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Posts posted by 4Trax

  1. I'd have to say there's ZERO chance the cab is anything other than a Daihatsu Hijet. It's difficult to see much detail on the bed, but it appears to be sheet stock and was hand-made with flat panels. Again, I can't tell by the pic, but the sheeting may be rolled slightly where it's tacked at the bottom edge. FWIW , with no pics other than the front views, I'll have to go with the Daihatsu Hijet cab with a hand built bed.

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  2. It is s start and far better than doing nothing.

    Why are people so negative all the time?

    99.9% of the time, I ask the same question ... and it's the reason I normally just READ this forum, but very seldom post. On this subject though, I see it as a good idea and a "start" as you say, but for some reason I foresee that "bike lane" being filled with motorbikes and pedestrians ... and if wide enough, probably tuk-tuks and/or taxis! Drivers will see it simply as "another lane of traffic" IMHO. Traffic in Thailand will remain in gridlock until the road rules are actually being enforced, instead of just being used as another cash cow for the BIB.

  3. I have been a member of other similar Thai forums but quit posting long ago because it became a waste of time. I have finaally seen enough b/s in this post to pull me out of the lurking category. For the record, I have a 36 year history with Thailand, visiting on average something like 3 months/year as well as living there full time for 3 1/2 years. My experience is diversified as I've lived in the major cities as well as small villages with no running water or electricity. I do speak the language, but not as well as I'd like and do NOT consider myself fluent. But ... it never ceases to amaze me how someone can visit Thailand on a few holidays and become overnight experts on Thai language as well as culture.

    Personally, when I have a question and seek out an answer, I weigh heavily on the credentials of the people who may give me an answer. Sometimes when I read this forum I feel many here simply enjoy hearing themselves "talk" and have no desire to learn or possibly alter their blindly conceived opinions.

    As pointed out by others, this thread could have ended way back on page 4 with Qualtrough's post but appears destined to continue ad nauseam. If anyone here REALLY wants to know the real explanation, I'll paste his post here (as others have already done) one more time hoping that maybe it will sink in this time around.

    I speak, read, and write Thai, and currently work part time as an editor and translator (Thai to English) for a major corporation. I have studied Thai off and on since 1980, including university courses, and have lived here for more than 16 years since first setting foot here in 1980. I say that not to brag, but to tell you that I know far more than a 'modicum' of Thai and am not naive. I can tell you that your interpretation of the word 'farang' is completely and utterly incorrect. Farang in and off itself is a neutral word. It can indeed be used negatively by those who are not happy with farangs, but so can any word. The vast, vast majority of Thais that I know and interact with do not attach the stigma you feel it has to the word. If you and a few others here want to act like sensitive little PC flowers that is your prerogative, but I doubt very much that you are going to persuade anyone, and you will certainly not persuade any Thais.

    Sounds like Qualtrough has pretty good "credentials" to me. I completely agree with this post and couldn't say it any better myself ... so I won't bother.

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