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  1. Problem is you then can’t sell your old device & then in my case, I’d be stuck with two max size iPhones. I did this before the dual SIM iPhones & it means always having a bag with you. When I’m back in Thailand, I’m seriously tempted to buy an iPhone SE as a secondary device and put my Thai banking apps on there.
  2. With TTB & Krungsri roaming isn’t an issue; all that matters is that the data source is from your Thai SIM. That’s how it’s been for a number of years. It’s the new requirement for a face scan with Krungsri. Unfortunately, I fear TTB will also bring in this requirement. With NatWest in the UK, all such face scans are done within the app & there is no need to visit a branch.
  3. It’s not the downloading of the app that’s the issue. In the case of Krungsri it’s their requirement for you to go and have your photo taken at the branch. Now it may well be that the once the photo is in the app, future transfers to a new device may be possible. You would hope that the app on the new phone would take & scan your photo for verification. That’s how it works with the NatWest app. But this is Thailand.
  4. That’s not entirely true. I successfully moved the TTB app to my new iPhone.
  5. Just bumping this thread to note that having just moved to a new iPhone, whilst the above still works for the TTB app, I hit a stumbling block with the Krungsri app. Having submitted my bank account and passport numbers on the identification page this popped up, "Digital authentication is required before using Krungsri app. Please bring your ID card to update your photo for digital authentication registration at any Krungsri branch near you." I thought I'd done the digital authentication back in May, I was getting constant reminders to go and have my photo taken, so when I obtained my new bank card, I also asked them to do this. The notifications ceased. Anyway, my wife rang Krungsri this morning & was told that when switching to a new mobile phone, you must go to a branch for another mug shot. Fortunately, Krungsri still have online banking. Account & passport number sufficient to reset my password (forgotten it as I hadn't logged in for over 3 years). I'm also going to transfer most of the funds in there to TTB & leave a nominal amount - Krungsri's loss not mine. Seemingly, Krungsri have gone from being the easiest to transfer to a new device, to impossible without making an unscheduled trip back to Thailand.
  6. I previously had a large verruca around 14 years ago. It had been there a couple of years & I tried all the OTC remedies, duct tape etc. Eventually I lost patience and had it surgically cut out at the hospital in Buriram. A deep wound with 7 stitches & quite debilitating for a few days, alongside the inconvenience of going back to the hospital everyday to have it cleaned, antibiotics etc. The bloody thing also returned whilst the scar was still healing! Thank fully, the surgical procedure must have stimulated my immune system, as it was gone within a few of weeks. This verruca appeared around 4 years ago & given my previous experience, I haven’t bothered with the OTC treatments. I rather hoped it would eventually go away but, I’’m losing patience. Not enough to have another verruca surgically removed though. I have had it pared down a couple of times at a local podiatrist here in the UK. They offer the new Swift Verruca Treatment which takes longer, as a lower success rate & isn’t that much cheaper than Laser treatment. I rather had this in mind than cryo. https://thebarnclinic.co.uk/laser/laser-wart-verruca-treatment/ The fact that that the above treatment indicates only 24 hours downtime from sport/swimming is most appealing. The Bangkok Aesthetic Clinic seemingly as the same brand of laser but, no mention of wart/verruca removal.
  7. Any recommendations for having laser treatment on a verruca in Bangkok? Experience & costs would be appreciated.
  8. Update: I received the email receipt confirming payment a couple of hours later.
  9. They’re closed now. I’ll call them tomorrow if the status hasn’t changed. I just wondered if anyone else had experienced this.
  10. I’ve just attempted to submit an application for a Non-Immigrant Visa to the Royal Thai Embassy London. Following the processing of the payment an error appeared at the top. Basically stating that there was a problem with the system, they were working to fix this and to try again later. The application status is showing as Pending Payment & seemingly the system would allow me to click on the payment icon & make another payment. However, on checking my credit card, there’s already a pending transaction showing to Kasikorn Bank. Has anyone else seen this? I’m reluctant to submit a further payment just yet, as who knows how many payments they would take.
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