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Posts posted by sesame

  1. If you don't want to spend a huge amount on completely rewiring your house, just head down to Homepro and pick up a spool of 2.5mm earth cable and a 1m copper earthing rod and run your own earth to each shower heater.

    If you see an earth cable already attached to the shower heater, you might want to double check the connection. Often as not, the earth wire heads up into the ceiling and is wrapped around a nail banged into a concrete beam. Because all the water pipe here is PVC, there's no automatic earth connection to any exposed metal so you have to run your own.

    It's also worth running an earth to your washing machine & dryer. Modern fridges are mostly double-insulated with a two-pin plug so don't need an earth. It's also worth installing three-pin sockets in the kitchen for toasters, microwaves, etc that come with a three-pin plug.

    Many Thai houses have a SafetyCut ELCB built into their main power board, but as far as I've seen it's generally set to "bypass" making it completely useless. This is because the standard way these are wired is upstream of all circuits - including high current kitchen equipment like ovens and ancient external air-conditioners - all of which are likely to continuously trip the SafetyCut under normal operating conditions.

    A better idea - specially if you have kids around the house - is to just buy a single circuit RCCB from Homepro (best if it's the same brand as your electrical board) and connect it in-line with the breaker for your two-pin power outlets.

    It's really fairly easy and cheap to earth the critical items in your house. Better than doing nothing and putting up with the tingling and occasional shocks. And the worry of knowing that there's no protection against your kids accidentally frying themselves!!!

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