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Posts posted by JaiDeeFarang

  1. Oh I do like to be beside the seaside, oh I do like to be beside the sea. Hardly an accurate point of measurement I would say, Construction Control Line seems to be more fitting and more obvioulsy a point of measurement rather than the ambiguity of 'seaside'.

    Face it stopVT7, your ship is sinking fast and the Supreme Administrative Court will soon make you well aware of that, time to bail out I would say before VT7 comes looking for you for damages or worse. You have offered absolutely no new evidence since I asked you if you could produce anything, months ago. No new evidence, why do you think the decision will be any different to before?

  2. <br />Firstly, how could you prove there was an "incentive"?<br />Secondly, you seem to forget that VT7 would also be obliged to pay back all the people that bought. If you think that they will pay for dismantling and hauling away thousands of tons of concrete and make a huge loss, then I'm afraid you are dreaming, too.<br />They will go to court. As someone has already mentioned, the 101 businesses on walking street were supposed to have been demolished years ago. Have they been?<br /><br />Without being able to prove that VT7 offered an incentive, you are left with the fact that VT7 did nothing illegal. the blame will lie at the door of Pattaya City. No way VT7 is going to just start dismantling without exhausting every legal method first, and that will take years.<br /><br />Seems to be a lot of naivety and wishful thinking by stopVT7 supporters.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    If VT7 announces bankruptcy, that would be the end of the entire Talay operation. VT7 investors would be screaming. Hundreds of lawsuits would be initiated.Nobody would ever buy a unit in any View Talay project. That would be the end.

    The VT7 empty shell would stand as a permanent reminder of the company's humiliation and City Hall's mendacity.

    All in all, not a bad set of consequences!

    This isn't going to happen because VT7 will go all the way, but if it was left a bare empty shell I'm sure it would attract the finest squatters, thieves and drug dealers Pattaya has to offer, which would do wonders for property prices in that location! An eye sore and blot on the landscape for year to come, just like Jomtien Complex.

  3. Take a look at this picture, why is JCC so far behind other old condos in that area? Look at Grand Condo, Jomtien Condotel and how far forward Jomtien Plaza is! I get the feeling that VT7 or something similar have been on the cards for many, many years. Just look at all the prime development land in front of JCC!

    I feel from the last few posts from the stopVT7 gang that they have been more than a bit naive believing nothing higher than 14 metres could be built in front of JCC. To me it looks pretty obvious that sooner or later something BIG was gointg to be built there. Unless you own absolute beach front property forget protecting your seaview or even your hypocritical fight to save Thailand's beaches. How many years have you been sitting on your balconies looking at that huge piece of land, just wondering what will they ever do with it? Well now you know, and it will never be brought down to 14 metres.

    And the same goes for Jomthien Condotel as they did not 'secure' the land between the hi-rises and the beach. The developer told clients that everything belonged to Jomthien Condotel. Big Fat Lie. The Regatta site seems to have been abandoned but I think the developer is biding his time until the Court rules in favor of View Talay and then the Regatta will be reconfigured to how many storeys? The sky is the limit. That is if the developer has the money. But of course he will sell off the plan and take God knows how many years to build. Drove past what's it called again that 91 storey thing? Seems that site is being used to make cement for something else.

    I have heard that Jomthien Condo Complex did own the land between its hi-rises and the beach but they went and sold it in the firm belief that they were protected by Law from having anything over 14 m built on the land.

    But, as usual, JaiDeeFarang talks a lot of nonsense. Because the Law expressly forbids hi-rises within the 200 metres from the beach it could not be obvious to anyone that hi-rises would be built closer to the beach.

    I understand the concrete being produced on the site of the 91 storey thing is being delivered just around the corner to VT7, watch the trucks and you'll see what I mean.

    As for talking nonsense Tammi, I think you are the one talking out of your behind. Where in Thai law does it say you cannot build a high rise within 200 metres from the beach. I believe the correct terminology is the construction control line (as many now know including stopVT7), which is neither the beach nor the MSL. It is the interpretation of the measurement from the CCL which is in dispute, not the beach as you so lovingly call it whilst gazing through your rose tinted spectacles.

  4. Take a look at this picture, why is JCC so far behind other old condos in that area? Look at Grand Condo, Jomtien Condotel and how far forward Jomtien Plaza is! I get the feeling that VT7 or something similar have been on the cards for many, many years. Just look at all the prime development land in front of JCC!

    I feel from the last few posts from the stopVT7 gang that they have been more than a bit naive believing nothing higher than 14 metres could be built in front of JCC. To me it looks pretty obvious that sooner or later something BIG was gointg to be built there. Unless you own absolute beach front property forget protecting your seaview or even your hypocritical fight to save Thailand's beaches. How many years have you been sitting on your balconies looking at that huge piece of land, just wondering what will they ever do with it? Well now you know, and it will never be brought down to 14 metres.


  5. So what gonna happen with the shopping centre in Pattaya. Is Hilton going to give up the plan to build 2 towers on the top of the shopping centre because of one crazy and delusion farang trying to interpret the law his way. And what about tens of the buildings which are too close to MSL. Are they all going to be destroyed? It's not about protecting the beaches of Thailand, it's about protecting Thailand from crazy farangs wanting to destroy the developments around the beaches of Thailand.

    :o:D:D:D:D:D:DB):D:burp: Marek, I love reading your posts, you're so to the point and direct. The sooner this small minded lot gets deported the better place Pattaya will become.

  6. Construction costs have risen sharply again in the month of May. Take a look at this link and you'll see materials have risen 8.5% in one month, 26.5% from May 07-May08. I think there will be many unfinished projects dotted around Pattaya soon.

    To quote Clayton Wade in June's Homes & Condos magazine "...things are NOT getting better and if something doesn't happen real soon, we are going to find ourselves with a skyline of half built condo towers" I actually agree with him, for once.

    How on earth can building be completed, on time and at last years construction costs? What builder will even bother going to work if materials are rising 8.5% in a month?!

    Don't believe me? take a look http://www.indexpr.moc.go.th/price_present...;list_year=2551

  7. If everyone was behind you 100% could you please honestly answer why there are now only 8 plaintiffs and not the original 10?

    Congratulations on your small victory, which I see the court had no option but to hear your appeal. The true test will come on the next hearing in 26 days. From previous statements you gave the impression that the appeal had been lodged and accepted anyway. So in reality this 'victory' is nothing new to me, just wait until the verdict and I believe you'll be changing your "We won" comment, which you seem so keen to use, when in actual fact you haven't won anything and building is progressing. No doubt when the appeal doesn't go in your favour you'll be saying that the 30 days between the hearings allowed plenty of time for a tea party!

  8. What bank gives 18% interest? That is what construction materials have risen from April 07 - April 08. If the builder is tied in at the original construction quote from last year, what incentive does he have to do the work if the prices have risen that much. No builder will get out of bed in the morning if he's losing money.

  9. The Park is well behind schedule, which should act as a barometre to you.

    Work is in progress at Suan Sawan, but painfully slow and far from being on target. Half a million baht may not be much money to you, after all it's only 8,000 pounds, but that would be a lot of money to some people who dream of owning their own place in the sun. 'If' it is finished, well done you deserve to make half a million baht, which isn't a "really a big deal" is it?

    Yes people do buy property 'off plan' everywhere around the world, my point is that off plan property in the UK and many other countries is regulated and your funds would be held in an escrow account, that the developer cannot access until work is completed satisfactorily.

    I myself have bought several properties off plan and fortune does favour the brave, however you have to choose wisely as a fool and his money can soon be parted.

  10. stopvt7 isn't going to court over issue 9, he's going as an eco warrior to protect the beaches of Pattaya! He cannot say he is going to court over issue 9, as he told his co-owners at JCC he is doing it for the beaches in order to obtain money out of them for his personal crusade.

  11. Let me say "Thanks you" :D to the stopvt7 remaining group of 8 and the JCC co-owners who dared to believe in the Thai legal system. :D

    Today may justice be done!

    Off to court :o to protect Pattaya beaches! :D

    :D:D:D You sound like Zorro, the caped crusader! What happened to the 2 members of the group who pulled out? Maybe they had more sense than you and could see this was going to blow up in your face.

    One other thing, you had said before that the appeal will not take place in an open court, that there would not be a hearing and that the decision would be given without you going to court. So why are you going? Has the court summoned you to answer charges of defamation and obstuction to VT, City Hall, The expert witness, your previous lawyer and the Admin Court Judge. These are just a few people you have slated over the last few months because they do not agree with you, is there anyone I left off the list? Good luck, you'll need it!

  12. I'm sorry I new to this website and don't mean to offend anyone in particular, like I say it's difficult to know who to trust in this town. I think its ok if I mention what I hear if I don't say the people name from danemark. .

    The sad think is newbiefred that there's an overwhelming amount of very decent Danes in Pattaya. This bullshite about not naming names and saying 'everyone know' is not going to give the average newbie a warm-fuzzy about coming to live here.

    As my mum taught me, 'If you can't say good about anyone, then say nothing.'

    End of!

    I have to agree with you, there are many nice Danish people here. With any nationality there are exceptions to the rule, may be what fred is trying to say and be careful who you trust.

  13. He has to be joking. I think it is a problem to buy these type of low cost condo because building material is increase so much all over the world. Metal and concrete prices have gone crazy. How can they make this low cost condo and say it will ready late this year or early next. you should buy something already built to guarantee it is complet. It is not just low cost condo can you think how much increase it is to build ocean 1? I don't think it will happen.

    The incentive has got to be that we paid only 50% up front and the other 50% is payable only on completion ?

    whadda you think ?

    If you think risking 50% is good? would you buy a house like that in your own country or put money in escrow account?

  14. Jomthien Complex did not go to court because of loss of sea views or protection of the beaches - they went to court because the Law says that no building over 14 meters can be built within 200 meters of the sea shore.


    Better read STopVt7's posts again...he constantly tells us that this is all about protecting the beaches as he always makes it so clear - why do we find it so hard to believe that he is pure altrusim...perhaps his constant BS, and the fact that he has self-interest to gain.

    KOTO aka 'Keeper of the ocean' should be in charge of protecting the beaches, at least he doesn't pick and chose which beaches he wants to protect and has the interests of all the beaches at heart, even the ones which are not directly outside his front door!

  15. Seems there is no answer to that. stopvt7 / lookat's ole grey matter must be malfunctioning as he tries to comprehend the expert witness has nothing to do with law making, but only gives his professional opinion on how the law stands and is to be interpretted by the judge.

    A case of clutching at staws I would suggest. :o I like this little guy, he makes me laugh!

  16. I've met Thais before who thought it saved gasoline/diesel if they didn't use their head lights on their car/motor cy at night. What with the increase in fuel costs, perhaps the fishermen think the same! :o

    As for squid fishing they usually use green coloured lights to attract squid.

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