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  1. I have a Quest 2 that I bought in the US when it first came out and I have one of the units with the officially unacknowledged battery problem that it wont charge above about 70% and it wont charge while running even if attached So I bought a replacement battery from ebay without looking at how hard it would be to replace. Now I've looked at a Youtube video on howto, I'd rather have someone else do it! Any places where they'll replace a battery in Bangkok?
  2. Friend tried this route and applied to a few companies. Had a call from one company that wanted an 80,000 Euro deposit. The rest had stupidly high levels of fees. Like 15% of gross salary fees and $1000s a month fixed fees for a minimum of a year He concluded it’s not a real thing and never followed up. Did he just have bad luck or is that the norm?
  3. Many years ago was pulled over at toll road exit booth and was told I was speeding. I thought it was probably true so I was ready to pay then he pulled out a ring binder full of A4 printed pictures of cars and opened it to show my car i was impressed they could get a camera picture printed and in the folder in the short amount of time I’d been on the highway so I started to reach for my wallet then I noticed the Autocar logo on the corner of the picture of “my” car. I pointed at the logo and started laughing and the cop was upset and put his folder away and said, “100 Baht “ I gave him that and he waved me away quickly
  4. Because every other bank I can get a statement in the app AND/OR sent by email if I wanted it No need to go to the physical branch or get it mailed to an address
  5. Yes I have accounts with 4 other Thai banks and only UOB is like this. KTB app is a hassle when changing phones and required a visit to the branch to reactivate but otherwise is ok I'm going to minimise my interactions with UOB and keep minimal balances. I have a Citibank account, so I hope they dont ruin that app now they've taken it over
  6. I have a savings account with UOB Thailand and the app has never worked properly so I've never been able to get a statement. Hasnt mattered up to now as there's only one transaction a month, to pay a mortgage that is also with UOB. But I noticed they deducted money with no explanation. I called up and call center cant tell me what the deduction is. So I asked for a statement and they said they cant send one from the call center. I cant get one in the app and I cant get one in the online banking. The only way I can get a statement is to physically go to the branch where I opened the account and ask for it. I said, what if I'm out of the country? Answer, "That is our policy" Can any one confirm if this is correct? That the ONLY way to get a statement from UOB Thailand is to physically go to the branch? Also, the mortgage amount is not aligning with what it should be after the payments. I asked for a statement (Because again, impossible to get from app or online banking) and she says she can send me that by email *halleluyah!!* but it will take 5-7 working days!!! Have I gone back in time 20 years or did I just get a bad agent or is UOB banking really like this?
  7. He wants to charge an extra $8 and doesnt want his competitors being able to undercut him and take his customers. He doesnt want to compete fairly with other operators who are more efficient and better managed and dont need an extra $8 per room to cover their costs. Instead he wants the government to force them to lose their competitive advantage Another 'capitalist' asking for the government to benefit him at the expense of everyone else.
  8. I bought and sold a car recently. They wanted all four books, passport, permanent residence book, police registration book and tabian bahn. It was surprise to the dealer who had only asked me to bring passport and permanent residence book, so maybe I just got a civil servant having a bad day. Luckily I had all 4 books with me.
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