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Posts posted by stoneman

  1. Only the corrupt Shinawatras would dare push through a 2 TRILLION baht loan with just an 8 page outline. Thank goodness this was stopped. Everyone knows this loan would be used to line the pockets of Shinawatra cronies first had it gone through.

    It would also have been misused to pay the farmers and cover up the losses from the rice scam. PTP scum! bah.gif

    It is my opinion that all the protests and demonstrations in BKK are tied to this loan....The Chamber of Commerce University did a study and they found that the corruption rate in govt programs is 35%...So there is 700 BILLION baht in corruption there for the party running the govt when it is started....The best business in BKK would be to open a Maserati/Rolls Royce/Bentley dealership across the street from Government House...

    • Like 1
  2. Jim..

    I had not thought about that...I will stop by one of the many nurseries here that sell rubber trees and try to do some negotiating...Thanks for the info..



    I guess I am not as good of a negotiator, No one seemed anxious to even quote a price to buy the grafted sticks...I did find a lot of completed grafted sticks(in the soil - in the plastic tube) that had not budded out on the graft....The best price I found on these was 30 baht each, based on buying 2,700...I tried to get a feel for the number of "dead" grafts there would be 6 months from now and no one seemed to want to give that info...

    So I finally found some grafted sticks that had already started...New growth about 2 inches high...I bought these for 33 baht...But he is delivering them to my place and will put them into the nursery that we built...It will take 3 trips to get all of them, so the extra few baht is saving me a lot of work...

    So I am satisfied with my purchase....Now if they were just in the ground, I would feel a lot better...


  3. Stoneman, do your own nursery, it's easy. Nothing but some poles, shade cloth and a water pump. Make a deal with a nursey to buy the grafted sticks and stick them in plastic tubes. The nursery will have the bags. Make a wood fram to lean the trees against, water daily. Think I have a pic somewhere on picsa or flickr [yahoo] of the one we made. Not hard at all. Jim


    I had not thought about that...I will stop by one of the many nurseries here that sell rubber trees and try to do some negotiating...Thanks for the info..


  4. Yes, i sent a request as soon as the topic got off the ground, had a reply saying Bina would do it but her internet connection is very unstable in her kibutz, so if it goes of the front page, will perhaps try George,

    Cheers, Lickey.


    Thanks for all your efforts....A personal note...My little NamSum "tractor" is working out great....It gets me and my equipment back and forth to the farm in good fashion..

    I do have a question for this group...We have 1,000 trees that we have been processing for two years now and we seem to have a good handle on the operation...

    We have bought another 40 rai just outside of our home here in Nong Wuaso and will spend the next year getting it ready to receive rubber trees....

    9 years ago, when we bought the trees that are now producing, the price was 13 baht each and they were very nice size trees...I know the price of trees has increased considerably and I am hearing stories around here that they are as high as 60 baht each...

    Since we need to buy about 3,000 trees, my question is,,,What is the best(most economical) way to buy..Should I consider buying the small saplings that have just been budded and raise them for a year?....

    Am also wondering if the price of trees is lower down south?...If they are, I would be willing to invest the time to drive there and pick them up..

    Just trying to figure the best approach...3000 trees is a big investment and would like to make sure that I buy the smartest way...Appreciate any info or guidance..


  5. Planting the trees fairly close together, assuming that they are an A and a B cultivar will work good...If the two trees you planted are both A's or both B's, you will have a very small, if any, crop...The normal A cultivar used in Thailand is the Australian or Phillipine Hass and there are a ton of B cultivars available(Booth 7 and 8 are my two favorites)...

    Plant them in a well drained area away from any standing water...Root rot is the #1 killer of avocado trees...

    During the dry season water them, at least, twice a week...get the soil wet all up under the full circumference of the tree...At the beginning of the rainy season fertilize them with a 50/50 mixture of 15/15/15 and 46/0/0...Reapply towards the end of the rainy season and a light sprinkle during the dry season...

    About the only "bug" that they get is a white mite...very small and looks like powder on the branches...We spray the trees with "Paradon" when we see this...

    Any other questions, let me know...


    thanks for that, much appreciated.

    i hope i have success, cause i love avocados. maybe in a couple years? i was reading where the booth 7 variety is a good producer. do they taste similar to the hass variety?

    Taste and consistency is very close to a Hass, but not quite as oily ans about twice the size...


  6. the missus bought 5 in korat. they were grafted plants, well, at least 2 were. i saw no sign of grafting on the other 3. i asked her what variety they were but she didn't know. when i finally got around to putting them in the ground, i noticed a tag on one that said "booth 7". googled it and sure enough booth 7 is a variety.

    has anyone ever tasted this variety?

    tried to attach a photo of 2 of the plants, hope it works...

    In my opinion, I like the Booth 7 avocado better than the local Hass variety...They are big...about the size of a softball and weigh over 1/2 kg each...


    well, that's some good news. thanks for the reply.

    now if i can just grow these things without killing them....

    stoneman....without going into any great detail, could you just give me the basics on growing an avocado tree? i planted 2 close together (in the picture). a mistake?

    thnx in advance.

    Planting the trees fairly close together, assuming that they are an A and a B cultivar will work good...If the two trees you planted are both A's or both B's, you will have a very small, if any, crop...The normal A cultivar used in Thailand is the Australian or Phillipine Hass and there are a ton of B cultivars available(Booth 7 and 8 are my two favorites)...

    Plant them in a well drained area away from any standing water...Root rot is the #1 killer of avocado trees...

    During the dry season water them, at least, twice a week...get the soil wet all up under the full circumference of the tree...At the beginning of the rainy season fertilize them with a 50/50 mixture of 15/15/15 and 46/0/0...Reapply towards the end of the rainy season and a light sprinkle during the dry season...

    About the only "bug" that they get is a white mite...very small and looks like powder on the branches...We spray the trees with "Paradon" when we see this...

    Any other questions, let me know...


  7. Found a web link for the Pak Chong Research Centre and here for Google Maps

    Hope that helps. Planning a trip to Bangkok soon and would like to visit myself. MIL still fretting over what to plant in the field!


    Many times the Research station will not have avocado plants for sale...The best place to find them is at a nursery along the highway...traveling from BKK, it is on the right hand side before you get to Pak Chong...just after you climb that long hill...His name is Narowit and his phone number is 081-547-4424...He should have a lot of avocado trees this year and several different varieties...

    I grow all my trees from seed and when they are 2 years old, I haul them down to him and he grafts them for me...I have had very good luck with his grafting...Am just now putting out 75 trees that he grafted for my last July...


  8. the missus bought 5 in korat. they were grafted plants, well, at least 2 were. i saw no sign of grafting on the other 3. i asked her what variety they were but she didn't know. when i finally got around to putting them in the ground, i noticed a tag on one that said "booth 7". googled it and sure enough booth 7 is a variety.

    has anyone ever tasted this variety?

    tried to attach a photo of 2 of the plants, hope it works...

    In my opinion, I like the Booth 7 avocado better than the local Hass variety...They are big...about the size of a softball and weigh over 1/2 kg each...


  9. The Amity Treaty violates WTO regulations and AFAIK cannot be used for setting up companies anymore.

    I have owned an Amity Treaty company in BKK for over 6 years and the US embassy is still assisting in completing the paperwork for new companies...Agree that they are in violation of WTO, but they still exist with the knowledge and approval of the US and Thai govts...


  10. Looking for info on km per lt...

    The Isuzu D-Max is a 3.0 liter in Automatic.

    I have a 2008 manual Isuzu D-Max 2.5 liter, and before that a manual 2004 2.5 liter, the new engine is much better on km per lt.

    I am looking to buy a 2006 Isuzu D-Max 3.0 liter Automatic, as a 2nd pickup but 1st would like to know from any owner Please info on km per lt on the Auto 3.0 Lt.

    I have a 2008 3.0 ltr Isuzu diesel automatic....I have put 40,868kms on it in 16 months....I have bought 3029 liters of diesel for and average of 13.5km/ltr or 31.5 miles/gal....


  11. Hi - you have missed the point here a bit. The builder has been paid for the final stage of construction and hasn't done it. The money to finish the house has been handed over to the builder already. If I get another builder I have to pay out twice. The claim for lost rent is a claim for the income I have lost out on because the builder hasn't done the work I have paid him for and he has signed a contract to do. the builder has continually told me he is just about to start .... Effectively my money has been used as a loan by the builder to pay to complete other jobs.

    Had a very similar situation with my builder...When it came time for the final 20% payment, it was very apparent to me that he was going to use the money on other projects and attempt to bring them up to date and get money for that, which he would use to complete my house...I refused to make the payment..Instead, we put the money into an account and each time the builder spent money for our house, we paid him out of that account...When it was completed, we turned over the balance in the account to him...


  12. Hello people, :) I too have just joined. My Fiance and her family have found what seems like an investment op. 23 rai, 2000 trees, all ready for first tap next year, brand new house with electric and water but seems to be about 90% finished. My fiance and her family (mother, father and 5 brothers have all tapped before) 5 hours North east of Bangkok near Bhan Kruhat. 2.9 million baht. I am looking to retire there and will start a company so I can maintain land ownership through it. I will see it for the 1st time 22/09/09 where a down payment is to be delivered. Reading some of the replies from the past replies re. pricing, I get the feeling this might not be too bad. Please advise if you can. Reason for selling is the woman feels the land is too far from her home now at her age and wants to purchase land closer to her home. should the trees be a certain diameter around at a certrain age? What is gpt/ Gallons per tap? 600? 250? Thanx for any advice

    My advice....Walk Very Slowly....You're going to make a down payment and you are going to turn this over to the family...Remember...Never spend money in Thailand that you can not afford to lose...... There is no way you can set up a company that will guarantee you continued use of the land...Even the best agreement is a dodgy situation... My advice...Wait...Do nothing and keep your money in your pocket..


  13. I saw them in Homepro in Udon.

    Thanks very much for the inf...Will stop by there yhis week


    If you do not mind taking a drive down to Khon Kaen I can recommend a very good company that specialises in water treatment and swimming pools. They know their stuff. The company is called iWater and is located on the left side of the super highway heading towards KK about 1 km after the KK by-pass intersection.

    The owner's name is Chalermchai Vongnarkpetch and their telephone number is 043-394 252. Khun Chalermchai has been to Denmark several times and knows the Grundfos pumps very well.

    iWater also has a good selection of various filter systems.

    Their website is: http://www.iwater.co.th/index-en.html

    I lived in KK before, hence why I know of this company.

    Thanks very much...Have sent them an email..Also interested in a filter system for the house


  14. Grundfos MQ3-45 all the way . . . had one for the past 3 years and it has done nothing except work perfectly - so much so you forget it's there!

    In short if you want good water pump then buy one from a company that specialises in making pumps . . .

    I know people who had Hitachi, Mitsubishi and others because they didn't want to pay the Grundfos price - however my Grundfos is still working perfectly where as their poor excuses for pumps have either packed up completely or are on the verge of it providing sod all pressure.

    An example of how good the Grundfos is - in my upstairs bathroom I have a large head rain type shower which if I open the tap full on it's quite painful on the skin . . . oh and if someone flushes the toilet or turns on a tap whilst I am in that shower . . . absolutely nothing changes! I love that shower! :):D

    I have seen the Grundfos CH series at Global House and ST Mall in Udon Thani, but have not seen the MQ3-45....Anyone know where I can find this in Udon?


  15. Stopping corruption is easy. Pay officials a LOT more money, or someone else will. The increased revenues gained by simple enforcement of the law will more than offset the pay increases. :)

    SNGLife....I think you are being a little naive if you think that giving govt officials a raise will stop the corruption...The raise will just add to their salaries and the extortion will continue...They will never get enough money to stop the corruption


  16. My Land (100Rai) with rubber trees starts producing this year,

    and we agreed on a 70/30 split......which I think is fair.

    A question which would be helpful to calculate the actual income would be,

    how man KGs does a tree produce per year?

    then one can calculate and make decisions.

    RRR...100 rai...80 trees to a rai is 8,000 trees and they have been growing for 7 years and you have no idea of the production levels?...

    You need to start by Googling "Thai Rubber" and start reading...you need an education in a hurry....


  17. My Land (100Rai) with rubber trees starts producing this year,

    and we agreed on a 70/30 split......which I think is fair.

    A question which would be helpful to calculate the actual income would be,

    how man KGs does a tree produce per year?

    then one can calculate and make decisions.

    RRR...100 rai...80 trees to a rai is 8,000 trees and they have been growing for 7 years and you have no idea of the production levels?...

    You need to start by Googling "Thai Rubber" and start reading...you need an education in a hurry....



    New report on BMA fire engines rejected

    Attorney-General Chaikasem Nitisiri has rejected an updated report on the scandal plagued fire vehicle purchase project, calling it incomplete.

    According to Chaikasem, the report prepared by the National Anti Corruption Commission (NACC) fails to mention the opinions of a joint panel of the NACC and the Office of the Attorney-General (OAG) as to who should be prosecuted and on what charges.

    The joint panel was established to tighten the report on the controversial contract to buy fire vehicles from an Austrian supplier for Bt6.68 billion. Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) entered into the contract based on an agreement of understanding signed by Bhokin Bhalakula, then Interior Minister, and the then Austrian ambassador.

    Several investigations have found that the project is mired in corruption.

    "The NACC will have to improve on its latest report before it can put the case before the Attorney-General again," Deputy Attorney-General Waiyawuth Lohtrakul said. He heads a panel in charge of cases that damage the state. Waiyawuth said the OAG would bring the case to courts only if the Attorney-General shared the joint panel's opinion.

    Deputy Attorney-General Sima Wannakowit says the OAG has not yet sought a court injunction to prevent payment of the next installment to the Austrian supplier. "We have to go through piles of documents before we can reach any conclusion," Sima said.


    -- The Nation 2009-08-01

    I wonder if the fire trucks, ambulances and fire boats are still sitting on the dock in Lam Chaebang? How long has this been going on? ...at least 4 years...Probably a little rusty by now...and it is obvious that these vehicles were desperately needed if they are still sitting there and no replacements purchased...

  19. Realizing that there is a long period of waiting before you can harvest, after that period is done, what kind of return can be expected per Ria?

    What are the up keep costs?

    In Issan do they require irrigation or will the rains when and if they come take care of it?

    Hello out there,

    This is my favourite subject, what has happend with all those people starting planting rubber trees the last 3 - 4 years ?

    Me myself have about 30 rais of 3 year old trees doing quite great though they need quite alot of fertelizing and work to keep the grass away.

    We are living in Kalasin amphur Don Jaan.

    I just wanted to get this topic updated because I want to read and learn more from all you doing "dtawn yaang" out there.

    Chook dee na kap


    We have 2,000 rubber 7 year old rubber trees west of Nong Khai. We have made the decision that at 50 baht a kg for smoked rubber, it is not worth the effort. So we have decided that, until rubber goes back over 70 baht, we will not cut and tap the trees....We are getting a lot of pressure from locals who want to do the collection for us...But the answer is a Solid NO...


  20. there was a topic ,a guy had reservations about having a mixed race child,i for one am so proud of my son cody,he was born 3 mths early,but from day 1 he never looked back,hes 17 mts now and today he climed up his swing and went down the slide all on his own,he laughed so much and i could see how happy he was i nearly cried,already if im in the park with him i see the girls looking at him,i must admit ill prob be a bit jelous of him when hes older as he should have no problems with the ladies,im sure every parent is the same no matter what,black,white, mixed ,short ,tall,pretty,ugly,blind,slow or anything else,DO YOU AGREE ?

    We feel the same way about our son...He is really a special guy...He is now 6 years old and every morning when we drop him off at school, there are 3 or 4 girls there to walk with him into the school...


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