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Malice in Wonderland

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Posts posted by Malice in Wonderland

  1. Hi,,

    If your visiting Lamai,,PJ's bar will be showing all the world cup games with English commentary,,A nice spacious bar with comfortable seating and 5 tv's,,I believe True Visions the Thai satalite company dont have the contract,, However in Pj's Astro the malaysian sat. company is shown with all games shown live,,

    been there many a time for football,plenty of screens and you can actually hear the commentary.. Highly recommended! :)

  2. [

    What is wrong with you guys? Doom and gloom. Quads are great. If 3000 THB is too expoensive for you then get a better paid job. Tourist love them. And this island is a tyourist resort. Dont like it get off.

    Or Take them out for a day. Enjoy the safety of 4 wheels. The locals love it because you are not driving a gas drinking pollution problem 4x4 truck. Great for popping down to the shops to get some drink.

    Stop moaning and get on with your life.

    With a dumb-ass comment like that you've gotta be one of the guys who's renting the things out ??

  3. Seems to be working fine apart from the lack of policing - e.g. why isn't there a officer on duty on a saturday night near the lady-boxing??. This seems to be when the system is roundly ignored. Maybe if those who owned cars drove them tight to the right kerb then the t***s that ignore the one way system might have to think twice about doing it again.After all,a clash between a scooter and a pick-up is only going to have one outcome....

  4. Want to get things fixed in a hurry??? Why don't some of the clever T.V. readers post photos of the worst areas on this site and then forward the link to major travel operators,travel writers and newspapers??

    If somebody shot some footage of the way kids "wheelie" down Lamai high st. every night and put it on youtube maybe it might embarass the powers that be to do something...

    It's no wonder tourism in Vietnam will double by 2010 and Thailand recently came top of a holiday insurance claims survey (vehicle accidents,crime and food poisoning!)

    Samui is in the unfortunate position of trying to meet the expectations created by the ruthless promotion of the island by the Tourist Authority of Thailand when the reality is not the "high-end" product they are promising... This approach only leads to disappointment for the customer who returns home and tells everyone how crap everything ACTUALLY is...

    Customers asked me virtually every day - " Where does the 15 billion baht tourists spend per year actually go ??" as yet I have been unable to furnish them with an answer (except maybe "plenty of new empty roads for Suratthani Province....") :o

  5. :o Anyone noticed the 'Boosted security measures'?


    CCtv already in operation in Lamai beach rd. Considering most crimes such as bag snatching are pinned on kids from the mainland wouldn't it be a good idea to have "CCTV in operation" signs up to act as a detterent and give tourists a little bit of peace of mind???

  6. Let's hope the clientele of this one ain't like BKK,full of ex-pat office bods comparing their TGF latest plastic surgery...

    doubt it , it will be full of gormless land agents at one end counting their wads and hard case falangs comparing tatoos at the other end.

    high slapper count goes without saying.

    get dowwwwwwwn !!! :D

    Wouldn't work in Hua Hin; they'd all be tripping over the zimmer frames.... :o

  7. It's gonna be open soon as the resident DJ for the new Q bar is currently keeping his skills honed with a night or two in Fusion in Lamai...

    Let's hope the clientele of this one ain't like BKK,full of ex-pat office bods comparing their TGF latest plastic surgery... :o

  8. Having just driven past the main market in Lamai I guess the protestors have already left as it is completely closed (first time I've seen that in 4 yrs...).Apparently they're all going to sign a petition to protest against the proposed Lamai store....

    I think they're pi**ing in the breeze as i believe the land has already changed hands (the thai owner "just couldn't say "No" to the generous offer,apparently...) Hmmm....locals going to moan yet one of their own has sold out to Tesco's...Just waiting for the slant where this will somehow be the Farang's fault.... :o

  9. Disgruntled Lamai market traders are currently mobilising "troops" to march on Tesco Lotus today in protest against a proposed second store in Lamai beach.... The proposed store is said to be between PTT Lamai and the temple(gas station side of the road)...

    Expect much banner waving and a sea of yellow shirts; If anyone gets caught up in it,please post to let us know how the "Mob" gets on... :o

  10. A small portion will carry on with the family tradition & not let the material world rule them too much.But the majority will just opt for the fast Baht & get out or live it up.

    Roo - a very pertinent statement; the Thai youth especially is being seduced by the outside world and surely doesn't give a rat's a*** about coconuts or fishing.They're all too busy chatting on their mobile phones and watching Big Brother whilst munching (and getting fat) on soda's and hot-dogs from the 7/11...They've seen what we've got and they want it - watch any Thai soap opera or pick up any thai teen mag for further proof....It's unstoppable. :o

  11. Revocation order for five land plot deeds

    Caretaker Natural Resources and Environment Minister Yongyuth Tiyapairat has ordered land ownership documents issued for five land plots covering 114 rai on Khao Dang mountain to be revoked.


    Which one is Khao Dang mountain , is that the Peak ?

    According to the earlier discussion topic - "Land Ownership on Samui being checked" it is the same mountain as "The Peak"....

  12. [quote name='bkkmadness' date='2006-08-17 12:15:45' post='852866

    It just seems a bit rich to be complaining about the non local influences on the island after they have sold that land to non locals and people without ties to the island. Everytime I am down there I hear about a local Thai trying to sell another bit of land to a farang.

    I can't help but thinking if the locals were a bit more careful who they sold the land to that these hassles could have been lessened.

    If they hadn't sold their land how else could they have afforded the hundreds of Toyota Vigo's and D-max's that now ply the overcrowded roads... Do you really think Toyota built a brand new showroom to cater for the coconut growers and fishermen??? course not;they're aiming at all the greedy thai's that have sold the "family silver" and have to be seen driving the very latest blinged-up truck....after all,they could have kept the land and stayed on their Honda Waves.... :o

  13. will anyone have the nerve to tell the truth here?

    i know of people who have been threatened by these people , and they are very scared.

    many people are scared to go to the bungy or the billabong for chance of being caught up in the whole affair.

    evrybody will keep quiet and defend them to avoid repercussions.

    i will , i want to live here for a while yet.

    Yeah, I'll have the 'nerve' to tell the truth here; I had a drink with Peter last night and guess what - it wasn't in a cell !!! He's out !!!!! .After so many posts that jumped the gun about their impending fate I do believe it's you "Mr Scared" that has got some 'nerve' in posting your crap in this forum.

    The poor bloke and his family have been through this week already and twits like you need your comments shot down for the unsubstantiated <deleted> that they are....

    "i will, I want to live here for a while yet" - Then for god sake treat other residents the way you'd like to be treated yourself instead of being such a plum.... :o

  14. Bangkok post.......

    firm to be sued for illegal land deals

    Title deed on Samui issued unlawfully

    A court order would be sought to revoke the land documents so the land could be returned to the state.

    The investigation was ordered by Mr Yongyuth following an uproar over an advertisement for the sale of a 514-rai land plot by The Peak property project posted by a foreign firm.

    The project developer was selling the land for eight million baht a rai, totalling more than 4.1 billion baht.

    The probe report handed to Mr Yongyuth found that title had been unlawfully issued for 96 rai of land on Khao Duang Nok mountain because the Sor Khor 1 land rights document held by the firm was for only 26 rai, not 96. The Sor Khor 1 paper was needed to apply for the title deed. The issuance of a land document for the firm's second plot, of about 500 rai, was being investigated.

    Look at the s*** that comes your way when you turn down a much reduced offer from the PM's crew for the same site.... :o

  15. Round-up of alleged land scammers 'could hurt image'

    SURAT THANI: -- The governor of Surat Thani expressed concern yesterday that a round-up of foreigners allegedly involved in land scams on Koh Samui may affect the province's business image.

    Business Image? Take a long look at the roads, the infrastrucure and the accident rate;that's what is making Samui an international joke.How long can tourists keep asking "Where does the 18.5 Billion Baht we spent here last year actually go???" It certainly builds plenty of wide well-made roads in Surrathani Province...

    Ruangnam admitted that news had affected investment, but he believed investors would return.

    Affected it enough that Bangkok big-wigs will be going around buying land cheap during the "engineered crisis??" :o

    -- The Nation 2006-07-20

  16. From Bangkok Post Today.............................


    Land scandal officials face probes

    The project developer had named two Thai companies, Great Hills International and Ratchathani, which are subsidiaries of Bangkok-based Piyavate Hospital Group, as owners of the land.

    An inquiry was being conducted to see if the two firms were owned by Thais.

    It won't be much of an inquiry if "you know-who" or one of his pal's is involved... :D

    One would think it remarkable that a second newsworthy story would come out of Samui so quickly and with such high profile...

    Make a diversion over there..... :o

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