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Posts posted by tomdfc

  1. Looking ahead a little, as a Brit in Chiang Mai on a 60 day tourist visa, and wanting to extend … please share any thoughts or advice.

    • ·        The standard extension application is for 30 days and you cannot usually get a second 30 days.

    • ·        There is the possibility of a further 7 days but I think the qualifying criteria is restrictive, and discretionary.

    • ·        I know there is now the possibility of applying online (for a fee) and it seems an attractive option to save sitting in an Immigration office but any general advice would be appreciated.

    • ·        As another option (to gain a few more days before returning to the UK) would a trip to Vietnam, for example, before the end of the 30 day extension period make sense on the basis of then re-entering Thailand and getting another 30 days on a visa-exempt basis?

    Many thanks in anticipation.

  2. Trying to confirm the sense and legitimacy of the following in respect of trying to make the most of a visit to LOS (and after having decided that a visa from the London Embassy is not the way to go, on this occasion) -

    ·        Arrive in Thailand (as a Brit) without a visa but get a 30 day permit to stay on a visa-exempt basis

    ·        Before the 30 days are up (as opposed to visiting Immigration to get an extension) make a trip to Mai Sai for a same-day land crossing and re-entry – and get another 30 day permit to stay. (Is this correct?)

    ·        In due course, and again before the expiry of the second 30 day permit to stay, the plan would then be to either repeat that Mai Sai exercise, or book a return flight to Vietnam and re-enter for another 30 day permit to stay.

    Would that work?  Any advice about the current Mae Sai situation would be appreciated.  (I believe for example that land crossings are limited to two per year?)   Thanks in advance for any help. 

  3. Wife and myself (Brits) were in Thailand in Chiang Mai on Non-Immigrant O visas (retirement and dependent respectively), annually extended for 7 years, but ending in 2020 as a result of being in the UK when covid and lockdown happened.  Our status and re-entry permits are of course long-lost and we have to go back to the beginning to recover our previous status. 

    We intend to fly in soon on a tourist basis and take it from there.  We are aware that there has been much change over that period relating to Thai immigration. Two specific questions for now -

    Does the 800k prerequisite bank balance still apply?  

    If it does, is the mandatory period of holding that balance 2 months for the initial application (and 3 months in subsequent years)?

    Any other advice would also be gratefully received.   Thanks in advance.

    • Like 1
  4. Can I confirm the relevant Police Order under point 2.22 in respect of the 800k option is as stated below (since my copy is now some years out of date).

    "On the filing date, the applicant must have funds deposited in a bank in Thailand of no less than Baht 800,000 for the past three months. For the first year only, the applicant must have proof of a deposit account in which said amount of funds has been maintained for no less than 60 days prior to the filing date."

    Or help me woth a link to the relevant Police Order now.  Many thanks.

  5. On 1/27/2023 at 11:45 AM, ubonjoe said:

    If you enter the country with a re-entry permit or a multiple entry visa a new TM30 report is not required.

    Otherwise a new one is needed.

    Been out of the loop (and contry) due to covid and lockdown for almost 3 years and this requirement was (happily) long-fogotten.  But now it comes back to me.  Please remind me - where or how is any average tourist advised of this requirement?  And would the requirement still apply if someone entered on a visa-exempt basis but had always been in possession of a Yellow House Book.  Thanks.

  6. My wife and I (Brits) are curently in Thailand on a 45 day Tourist stamp.  We formerly had Non-Imm O Visas, annually extended for 7 years but were in the wrong place at the wrong time, when covid broke and lockdown followed.  Our assumption is that we have to restart the visa process to regain our former status as retirees.

    It has been suggested by a friend that the visa application process is handled efficiently in Hanoi.  If so, can I confirm that the requirents are the same as before (or point me to a link for the info).  We have retained our (my) 800k in a Thai bank throughout the last 3 years and have other financial backup.  Thanks for any advice.

  7. Booked with Brit wife to fly to Da Nang and have hotel booked in Hoi An.  (Or An Hoi?)  Have UK and Thai debit and credit cards, and currency to exchange for the Vietnamese dong.  I assume local cirrency would be needed for bars, restaurants, taxis.  etc.  But maybe dollars or baht would be more accetable?  Any pointers gartefully received on this and any other general advice.  Thanks in advance.

  8. Just to close out the thread, the car is now registered courtesy of the Testing station who were obviously authorised to deal with these situations - charging 3 years of tax, the compulsory insurance and their own fee of course.  There was also an unknown of 327 baht which I couldn't work out but which seemed a good deal, pre-empting a trip to the DLT and the possibility of a bigger fine.  Thanks for all the inputs.

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  9. What's the exact date?  Asking because you are at the 3 year limit.


    Didn't know about a 3 year limit but just checked the records -

    8 October 2019 - paid MOT service station fee, mandatory insurance, and annual car registration as logged in the "Blue book"

    The Blue book entry confirms the 8 Oct 2019 pay date and the next coumn (presumably the "valid to" date) is 24 November 2020.  This is the recurring date every year since inception in the Blue book, until this last 2020 entry.

    We fly into Chiang Mai late in the evening of 23 November - but had not planned on getting to our home - and car - until 25 November.  And had anticipated the first priority to be to organise a full car check-up and service before re-registering, etc.

    Fingers crossed awaiting your reply .... thanks.

  10. We’ve been out of the country since January 2020, having travelled to the UK just at the wrong time – getting caught in the ensuing covid and lockdown periods.

    Our car was left at our property in Chiang Mai in the gated driveway.  It never moved out of the driveway though the engine was given an occasional “run” by a friend.  It was insured throughout (rightly or wrongly) and remains insured just now.  And now we’re about to return.

    I presume all we can/must do is get the car serviced, and then taken to an “MOT” testing station.  I recall part of that service was that the testing station people took the car documentation to the Land Transport office to pay the annual registration tax.  But I can now see questions being asked about why no annual tax has been paid (since November 2019).  I’m not sure if retrospective payments (and/or penalties) would be requested for the intervening period.  I can’t think of anything to do except share passport exit and re-entry stamps to prove driver absence.  But we can’t prove the recorded mileage of the day of our departure in Jan 2020.

    An advice or suggestions would be gratefully received.  Thanks in advance.

  11. My wife and I are struggling with the current rules and options relating to entry to Thailand.  We are Brits and were formerly in Thailand on annual extensions in respect of our Non-Imm O Retirement & Dependent visas.  But were caught in the UK as covid was breaking in 2020.

    We have contacted the Thai Embassy in London for help but they seem overloaded, having just updated the website to suggest that visa processing will now take up to 15 working days.  They are also now only issuing visas online as opposed to the old send the passport in and await its return, etc.  This so-called e-visa process however is not clear and some stipulations seems at odds with what appears elsewhere on their website. 

    We had intended to get a Tourist or Non-Imm O visa again and apply in Thailand for annual extensions.  We have now decided to come in for a short stay as tourists and understand we would be granted a 45 days stay (which used to be 30 days).  

    We would like to confirm two points to be sure before we travel -  

    ·        Can we in the initial 45 day period leave Thailand (say, to visit Vietnam for a week or so) and re-enter Thailand to then be given a second 45 day period of stay?  (This would appear to be permissible as per the entry on the London website – foreigners who enter Thailand under this Tourist Visa Exemption Scheme may re-enter and stay in Thailand for a cumulative duration of stay of not exceeding 90 days within any 6-month period from the date of first entry.”)

    ·        Do we need to have health insurance?  (I think the covid-related stipulations have now been dropped – though we have both been fully vaccinated and would carry the relevant proof.  But I’m not sure about the general requirement.  It was never needed previously.)

    We intend to fly with Thai direct to Chiang Mai.  It would be good to get back there again – without any unforeseen hiccups. Thanks for any help and advice in advance

  12. Having been effectively locked down in one way or another in the UK since early 2020, a return to Thiailand is now possible.  The intention is to get a Non-Imm O visa via the London Embassy and apply later in Thailand for an annual extension on the basis of retirement.

    But I'm not clear on what the remaining covid-related requirements are. 

    I think -

    you need to have proof of vaccination, but

    you do not need to have a covid test just prior to the inward flight, and 

    that there is no isolation on arrival in a designated hotel for any specified period, but

    you do need to have relevant insurance cover, though I'm not sure exeacly what that is or where best to get it.

    Is this correct?  Am I missing anything?

    With thanks in advance.


  13. My wife and I (both British) had valid Thai Non-Immigrant O visas which were issued in 2014.  We were then granted annual extensions, valid until December 2015.  (My visa was extended by reason of “retirement” and my wife was my “dependent”.)  We then both successfully applied for further annual extensions.  The latest annual extensions were valid until December 2020.

    In January 2020 we flew to the UK for family reasons, with valid re-entry permits.  And then came covid, lockdown, and the subsequent difficulties of travelling.  Obviously, our annual extensions and non-Immigrant O visas have now expired, and likewise our re-entry permits.  But it seems we can at long last now return more easily to Thailand. 

    I know regulations have changed many times in the past 2/3 years.  Is it possible to reinstate our annual extensions at the Embassy in London, or at Immigration in Chiang Mai?  Or are we back to square one?  We have always maintained a balance in our bank during our enforced absence in excess of 800,000 baht in the hope that that might help, come this day.  Hope springs eternal.    

    Thanks in anticipation for any advice.

  14. Bad surpise this morning.  Never seen this charge before and have been with SCB for more than 20 years.  Our situation is that we have been locked out of Thailand since Jan 2020 when we left to visit UK family for a brief period.  But have not yet been able to return to Thailand. 

    Our bank and credit card accounts have been maintained throughout, albeit with fewer transactions.  The bank balance has reduced over the period but is good for many more months' of low-level activity before needing top-up.  (This is our day-to-day working account, and separate to our 800k account held with another bank.)

    Any advice gratefully received.  Thanks in advance.

    • Haha 1
  15. Obviously my wife and I are not the first people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time, when the global lockdown unfolded - meaning outside Thailand (in the UK).  Although our renewal date is in December it looks to be unilkely or impossible or very costly to somehow by then get back into Thailand to renew.  (The difficulties of starting from scratch are well known to us.)

    So two linked questions - 

    How did those with renewal dates which have already expired get on with Thai Immigration if not resident in Thaialnd at that time?

    Is there any possibility of the annual renewal date being pushed back until travel back to LOS is possible, or not prohibitively expensive?

    We understand the health versus economic arguments facing the Thai government and know that prorities are not determined by the fact that Thailand can be - and in this situation actually is - somebody's home, with a house and car just sitting there maintained as best we can from a distance, dependent on friends and neighbours.  But in the hope that somebody can tell us something positive that we've missed.

    Thanks in advance.   

  16. Currently stuck outside of Thailand due to flight restrictions etc. but still have Thai bills to pay and the house to look after in my absence.  So like to keep an eye on my Thai baht finances of course.

    This morning tried to login into SCB (had an account with them for more than 20 years), and was "invited" to sign up to presumably-revised Terms and Conditions.  There was no explanation, no outline of changes, no short summary to explain this.  I scrolled down to find the update was 15 pages long and so took the "Cancel" option as opposed to "Accept" - thinking I might be able to bypass the page or - if not - read the 15 pages in due course.  The result was I was declined access.

    Does anybody know what this is all about?  Do I/ we really have to read 15 pages of small print? Thanks for any insights.   

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