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Posts posted by KevinN

  1. I had heard that they can get a calif. drivers license now,,but thats what i mean,,they raise ###### and get what they want and the ACLU makes sure they get what they want,,just like the talk here on the forum the other day about England requiring people to speak and understand english before they could get naturalisation,,use to be that way in the states,now they can get it and never speak one word of english and all official forms have to be printed in a dozen different languages.

    Seems to me that you should obey the laws,and if you do not want to,then get your asse out of the place.

    But the liberals there will not see it that way anymore. and it is the taxpayer that foots the bills for the govt bennies that they get. And I have never heard of an illegal paying taxes. and most work on a phony SSA card that they buy in the parking lot of the super markets in Chula Vista along with the false drivers license and other papers that they buy. Then go up to the welfare office in Chula Vista with their "FRONT" license plates and sign up for welfare.

  2. It was not a complaint as to the time taken to pay a phone bill,,it was a statement on their use of modern technology and their need for extra work as with paperwork. They just do not understand and do not know how to cut time and work loads.

    I pay most of my bills at the ATM or if they are busy I just go up into the bank and look at the sweet little things while the do the work for me. They always do it with a smile and at no charge,,I think I am their only farang customer at the branch in town. :D

    Just like the "Take a number" thing,,when I am the only customer in the office. :o

  3. something I just picked up off the web.. The classic symptom of genital herpes is a cluster small fluid-filled blisters that break, forming painful sores that crust and heal over the course of several days. But some people get only a rash or small bumps on the skin that appear to be pimples. Some have painful urination and some women have fluid discharge from the vagina.

    Sores may appear four to seven days after a person is first infected. There also may be flu-like symptoms, including fever and swollen lymph glands in the groin, following the initial infection.

    Symptoms come and go with varying frequency and duration. One person may have an outbreak once a year, while another may have one every few weeks. Before a flare-up, there is often an itching, tingling, or burning sensation in the affected area, and sharp pains in the pelvis or down the leg. Herpes sores are usually worst the first time they appear. In later outbreaks the sores tend to be less painful and last for a shorter period of time.

    The symptoms of genital herpes can affect any of the following places on the body:

    * Penis

    * Scrotum

    * Vulva

    * Vagina

    * Anus

    * Urethra

    * Thighs

    * Buttocks

    However, many people with genital herpes never have symptoms, or they mistake them for another malady, such as:

    * A vaginal yeast infection

    * Jock itch

    * Insect bites

    * Hemorrhoids

    * An ingrown hair

    If you think you may have genital herpes, visit your doctor or a clinic to get tested. Check out Preparing for Your Doctor Visit to understand the type of information your healthcare provider may need.

  4. Rexall once again it is not up to us foreigners to criticise the way

    immigration rules are administered. They put a clear

    date stamp in everyone's passport and no matter how much

    ducking and weaving anyone tries to do- you must either leave

    by that date or make suitable arrangements to have

    the exit date varied. We can`t come to another country

    and tell the government what is wrong with its

    administration of its own immigration laws .............??!!

    It`s absurd to even question another countries system

    - unless you are a citizen of that country with full voting

    rights etc.....

    Very well said,,and my thoughts exactly,,just like living in the US or England or where ever..

    If you have voting rights,then you should vote or bitch or do what ever you can to make the law comply with your way of thinking..

    But if you are a tourist or illegal alien as with most ###### raisers in the states,,then if you do not like what is happening,,get your arse out. :o

  5. I have never ever understood this business of ' overstaying ' - to me

    it is rude and inconsiderate and I can understand why the

    authorities take such a dim view.

    Imagine inviting a guest to your home for the weekend

    and then that guest just stays on without asking....its no

    different..... When you are a ' guest ' in another country,

    the very least you can do is respect the date stamps.

    I simply cant see why it so difficult for so many people

    to do so ?

    Where does some people get the term GUEST when talking about tourists??

    There is no guest to it,,a guest is expected to pay nothing,a guest is invited.

    Here we are not invited,we are charged to enter, and we pay for everything we recieve while here. we must obey all Thai laws and are afforded no special status. :o

  6. Another thing I see is Laos guys showing up with a bulk amount of passports, perhaps from a hotel in either box or large folder. They ignore the line, go right up to the window as if the quantity gives them more importance and for some reason, the staff processes all the passports straight away every time!

    Well i know what i would do, find out what hotel he works this service from, and stay there. :o

    It has been a few years since I have been to laos for a visa but I did get 2 60 day visas in a row there, And 1 non "O",But I have never been up to the front door.

    I went to the tables out front gave my paperwork and request to one of the guys there along with 1000 baht, went back about 1 block to my hotel and the next morning they came with my visa.

    No way would I stand in line out there and fight the weather for 1000 baht. :D

  7. When I got married,,we went to BKK to american embassy,got the letter that I was free to marry.

    Went across the street to a translator service had it translated,registered with Thai govt,,then came home to our amphur office and registered,,no problems and was done in 15 minutes,,and have never had the Buda ceremony as it is just a party for other peoples and a chance to get drunk on your dime. :o

  8. ANDY; I have had an acct. since I came to Thailand on a tourist visa,and I opened it my first week in CM at SCB and still do business with them,and have transfered my acct from CM branch to where I live now,,make my monthly transfers with them every month and have put my wifes name on the acct.

    I never have any problems with them and they go out of their way to be a farang friendly business to my thinking.

  9. maybe "HEP.B" but I wouldn't think any others if you are reasonably careful and don't pass out in the yard out in some village.,,coarse I have don't that and suffered not to many ill efects from it. :o

    And the bad <deleted> will kill ya any way as there are no shots for THAT.

  10. If you check your arrival card (TM.6) you will find over 25 pieces of information are required so hotel report will not be more than right page of that.

    Just the serial no of the TM6 and/or passport no should be sufficient.

    Will we be able to make our 90 day checkin for residence verification on the net too??

    And you know that this deal will never fly anyway,The Thai love the paperwork floating around,and do not seem to use a computer like most places do.

    Like when I go to pay my phone bill,,First I walk up to the desk and she tells me that I have to have a number, I take a number,then walk to the desk where I give her my number,she looks at my bill and logs it on the computer,then I take it to the next gal,who also looks at and logs the info on the puter,then I take it to the last gal and she looks at it,logs info on the puter and then after bullshitting with the gal that just paid her bill, will make my change and give me a reciept..

    So this new deal will save no time,but will have to be done,plus it will all have to be done on paper anyway.

  11. All of the information to be tracked is supposed to already be collected by all hotels when you fill in their registration cards.

    this is another great intelligence tool.

    Don't worry, I doubt it will cost any traveller an extra satang nor an extra second of time, and it will definitely help make Thailand and the world a safer place.

    How very true this is,,why just yesterday we had 3 car bombs in our area.

    Well not car bombs exactly,but a cow did fall when they were trying to get her out of a pickup,, and a kid ran into a car with his motorbike,,and I think someone was selling the bullocks about the other one. :o

    way to much terrorism here alright.

  12. I thought that you were looking for CO2,, 0-2 is sometimes dangerous to use around anything that might have oil or grease in it and around even a lit  cig or any sparks.

    I have seen a few bad accidents happen fooling around with compressed 0-2,,very severe burns.

    Yes, I am looking for Co2. Thanks for the head's up on 02... I figure that maybe the same place that has o2 will also have Co2...

    Pharms. that have bottled O2 will be the small bottles that old farts like me use for O2 breathing devices from smoking to many cigs and dope for to many years. pobly have to start that <deleted> in the next few years,,hope not cause once ya start you are on it for the rest of your days.,, best place to find it is in welding supplys [C-O2 that is]

    I coming up this weekend and will be a few days as I am going to try to get my renewal there instead of going to that shitty BKK. and will be looking around for a wire welder,and I will need C-O2 if I can find one,,so will let ya know then.

  13. I thought that you were looking for CO2,, 0-2 is sometimes dangerous to use around anything that might have oil or grease in it and around even a lit cig or any sparks.

    I have seen a few bad accidents happen fooling around with compressed 0-2,,very severe burns.

  14. A lease is a lease, and they are good for some folks and the best way to go for their purposes.

    But it would not be good for me as I live here and will live here for a good many years.

    and in 10 years we will put 200K KM on a car,which with care is only half the life of a Honda.

    To do the figures,,it will cost you 900 a day for 2 years , close to 1/3 the cost of a new accord which was last week, I looked at one and the sticker was 1.8M :o

  15. PTE;;said;;Do any of you reading this post who verify pensions every year, also show your bank books as indicated above?????

    I do,,when I got my first "O" they wanted the letter from the embassy and other stuff,,I had 6 months of bank statements with deposits and ATM wirhdraws from my US bank,she wanted to see the letter from the embassy only,didnt care about pension letters from my unions that stated pension for life time or SSA form that they send every year with the amount of their payment

    I had more than enough pensions for the visa which required 65,000 baht figured at 40=$1,then wanted to know if I had a Thai bank acct. I did but told her I very seldom use it because I made ATM draws,,she said to put 60K in it and come back next week with the book and a letter from the bank.

    I called to her attn. the fact that I had more in income than was required by the rules and she said "I require both income and a bank acct." and she has required it every year since, not only the book,but a new lifetime pension letter from the embassy and a letter from the bank,,,sure love that paperwork.

    She doesn't want to see any proof,,just embassy letter,bank book and bank letter.

  16. Thanks for all the advice ! I think i'll probably subscribe to the legal UBC. But any company that eliminates 99.9 percent of the population due to the extreme costs, does not deserve my custom. but what choice do i have when thai tv is so awful - my wife loves it though !

    99.9% can not afford UBC? Have you checked out what most Thai pay for their cellphone service? UBC looks like good value to me. :o

    well yea,,but what other country in the world would you see 5 people setting at a table in a resturant talking to the other people at the table---------------------------on their cell phones. :D

    seems like a Thai is not able to do anything without his cell. can't go the the toilet, can't go to the store or market. and if it rings,that means if you do not answer it within 2 seconds that you will surely die, which can happen when it rings and they are driving. :D

  17. Good idea, where are HOME PROS? DO THEY HAVE ANY STORES OUTSIDE OF BANGKOK? thankyou for the info.

    They just opened a HOMEPRO here in Phetchabun a short while back.

    and these forlks are correct,,Makita is the very toughest power tool you can get,,but as to the blades,,all the carbaloy insert blades are good and available most places. But if ever need sharpening,it takes a special grinder to do it. :o

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