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Posts posted by triffid

  1. 14 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    If you have been extending a entry from a non-o visa insurance is not required.

    If you have been extending a entry from Non-OA visa it is required.


    looking at visa stamps in my passport, in an extension of a few years ago I see the words 'non-O retirement'  but in the last two years I see only the word 'retirement'; I don't see 'non-OA' anywhere.  all the extensions were for one year.  

    The complication now is that I won't be extending in the normal way because I won't return until after the current extension has expired.  I was thinking of getting a 90 day tourist visa and then applying to have that changed to a retirement visa at my local immigration office.

  2. 31 minutes ago, triffid said:

    I'm even a bit older than you but otherwise also have a clean bill of health.  Never faced the health insurance requirement in previous extensions.  So, to be clear, there is now a requirement for the specified insurance for all non-O retirement visa, whether new applications or extensions? 

    (Should I be bracing myself for a shockingly hig premium level - and is this quoted online by those companies?)

    In fact I'm 76 so was wondering if the listed companies - or any of them - will accept that age.

  3. 6 hours ago, Is this real said:

    Not so fast.

    I'll be 72 this year with a clean health record.  No diseases, or bad habits.  But, current insurance company won't renew policy because of age.  Others won't either.

    Actually, this is the only insurance I can now obtain BECAUSE the government requires it to be available.



    I'm even a bit older than you but otherwise also have a clean bill of health.  Never faced the health insurance requirement in previous extensions.  So, to be clear, there is now a requirement for the specified insurance for all non-O retirement visa, whether new applications or extensions? 

    (Should I be bracing myself for a shockingly hig premium level - and is this quoted online by those companies?)

  4. 20 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

    because we can't trust the chinese (some experts say the real number of deads from the virus is thousands and even tens of thousands) but also simply because most people who will die from the virus just got infected. it will take few more

    weeks until the new infected will start dying, and than you will understand.


    such scepticism should be applied at least as strongly to the official info put out by the thai authorities 

  5. 2 hours ago, Jip99 said:



    1) is unlikely to happen, but COULD. If you are concerned book a hotel in Siem Reap for 3 weeks ahead (that is cancellable) and tell them you are traveling overland through the Chong Chom border. Or.... jusdt tell them your story and that you are heading straight to immigration to arrange the Non-Imm O and subsequent extension - show your bank book.


    Chances of being challenged......1 in a million ?


    2) I think immigration would rely on the usual bank letter.

    on 1) i think i'll just tell them the truth - if asked. 

    and thanks for the encouraging comments, and for troubling to make them.  

    • Like 1
  6. there are two seperable aspects to this thread.  first, the risk to health of travel to thailand;   secondly the risk of difficulties being imposed in future by countries to which the op would aim to return.


    personally, and on current information - if it's reliabile -  the risk to health may be small and perhaps can be kept to manageable levels. the vast majority of the comments above relate to this aspect.


    but the second aspect, of unimpeded return to europe, would matter to me.  i wouldn't want to be barred, or face difficulties, or be quarantined when i try to return.  therefore until the uk and eu countries relax their current official caution on thailand i would postpone travel to thailand until the coronavirus situation eases.


    [as an aside to the topic, i wonder what evidence there is of a material drop in european arrivals in thailand or of european residents going (or staying) away temporarily from thailand, or of reductions in flights or prices among airlines.]

    • Like 1
  7. 9 hours ago, Jip99 said:

    In which case you will be in exactly the same situation as me.


    My extension expires 19 June but I leave Thailand, for European travel, in April and do not return until the end of June.


    I will enter on a visa exempt and then go to my l required 800k ocal immigration office to apply for the extension.

    Yes, we would indeed seem to be in the same situation.


    I wonder if you have inquired into, or know anything relevant about a couple of details that Jacko touched on and which are worrying me, namely

    1) the check-in desk not accepting me without a return ticket out of Thailand within the 30 days. (i'd be returning on a delayed return ticket i'd bought in thailand bkk/cdg/bkk).

    2) i've had the required 800k baht deposit in the bank for years and this has been accepted at each annual extension.  i've never been asked to prove it came from abroad. i don't know that i've any longer got the old paperwork to prove that the money came from abroad - of course this and all the rest of my funds in Thailand came from abroad.  all immigration looked into was that the depo was there for the previous 3 months. is this matter going to be a problem even though the bank book shows the deposit of long standing and that the immigration office will see the regular previous annual extensions?





  8. 23 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    A tourist Visa Entry, or a Visa Exempt Entry can be converted in Thailand to a non-Imm-O  (90 day) Entry. The OP is probably on an Extension (although refers to it as a Visa), but will not be in Thailand when he needs to renew. He is looking to let the current extension expire, and get a new one, and a new Non-Imm-visa will be required to start that process. 

    This describes my situation, so if I understand the Jacko's information above, I can enter on one of those entry visas - is the tourist visa available only at overseas Thai embassy, not at the airport?  Then apply in Thaialnd at immigr office to convert it into non-imm-O (90 day); then apply to change it to retirement.  

  9. On 2/8/2020 at 12:56 AM, jacko45k said:

    Yes, you could also use a Tourist Visa. 

    You would again need to show, for example, 800,000 in a Thai bank came in from overseas to get the 'conversion'. 


    What's a tourist visa as distinct from the visa exmpt entry?  Where is it obtained?  What are its pro s and con s as against the visa exmpt 30 day entry?


    I've had the 800k in Thai bank maintained all the while; presumably they won't want a fresh transfer from overseas.

  10. Am reviving this thread for reasons explained below..


    Given the potential crisis over coronavirus epidemic, and unless there is a dramatic improvement, I will probably postpone my return to Thailand beyond the coming expiry of my visa extension date.  I don't want to risk coming under restrictions or difficulty for return to Europe while the epidemic persists.


    I therefore accept that I will need to start from scratch to apply for a retirement visa when I do go back.  On current rules will it still be possible to enter on a 30-day tourist entry at airport under visa exemption for UK passports, and then go to an immigration office to apply for conversion to retirement visa? (I realize there will be the normal requirements of fees, forms, bank statements.


    Thank you very much in advance for your comments, advice, suggestions.

  11. thank you for responding.


    option of applying early is no good to me because i'll be leaving a few months ahead.


    option of getting the long stay visa at paris embassy is feasible - but docs list is cumbersome.


    option of coming as tourist and then changing status here seems worth looking into.  

    - i have a uk passport.  would i get a 60 day visa at arrival suvarnabhumi or do i need to apply in

      paris? (i have paris residency). i don't see anything on embassy site specifically about arrival visa.

    - are the formalities to switch my status - during the 60 day period - back to my usual retirement

      annual extension etc straightforward and relatively routine?  (I'd be using the korat immigration

      office). obviously i don't want any uncertainty about this. 


    many thanks

  12. greetings.


    i've had a retirement non imm visa for 12 years.  the next renewal is due in march. but i foresee being in europe around that period and if possible would like to delay my return to thailand to a few months after march.  


    what are my options to renew-retain-extend my retirement visa if i am not in thailand at the current renewal date in march?  can i do something at the thai consulate at paris?  is it better to return on a tourist visa and apply afresh once here?  would appreciate advice on which could be my best option.  


    many thanks.

  13. I'm looking for recommendations of a good upholstering company/shop/whatever.  My armchair cushions are stuffed with feather/down and I want this to be used - NOT the various type of foam etc that seems usual in this country.   Would be grateful for pointers which I could follow up on on the phone. (I'm not in Bkk so want to be sure before sending the sofa).


    Many thainks

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