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Posts posted by figjam2

  1. "With ref to your line 1 para 2 one had the impression that you were not satisfied with the timeframe and wanted to speed things up. Your Federal member would not intervene on your behalf at such an early stage without documentation"

    I don't see how you would get the "impression" I was not satisfied quite the opposite, I know the local MP did intervene as I recieved feedback for her office within 24 hrs and without documentation except the file number.

  2. I/we have just gone through the process,lodged the application at the VFS 19/12/08 her interview was on the the 08/01/08 with Leena,considering the holiday period I was quite happy with the time frame, a few odds and sods were required namely the updated 47SP which we had on her desk by the 14/01/08 then the waiting game began :D we were told 12 weeks was the normal period :D for a prospective marriage visa.

    After 3 weeks I decided on the spur of the moment the wheel needed a bit of oil( not that it was squeaky) so I dropped an email to my local member asking her to look into it on my behalf :o which she was happy to do, but did repeat the same as Leena 12 weeks etc.

    My girl received a call on Valentines day from Leena to be at the embassy 10.30 26/02/08 and bring her passport :D so it doesn't hurt to oil the wheel squeaky or not, it can be done. 8 weeks from start to finish not bad.

  3. The good lady had her interview at the Aust Embassy yesterday and by all accounts it went well,it lasted 20 minutes and she said it was just a general chit chat. The case worker did ask for a few things which I did find strange 1/ Christmas cards from our friends with her name as well as mine (she has been to Aust on 2 three month visitors visas) 2/ Skype phone records of her contact with her mum.

    She did say that the approval will be between 1 to 3 months after the additional paperwork is supplied but hinted to her that it will probably be 1 month. We lodged the application on the 18/12/07 so all in all not too bad, possible 2 month process.

  4. "Lifestyle in Australia" thats a new one on me :D where do I get this mate? just for the record the previous 07/07 is word perfect to the current 10/07, Immigration in Melbourne could not give me a reasonable response to my question of "why I need to fill out the same form again" but to hand me to the "feedback" department and I will get a response in 2/3 weeks :o

    Any DIAC office in Australia, there is a "Lifestyle in Australia" booklet available in the Thai language. Also available from the VFS office in Bangkok. You should get a firm reply preferably in writing as to why you cannot use this form dated 07/07. It is a simple question.

    What about all the applicants who lodged their applications in Bangkok in October with forms obtained in August or September?

    Just received a call from Canberra,they are at a loss as to why the 07/07 was not accepted by VFS and DIAC have not issued instructions to them "not to accept 07/07 40SP" nice enough fella on the phone and he said he would contact VFS and get back to me. Could be VFS has acted on their own in this matter, I wonder how many others have had to redo the form.

  5. "Lifestyle in Australia" thats a new one on me :D where do I get this mate? just for the record the previous 07/07 is word perfect to the current 10/07, Immigration in Melbourne could not give me a reasonable response to my question of "why I need to fill out the same form again" but to hand me to the "feedback" department and I will get a response in 2/3 weeks :o

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