned by anyone, so it would seem that (in my case, anyway), all they were interested in was the time the results were issued, and not the time the test was taken. I arrived at my quarantine hotel nearly 120 hours after the test was taken, and 90 hours since the results had been issued, and was not required to test again when I checked in.


      Of course, your mileage may vary!

  9. 21 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

    Interesting take. We've seen people boast about the popularity of thugs like Whitmer and Cuomo. Even if true, I suspect that as time goes on, more people are going to suspect they've been bamboozled by power-hungry, incompetent thugs. They say Whitmer is on Biden's short list. Oh lord PLEASE let her be the VP pick.


    2 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

    Thugs are violent criminals. What violence or crimes did the protesters commit?



    • Haha 2
  10. 39 minutes ago, DefaultName said:

    If Farrage hadn't kept going all these years, Brexit wouldn't be happening.  He stuck to the same message for 25 years, what other politician has done that? 


    Don't forget that he walked away from a good career to do this, he'd personally be much better off if he hadn't but his principles forced him to do it.  


    I'd shout him a beer any day of the week.

         Not sure that I'd shout him a beer. Maybe a milkshake?








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  11.   The only place that I've ever seen proper masa in dough form in Chiang Mai was at Kasem store (the original shop, on Ratchawong, near the Chiang Moi intersection), but that was several years ago. As I recall, it was being supplied by a woman in San Sai, whose handmade tortillas were also available.


      Maybe worth an inquiry?  https://goo.gl/maps/FtBQAky4VVyY7fsa6


      I've got about ten kilos of P.A.N. precooked white cornmeal (harina de maiz, popular in Venezuela and Colombia), which will certainly do in a pinch! I could easily spare a few bags if you're interested?

  12. 7 hours ago, Monomial said:

    I have long since given up trusting the mainstream media to present anything even closely resembling a balanced viewpoint. They are all commercial enterprises now, catering to their audience and presenting only the evidence that is likely to get a warm reception by their readers. So I decided to try some informal research on my own. I already understand the pro impeachment argument, because to me it is quite clear Trump broke the law, but I wanted to understand how Trump supporters viewed his actions.


    So rather than go in snarling venomous obscenities about how stupid and racist they are for supporting a demagogue as president, I actully tried something very rare in this day and age...I tried to understand their values and viewpoint. The result was interesting, and I suggest everyone try it rather than hurling insults at people who don't agree with you. It's actually much more productive.


    I actually called some aquaintences I hadn't spoken with for a while to catch up and ask their opinion. What I learned from my investigation is that a large number of Trump supporters also agree that he broke the law, but they view this transgression as very minor. Kind of akin to littering. In their mind, had Trump done something truly eggregious, like planting evidence or attempting to frame someone for a crime they didn't commit, that would be a step too far. But Trump was simply trying to bring exposure to the truth, which people feel was being covered up by the establishment. In other words, this whole thing is another example of Trump trying to "drain the swamp", and they think this is a good thing, even if the method he used to do it might be a technical infraction. After all, the laws are written to protect those in Washington from being responsible for their actions.


    There is no apetite that I could find in the Trump support base for conviction on this offense, and it is viewed as simply a Democratic smear campaign to denigrate a man trying to expose the hypocrisy that is politics today.


    I think this effort was instructive. Unless there is more to this story that hasn't yet been revealed, based on what I heard, the answer is probably no. Trump supporters seem to have a perspective that approves of what he did, rather than disapprove. Of course, the less radical believers want to hear more and don't mind the scrutiny of an impeachment hearing, but the bias is obvious. "If Clinton can commit perjury and not be convicted, certainly Trump shouldn't be convicted merely for overreaching to expose corruption."


    So I am convinced he won't be convicted. The blowback from voters would be unacceptable to the Republican Senate. You can disagree. I certainly believe it is in the best interest of the country to see Trump gone. But I don't see any universe in which it happens unless what he did is a lot more serious than what has been accused of.




          I appreciate your sacrifice and analysis, and would probably take your suggestion, but... I no longer know a single Trump supporter. I'm on friendly terms with thousands of Americans, and a small percentage of them (mostly family...) were duped into voting for Trump in '16. Most of those have valiantly attempted to justify that decision (in spite of the overwhelming evidence that they'd been played...) over the course of the past two and a half years, but the last couple of weeks have been the straw that's broken the proverbial camel's back. At this point, I don't know a single American who hasn't come to the realization that the future of our nation is in dire jeopardy, and that this cancer must be eradicated before it's allowed to metastasize. I can't imagine that my situation is unique?


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  13. 5 hours ago, ThaiPauly said:

    Bob is most definatley not " Trailer Trash" we have some lovely trailer parks in the UK and I am sure that this is the type he is alluding to....there is no Trailer trash in the UK, but I have seen plenty of trailer parks in the states where the rednecks live and they are definately Trailer Trash

        Country Dick has been there, done that, and would likely beg to differ...



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