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Posts posted by ulfson

  1. I hope those guys are the real killers because, at this time, Thai Police NEVER EVER will retract its decision. The case, real or "fixed", is CLOSE...but... doubts about.. never will go away.

    I believe that is a lot more behind.

    Why the bar owner brother and his son rejected to do the DNA test?

    Innocent people will collaborate with any police investigation if asked to do so. Thai people are always very worry about gossips, and will try to avoid it in any way...The behavior of this people raise valid suspictions...

    They may do the testings someday...but only after the case is "properly fixed".

    Would it be so difficult for some authority to collect a DNA sample from Nomsod and his Uncle through a drinking glass or similar. Or does this happens only in the movies?

  2. i wonder about that different % of gold

    i have gold crowns from the states and they look like gold

    these do not, even the high percentage ones don't and have black ridge near the porcelain edge/gum

    next time i will go for the low gold content verses the highest to see if there is any noticeable difference

    i smell scam but can't be sure

    No it is not a scam. Even with high percentage of gold, the metal used for porcelain framework is mixed with mostly palladium to get a higher melting point than pure gold. This is necessary so the frame will not melt before the porcelain is baked on at around 1800F and you are right it doesn't look like gold, (looks more like a non precious metal), but it is a noble metal.

    This black ridge happens when the metal framework are extended all way to the margin of the prepared tooth and then the metal will be showing through the thin porcelain in this area. To avoid this the tooth has to be prepared with a ledge in the front and then the margin will be made in porcelain with no metal behind. I thought all dentists did this today, without having to tell them.

    Today crowns and bridges can be made of all porcelain with no metal frame at all. and the black line problem will not exist. However of some reason this crowns and bridges are more expensive than the ones with metal frame. Even when it is less work for the technician to construct a such. That you could call a "scam." Next time, ask for Porcelain margins. Hope this was helpful. Aloha.

  3. I can highly recommend The Paragon dental office at Pattaya Klang. I have been there on different occasions and have been treated by 3 different dentists. I guess depending who one had the jour at the time of my drop in. 2 Lady Dentists and one young Male dentist, working in the weekends. All of them very pleasant and professional. Of trade I am an certified dental technician for more than 50 years and have worked for dentists in Sweden, Germany. USA and Dubai UAE. I have crowned all my teeth myself (together with a dentist of course) so I know fairly well what is necessary or not when it comes to treatment. It is not many of them, the dentists, I would open my mouth for. One Sunday I Pattaya I got a cavity on a lateral which I had a porcelain veneer on. I just passed by and noticed their office was open, so I went in and asked for an appointment as soon as possible. No need appointment. Dr. can look at it right now. This young male dentist, (sorry I can't remember his name) took an x-ray an found the cavity so deep that the tooth couldn't be saved. So I needed a 3-unit bridge and He could start emiditly for a price of 10,000 Bth. (Ridiculously low compared to US). Extraction of the lateral, root canal plus pin on the cuspid and preparation of the central. Made an excellent temporary bridge. Had to heal a couple of weeks after he took the impression and 4 days later he seated the new porcelain fused to metal bridge. Superb fit and shade match. I couldn't have made the bridge better myself. That young Dentist is definitely on the top 10 scale of hundreds I worked for. Paragon at Pattaya Klang.

  4. Why 3 days in hospital. I had an hernia on the other side done 3 years ago in Hawaii. I had to show up at the hospital 7.00Am (with empty stomach) and ready to go home 11.30Am same day. As I said well over $10,000, But Medicare paid.

  5. I think Memorial Hospital has an exceptional good service. I was there Sep.3 for an evaluation of an hernia, According to the Dr. it was very small, but if I wanted to have the surgical done there, they gave me a "special" price of 122,000 Bth incl. everything. But what I didn't like was that I had to stay in the hospital for 3 days.That is only one third of the price here in Hawaii, where it is well over $10,000 So 38k-80k seems like a hell of a good price.

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