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Posts posted by legag

  1. They will get used to it and out party again and not like they (bars) don't provide the smoking area, of course they do. People just don't like 'changing' but eventually they will take it in and move on.

  2. Had wanted and was dreaming to be a news reporter when I grew up but I was distracted and didn't aim right to media and communication field. Regret now? Nahhh, I enjoy what I do now and no complains. I thought being a news reporter was so cool, everybody listened to you and counted on you. I kinda liked that idea until I found out it actually was not like what I had idea about.

  3. Think you may have hit it lucky CC, the last 3 times I have flown to S'pore in the last 5 months I have taken the 07.45 flight and immigration has been a nightmare. Once on a Monday and twice on a Wednesday. Last Wednesday was bloody awful. I am sure that I will find out again come April, when I head back down.

    And in April is going to get worse as it is a high season, Thai New Year and all. Welcome to Thailand :o

  4. 3) Violence / blood and guts. Not censored in foreign movies (eg No Country for Old Men). Not censored in Thai movies.

    So you didnt see sweeny todd in the cinema then ??

    Oh my God!! Sweeney Rodd is a good sample here!! The whole movie .. blurry, cutting and I shoud have known better why bothered to go see!! Such a shame. And that's why they have to RATE the movie for such certain age can attend the cinema. Why don't Thai gov. start from there instead of censor things.

  5. My wife has never even tried to talk about Budhism to me. I have gone with her to the Wat a few times though. She only goes there for special occasions anyway. No problem in that. As for my own religion... we do not belive there is anything to be saved from, nor do our gods reserve a special place in a "heaven", or promise a better "next life", or even a better "this life" for those that have faith in them. Thus we feel no need to "save" anyone. So why disrespect other peoples religious belives by trying to convert them?. If they feel the call of the gods, they will find the way to them on their own.

    So no, will never try to convert her, or anyone else for that matter.


    It's all upon your will.

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