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Status Updates posted by Yoknapatawpha

  1. D@coexistin email me? I'll reply with the dox.

  2. http://bit.ly/hFYglj This would hurt me; it would kill my nephew. Why is this not attempted murder?? and he boasts...

  3. Unlucky 13? Twitter “Worst Practices” for Rookies (and Others) to Avoid -(great post!) http://shar.es/3BLqz

  4. If you are in/near Atlanta, check this out! http://lnkd.in/8hnR6q

  5. Awesome event upcoming! Check it out if you are near Atlanta! http://lnk.ms/HtfVD

  6. Check out Noumena – Slain Memories @lastfm http://t.co/NxNNeDa

  7. @The_SA_Blog: Struggling to Sparkle http://dlvr.it/DWkFG #SAchat Nice work Stacy, that DOES deserve several retweets!

  8. @dietzagency: RT @5tevenw: My motto is "Never say never." Which makes it difficult to tell people my motto.

  9. SliTaz GNU/Linux http://t.co/esqCkta via @slitaz workin' on a tri-boot laptop!

  10. listen, and don't move... i dare you! Check out Nightwish – Last of the Wilds @lastfm http://t.co/kYWJS78

  11. I have 666 facebook friends!! For some that would be bad; in Chinese culture it might be lucky. Maybe I should freeze my account here and see how it plays out!! Which would be luckier, sticking here or shooting for 888 and then freezing??

  12. Ready for a productive day of jobsearch networking and career management assignments!

  13. Back home after a nice Scrabble afternoon and dinner with my two favorite uncles, Josef and Keith!! Did somebody play football today?

  14. @shd_latest: Tunisia swears in interim president http://bit.ly/eCOLQg (Be careful Stanish!)

  15. The Torch: FIRE Highlights UGA's 'Scootergate' in New Video http://t.co/BF5mDrk

  16. Please RT: Help me and @AlFranken fight the NBC/Comcast merger. Sign our letter now: http://bit.ly/firoro (closer to China by the day)

  17. @LinuxPower: #linux The Open Data, Open Society report is now online: Zona-M: http://bit.ly/fARpV8

  18. a full morning of job-networking!

  19. The Jossey-Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management http://amzn.to/e5wJaM (I need to write the "profit" one...)

  20. 对父母要尊敬!(whether you believe they deserve it or not--you'll be the better person for it)

  21. If you need me to give you a wake up call, you'd better go to bed at what time I recommend.

  22. the Supreme Court has stated that free speech "may indeed best serve its high purpose when it induces a condition of unrest, creates dissatisfaction with conditions as they are, or even stirs people to anger." Terminiello v. Chicago, 337 U.S. 1, 4 (1949). (Adam Kissel: Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE))

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