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Posts posted by regal

  1. Dear Lopburi3 and others-

    I am too, getting married very soon, but unlike the OP I live here in Thailand 100% of the time. I do travel a lot 'cause Im allways doing visa runs!

    So my question is, after we get our license do I go to Penang for the multi-non-immigrant O visa or can I just go straight to immigration here and apply for the "other" multi-non-immigrant O visa.

    They have the same names, yes? But they are slightly different if I understand you correctly. I want the one with the PR value.

    I am currently on a tourist visa.




  2. Thanks for your help, REALLY! One more question for a first timer. Look likes there are literally 100's of accommodations. After living here for a few years I’m not much of a PRE booker- I like to just turn up get a peek, and a good price. Can you recommend some good places nearby- I have a vehicle. So, a safe place to park too!

    Price range 800- 1500 per night- and please no American b-fast.


    PS I'm going the 1st weekend to see "the Killer"

  3. Hi People in Samui!

    I'm near phuket (in the sticks) and want to come to the festival. Ive never been to samui before. Questions.

    Where do you buy tickets? Can I just turn up? website didnt say.

    which venue is better? Coco's or the bigger stage?

    What kind of crowds are they expecting?

    Im considering the mid-week show, cause I dont like HUGE crowds.your thoughts?

    THere are some package rates going around, 3 nights for 5K- but is it, much of a deal? or should I just turn up?

    We have our big truck and could sleep in it. What will parking be like near the area?

    Thanks for your help!


  4. I read on TV to avoid Hong Kong. "Hong Kong savagely and capriciously rejects most everyone"

    And the same for Manila, Philippines.

    What are my chances in China; Beijing or Kunming to pick up a double entry tourist visa? :o

    Any experiences you would like to share, or warnings, greatly appreciated.



  5. Thanks Hello Hello- That house looks beautiful and it is up near the montains right? Away from the crowds. 5 years ago when I was in Bali- I couldn't find any decent Thai resteraunts. Thai -style wont do with the misses. :o We have to cook our own.

  6. I want to sign a long-term lease on a residential property. I won’t conduct any business but perhaps ill be sharing/renting it to friends in the high season. The house has no nor sor sam. Will the said agreement be between my landlord and me or can it be registered at the Amphur along with the house title?

    Is 3 years plus 3 years for the right to renew the best contract?

    What about longer, can I draft a 30/ year lease if Im not leasing land? What if the landlord wants to sell the house?

    I spoke with a consultant firm and they said I could draft a lease with 30-year or even 90-year option. But then I spoke with some Thai friends and they agreed “Sure you can write down anything on paper- but what is legal is a 3 + 3 year lease.” Who is right? :o

  7. update:

    I was able to register a nearly new car yesterday in my name and get it insured through Viator. It was very easy. Even with a tourist visa. Is it possible the rules have changed or maybe I was just lucky? Which ever the case I am grateful for your advice. Signed happy to have wheels! :o

  8. Well Dutch- Im thinking about a newish truck so if i dish out THAT much money it will need to be insured. Any one have Insurance with Viator ( sp?) and knows what they had to prove to get a policy?

    And to you ProThaiExpat, i am leaning in your direction, as i have a thai friend that i can use. Im living in the sticks, so im challenged to find a good lawyer. Phuket is 6 hours from here. Can anybody recommend any lawyer there for this kind of matter? I dont where to start.

    Thanks to everybody for their enormous help! :)

  9. how about a fisher-woman?

    i live on a small island in the andaman sea and we have a longtail boat and we go out and slaughter them as often as possible. now its too wet and kung lang (big waves) but next season will be out there and hopefully making some bahts too!

    last season we caught heaps of snapper and pomfret all with hand lines. FISH ON!

  10. Fantastic news Felt 35.

    Yes, Cash no problem.

    Everyone I spoke with said I needed a more permeant type of visa. Has anybody else out there bought a car recently with ONLY a tourist visa?

    What else do i need besides a DL and a international Driving permit?

  11. Id like to buy a car, but Im on a tourist visa.

    What are my options?

    Is there any legal papers I can draft similar to 30 year leases on land between me and a friend?

    Is a contract written between a thai and farang legal here?

    If so, who is trustworthy to drafts such a document. Ive seen some pretty shady lawyers.

    Im sure there must be others out there who have done this. Any advice helpful.

  12. Hi! its been a while.

    Well Im not sure if anyone wants to hear this. But I was paid BACK and some. Enough to go travel to the North next month. so while I appreciate all your comments, I do find it interesting how quick everybody was to bash the Thai man. calling him lazy- womanizer ect.

    I was very upset last autumn when I returned from europe.. (about the money) but since then, I forgave him and he worked his butt off to repay me. I also learned that the bulk of the money went to his Mother and hospital bills. What I learned mostly was about the culture here, I was naive to give him access to a big pile of money, and he believed I was his wife, and what was mine, was his. ( language barrier ) He didn't understand what was wrong with us helping his family? but I did. Anyway we are off to go visit his mom and enjoy and well earned holiday. And this next low season I'm not going to leave but we are working together to stay together. :o

    Any farang men out there paid back for monies gone to their G/Fs family?? hmm I wonder?

  13. I went by and saw it today. It looked like it could of been ANY bungalow / restaurant on Koh Lanta. Not a particular death trap; they were average size, close to the beach with your typical grass roofs. Its quite dry now on Lanta so I see no reason why this couldn’t happen again at ANYTIME. Lets just hope the rest of the resorts owners heed warning and buy some fire extinguishers for the safety of their guests! My question remains: Do you think a Thai national would be charged with the same amount? 15 Lan? Seems like a farang price to me. :o

  14. I recenty opened my 1st account in Thailand. So whats the best way for bringing money into the country? It seems if I want to wire I must have a checking account. which I dont. Can you wire money into a savings account? but if i write a check there is only a 300B charge. ( which aint bad ) Granted it takes along time but I can wait. are their any other hidden fee's if I write a check? I cant seem to find any more info snooping around the web. thanks!

  15. Hi it's me again,

    Little more about the story...

    When I came home ALL my personal stuff was all here and the house was greatly improved. Things built, flowers and vines planted etc.

    There was talk of Local girls coming over " friends" which I didn't give a second thought too, I have so many Male friends that I’ve stayed with over the time that I was traveling I refuse to be a hypocrite. What I said was what you did while I was gone and was in the past and in your Karma, and the same for me. I understand that being away for a long time is never easy for anyone or anywhere.

    Even after all the improvements to house (if, lets say I was paying him labor and materials) we are still talking about a big debt left. About 600 euros.

    My rent is so cheap that its better that I pay to keep the house rather than toss my boyfriend, Of course with knowing what I know now I'm not too sure what to do next time. I hoping there won’t be a next time.

    And effort is being made to be repaid, I have some collateral and a busniess venture happing, so we will see. My biggest problem still does seem to be commancating. My Thai is OK but I really feel like I need some help with it. He just does not want to talk and he really seems to tell me things I want to hear rather than the wholle truth. This is where I don’t know what to do; if I get a third party he just loses more face. Know of and good translating service online?


    Ps Thanks for all your advice.. its been great.. I have learned my lesson about access to money and how to avoid it.

  16. My Thai boyfriend of 1.5 years "borrowed" the money I gave to him to up keep our house up and going while I went "home" to work and travel. Its all gone ...Where I dont know, he says to his family but I think it was spent on partites.

    Now that I am back again, we've worked it out so far, we are working together to make money so we can both afford to travel somewhere cool next spring. what I realized is i cant change the past and i need to move on and forget about the money he "borrowed". i also realized that being apart is hard on any relationship anywhere so accept that , and if its worth staying together figure away for me not to leave him for months on end.

    But deep down, It still really bothers me. I know back home in the west a man whom says he loves me, would not TAKE any money without my permission. and beacuse I love him I would share with him IF HE ASKED ME FIRST!

    Is this a common problem here?

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