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Posts posted by Franzphuket

  1. Hi, my answer is late, I was out of Internet due to CAT for almost two weeks. Happy to be back!

    I had my daughter some years ago and now again a friend with a very good dentist specialised on braces in Phuket.

    Allways very good.

    His name is Dr. Montree. Sorry, I do not have more details about him at this time. He is located at Thepkassatri Road, in Phuket Town, not far from Phuket City Hotel. His clinic is just opposite of a furniture company.

    PM me, I will try to explain.

  2. Recovering Data from a broken laptop mostly is an easy job. Laptops brake from problems with the logicboard, the cpu. Just take out the HD and put it in another computer and you have all data available.

    A broken HD is a very difficult job, depending of the kind of damage. Time consuming. You need special software. The question is how much is it worth to you your data to be recovered.

  3. The company worked on this only since two months. It could not be solved until now. I have too many things around in the house which accumulated living here 13 years. The termites got into boxes, they like to eat carton. This will be a job for me and them, hopefully we can get rid some time.

  4. To fight termites I paid 8000 Baht for one year. My house is a two storey fifteen year old detected house on about 400 sqm of land. I am sorry to hear you have the problem too. I am in Chalong.

    did you have termites in your house or just on the land?

    In the house the first floor, the land, almost everywhere

  5. Stop to drink beer Chang....great, we do not need doctors and hospitals anymore. Just stop. That's it.

    Doctors normally tell you to stop smoking and drinking alcohol. This can help a little.

    What can I do when I think I or a family member seem to have dengue fever?

    I thank very much everybody for the detailed information about when you are infected and what is happening to you, to know, it is time to go to a hospital.

    After having an accident on the road I think Dengue is something I am afraid a lot to happen.

    Would you tell please what was your experience with the hospital you went. Of course I am most interested to know where to go in Phuket. Did they treat you well, cared for you? What did you pay at the end?

    Ten years ago I met a swiss man, who told me about his dengue-fever experiences he had. He first went to the International Hospital at the bypass road. He got a room, but nobody cared for him. There was nothing they did. The next day he let him transfer to Phuket International Hospital. There they cared better. This was his report. At this time I only know that Bangkok Phuket Hospital charge like a seven star hotel. I would be afraid to go there in an emergency. Can anybody give advice on this, where to go in Phuket?

  6. To fight termites I paid 8000 Baht for one year. My house is a two storey fifteen year old detected house on about 400 sqm of land. I am sorry to hear you have the problem too. I am in Chalong.

  7. Carrefour is a french company. Maybe they know it is best to sell off all those chips now before the people here learn about the health problems chips can make. (I do not think this is the reason really)

    It is in the news in Europe about Foodwatch have found out about the high content of Acrylamid in Potato Chips. This is something in the news in Germany since years. Everything fried or baked at high temperatures contains a lot of acrylamid. The producers of the swedish style of Knacke Broed and other cookie producers already lowered the baking temperatures to get the acrylamid content down.

    WHO sais a 20 kg child should eat not more than six chips of Pringle a day.

  8. I am not sure, maybe you talk about the same man. He is a tall european, who holds a Thai Passport. I forgot his name, Maybe because I really do not like to get remembered of my experience. I also saw him on the last TV Party.

    He promised me, he would care well for this engine in my LandRover. He charged me some money, added a thermal meter, changed some water hoses. A few weeks later, my car broke down. Overheated. I found out, that one water hose was not connected strong enough and went off. This one could not be reached easily. This cost me 50.000 Baht for a new engine. I never went back to him, what kind of proof do I have?

  9. About announcing an event at Phuket Gazette:

    Some years ago a thai good friend of mine, who organized a classical music event at the old Thai Hua School, the place which is a museum now, she wanted to announce this event, which was free of charge for everybody. I helped her to get to the Phuket Gazette online. She was very much surprised to have to pay 500 Baht. No wonder she did not use this place to announce this beautiful event. What a pitty. I almost saw no foreigners there. You can guess why?

  10. The Big Buddha

    A great eye sore. Sorry to hear you are not happy about your purchase. The people who donate are responsible for the construction there. Buying anything up there is a kind of donation.

    I used to be up there several times on this hill more than twenty years ago, then it was a wonderful place to be.

    Now I have to take all my visitors up there, everytime I am getting there I get more angry about what I see there, what they do with nature at this place, in the name of Buddha. I cannot believe that. There is so much money spent, on the other side it is necessary for foreigners to donate money to schools in Phuket to help poor children. This should be the most important thing for the buddhist monasteries to care. Not building such structures.

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