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Posts posted by horisize

  1. Kissing and hugging and drinking in the park? OMG! Thats horrible! I got repremanded for giving my GF a hug inside a government building by a public officer. I think she is the one that needed a hug. And so does this lady. The road to hell is paved with "good" intentions.

  2. Define "corruption".

    A country can not be corrupt. The thought process of the people is corrupted. Though is controlled by language. language is controlled by grammar. All languages in the world are corrupt through grammar.

    The(adverb) Most(adjective) Corrupt(adjective) Countries(pronoun) in(adverb) the(adverb) World(dangling participal verb)

    The standard of grammar you have chosen to use throughout your contribution would seem to demonstrate the point you are making.

    Define "corruption".

    A country can not be corrupt. The thought process of the people is corrupted. Though is controlled by language. language is controlled by grammar. All languages in the world are corrupt through grammar.

    The(adverb) Most(adjective) Corrupt(adjective) Countries(pronoun) in(adverb) the(adverb) World(dangling participal verb)

    The standard of grammar you have chosen to use throughout your contribution would seem to demonstrate the point you are making.

    I would venture to suggest that examples of corruption could be found both in people with perfect grammar, and those who struggle to compose a sentence.

    yeah not many people are comfortable conversing in prepositional phrases. its just an example to prove my point. We cant expect to be correct when our syntax is corrupted.

  3. Define "corruption".

    A country can not be corrupt. The thought process of the people is corrupted. Though is controlled by language. language is controlled by grammar. All languages in the world are corrupt through grammar.

    The(adverb) Most(adjective) Corrupt(adjective) Countries(pronoun) in(adverb) the(adverb) World(dangling participal verb)

  4. OP, I'm against the 2 tier prices also.

    But I have to accept it, as it is also happening in my country and other countries I have been.

    Recently, after obtaining the Yellow book, I pay Thai prices.

    But to make a statement that they are racists because of that, it's out of order.

    It's just an attempt to increase their revenues from people that they believe that can afford to pay more.

    As I said before, Thais are not racists, but they do envy foreigners earning more money than them and can have a better life.

    Wouldn't you?

    I'm afraid that's very Thai logic you're spouting - discrimination (of any sort) on the basis of race is RACISM..............get it?

  5. When this guy opens his mouth all that is come out are lies! lies! lies!

    Hmmm. sounds like every politician in the world....in fact...sounds like most poeple :)

    BTW what exacly is the criminal charge here? where is the victim? The by-laws, codes and charter of the GOVERNMENT applies to the GOVERNMENT OFFICERS alone. I cant see this guy being a GOVERNMNET OFFICER in THAILAND. So the forreigner is in fact the injured party however the COURT and OFFICERS will presume that he is based on his PASSPORT and visum application (commercial contract).

    What happened to justice.....?

    • Like 1
  6. The cost you report are much higher than what other members report.

    If you have to wait until the child has been legitimised depends on the country you hold nationality of. What documents you need to provide (a translation of) vary also.

    OP has the options of waiting till he gest married to the mother, that will automatically make him the legal father of the child.

    I can only confirm what I just paid by myself (actually I am waiting currently for the court papers). Also about the time required.

    My sollution was taking the direct way and this starts with Thailand and in the next step proceed with your embassy. Our court systems obviously accepts and recognizes Thai court papers more easy than the other way around.

    Getting married solves this issue anyway. Here and everywhere... ;-)

    Getting married also creates issues far beyond common knowledge.

  7. One word "PLONKERS " !

    I guess you care NOT that most people have no idea what the word refers to.

    Why not write Ting Tong or Bababobo ? cheesy.gif

    Maybe the Phuket Police ignore that we can sleep in all Wat that exist in Thailand;

    I think nearly 90,000 ...?

    I know in the north of Thailand and in Issan so many GH/Resorts/Hotels they never ask for the passport ... tongue.png

    They have no reason to. A Passport is a document needed to pass a port for a commercial vessel. In fact photocopying a passport without consent from the issuing state is illegal. its all about being the biggest monkey and an excuse to extort.

  8. When the hell is this stupid shit going to stop. We report our address every 90 days and at extension of stay. What the hell else do these idiots want. They have computers update are address at the time of reporting and extending stay.

    Oh dear. Don't like it? Go home.

    Want to live in their country? Abide by their rules.

    Nonsense. Nobody likes this. Its a criminal money scheme (extortion) with no lawful basis. THIS IS MY HOME. We are all visitors to this planet. There is no logical excuse to support this. If you love something you naturally want it to improve and progress. Your comment defeats that purpose.

    • Like 1
  9. Sorry but thai visa forum is infiltrated by the mafia,that means police and army henchmen.

    Censorship and people on the payroll of the mafia are here and sabotage constantly this forum.

    Very disturbing but what can you do against multi millions of dollars

    Thailand´s system is incurable sick.

    And no,this is not off topic.

    This desease of corruption is everywhere and will prevail in this country,its just too deep in the society.

    Really sad but there is no solution.

    To install normal society in this country its too late,

    Too many generations of greed army and police at work already

    Impossible to repair,its just irreparable

    I don't think it's impossible but the hardest part is getting it off the ground. Prayud seems to have done that.

    You wish...

  10. Yes they can do this and they are acting within the law. In the past this has happened and people have been arrested and charged with not having work permits. Generally speaking, this kind of raid is usually the result of some kind of tip off from either a business rival or someone with an axe to grind against the company as a result of a personal grudge or something as trivial as a parking space.

    However, extortion is obviously illegal but reporting it without strong evidence can be hazardous unless you have a lot of witnesses etc.


    What law exactly? Under what jurisdiction? The police have no lawfull right to touch anyone unless there is a crime. To have a crime there must be a injured victim. Please explain where you get this from.

    To have a crime there must be a injured victim

    Where and when did you dream that one up?

    There are countless " victimless crimes"

    To be charged under criminal jurisdiction there has to be a injured party. I dont dream things up. Study law and you will see.

  11. Yes they can do this and they are acting within the law. In the past this has happened and people have been arrested and charged with not having work permits. Generally speaking, this kind of raid is usually the result of some kind of tip off from either a business rival or someone with an axe to grind against the company as a result of a personal grudge or something as trivial as a parking space.

    However, extortion is obviously illegal but reporting it without strong evidence can be hazardous unless you have a lot of witnesses etc.


    What law exactly? Under what jurisdiction? The police have no lawfull right to touch anyone unless there is a crime. To have a crime there must be a injured victim. Please explain where you get this from.

  12. Take a photo of the officer. sign the fine with "without prejudice UCC 1-308, (your name))

    All govenments were foreclosed 25.12.2012, but noone is being notified. They are still running business as usual. Get it straight. Issuing fines is a purely commercial endevour and has no roots in law. It is treason and theft. The only reason this terrorizing of the people by the not so bright is still going on in this century is that we let it happen by consent. Some not so bright without ranks and uniforms even agrees with this conduct. When you sign the registration (regis-tration) of your car, you sign away the ownershop of your vehicle to the state. You are now the keeper of the vehicle your bought. You are not the owner anymore. When you apply for a drivers -licence you concent to doing something illegal by paying a fee, and by admitting to be a licenced driver you also consent to being fined without having caused any accident. You consent to ususry. Guess what happens when you register to marry? Why do you get a marriage licence? I suggest you all do some reading. Common sense is not common it seems.


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