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Posts posted by Kathe2

  1. On the whole, Thais don't read and seem to be more comfortable communicating orally.

    All sorts of <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=people&v=56">people</a> accustomed, for example, to the western <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=business&v=56">business</a> practice of communicating important information in <a href="http://www.ntsearch.com/search.php?q=writing&v=56">writing</a> have discovered to their horror that their Thai colleagues and employees wouldn't ever bother reading a word of anything they were sent.

    My own view has always been that Thais dislike the black-and-white tone of written communication which frequently leaves them little wiggle room for claiming later that they misunderstood you. The ambiquity of oral communicatin is far more suited to their particular social comfort zone.

    On the whole thais dont read.....hum......

    It's easy enough to think, which ppl you are communicating. Bar girls have no time to read , time is money. Money from Farangs, who think thais BG dont read. But they are clever not to read but to make money with you ( Farang ).

    Well, depending on which thai are you contacting with. If BG likes to read, they might look " well educated", and if they are really like to read long letter ( waste of her making money time ) they would not have to work as a BG. Dont you think so ?

    If she can read your long english letter, she would have worked other occupations.

    Not a bit difficult to ask, why whole thais dont read.....hum......

    Just a point of view of a thai woman, who like to read very long letters, and dont forget, I like to read newspapers too....hehehee....

    At least I can read.....hurayyyyyyy.....


  2. Anybody knows ? I 'm planning to fly to Thailand and stay little longer , the problem is I have some personal things to post back ( to save the expensive freight cost ). So I decided to post my parcel ( around 20 kg ). Do i have to pay tax for my used and o personal things like shoes , clothes and books inside ?


  3. Not only BKK-Bahrain, you can see how many thai ladies flying all over the world lately. Let's see on Ava Air to Vienna...lots of gals fly in and out so easily.

    Then they shall work from here and there till her visa expire, if lucks, she will gets much money back, unless I have a job again, to help them.....at the Polize Station !


  4. Yeah, whatever... Bud who do you think you are at all??!? How dare you say 'Thai women this... and Thai women that...'?? You think you know so much about us Thai women just by spending a few weeks/months (whatever) with some girls you hook up over the net? met in the bars? picked up in restaurants/department stores/the street????!! Or by reading some books!!?? For F*&$^ sake, if I have a penny everytime I heard/read a farang said 'I know all about Thai women and they are like this blah blah blah', I sure would have been a millionaire by now. :o

    My husband read a bit of your post. He just shook his head and said to me 'you don't half read these craps, you know?' And I agree with him wholeheartedly.

    Sorry to be rude, but my opinion is this 'if you dine from a rubbish tip, then don't complain when you get food poisoning'.

    It's all a load of rubbish as well that successful/nice/modern/independent Thai women don't date westerners. Obviously, not ALL of them will be scrambling for one. Why should they? Are the westerners SOOOO much better than Thai men of their level that they need to get one?!? I don't think so! Most of these women will be open minded about dating people from different cultural background from them. Try to understand that just because they are not likely to offer to spend the night with you in your hotel the first time you met doesn't mean they will only date Thais. These women will have higher standard on what sort of characters they are dating. And really really really, they are NOT likely to be posting their photos on the net, advertising themselves on some dating websites (sorry, no disrespect to those sites). The opportunities to meet different people and attention they get from being successful/nice/modern/independent are already enough for them in their daily life! B)

    I can't even begin to argue with some of sweeping statements made in your posts. It's clear that you have only experienced ONE area of Thai society and tar the whole country with the same brush. It's a waste of time for me saying anything here as it will just get dismissed as 'a view from a westernised woman'. Ha!

    You know, I think it's good that you keep generalising actually. This way, at least you will know what sort of ladies you are likely to get. :D Stick with your bargirls and email friends. You seem like you will fit in well with them just fine.

    That's all, folks! Sorry if I've been quite rude/offensive/whatever in this post. I just can't stand this crap anymore. Thanks for letting me express what I feel! B)

    Bravooooo......at least one speak out of my heart too. Many thanks for your mail.

    We ( thai women ) do agree of yours point of views. And it is really TRUE !!!

    Sorry for my bad english, I havent used this language for so many years ;-)

    At least you cheer me up a lot for showing how is THAI WOMAN....here in thailand....too


  5. Jem....

    Visiting in a nice Gallery or places where so many thais..who has educated, or visiting thai chat room mostly international thai chat room, you shall meet many nice thai guys who can speak good english and good education too.

    Thai guys are helpful and smart, ( I am a thai woman...hehee)

    Good chance too..if you have thai friends and thai friends invites you to the party , and maybe introduce you to a nice ppl there too.

    Good Luck Jem !


  6. Mod, your thai friends might give you many good advice, coz they can see that you are true. Coz there are lots of bad stories about thai women, especially if one of you picked them from Bars.

    But there are still millions of women who are as normal as other women in this world too....ask your heart....right and you are old enough to see or notice..if this is real love or not.

    If woman really loves you, she wont want anything from you. And if she wants....she would feel embarrested to ask too. And she will care of you, look after you.

    She will think of you and she will be happy to live with you.

    I am a thai woman too, and married with European, and I do really love my husband and I never let him pay for me....coz I know he doesnt have. How can i let him do if he doesnt have money ? He must not take good care of my family in thailand. And I am thanksful that we lead a peaceful and happy life together even we are not rich. So, there are still lots of thai girls who really love her guys too.

    Think positive. And ask your instinct if you got the right one ?

    Good Luck Mod !


  7. Sounds like in the insane Circus. But on the other hand....Farang likes to be a HERO and feel comfortable to support her family. They do feel , at home, with her services....

    So they dont feel guilty to buy fresh ( Human ) on the street, bring home and hummmm....cook

  8. <font color='#000000'>Bud,

    Lots of generalisations here.

    I think that if you look for love on the internet or in the bars you will be disappointed.

    If you search for diamonds at the rubbish dump, I'm sure that all you will find is rubbish.

    There are plenty of ladies out there that don't need your handouts. They just take a little longer to find and woo.

    Take your time to find a nice middle class lady that is well educated and has a "real" job. This might mean that you will need to spend more time in LOS than just a couple of weeks, but the wait is well worth while.

    Life is good not having to speak Isanglish...   :o</font>

    Agree with your idea, but terribly sad to read mails from Mr. Bud. I am a THAI WOMAN, who feels so down to read all of you wrote. If you are looking for a good thai lady, why dont you always hanging around with bar ladies and complaining all the problem you met.

    That is your problem also. If you want to have a thai lady who can speak your language and be able to do things like western women, so you have to look other places...out of Night places where there are only poor mosquitoes there ..so suck your dolla bloods. Logic..huh ?

    If you are looking (an instant lady like Instant nestcafe )who can speaks fluently english and modern and, even good in bed...you have to pay higher price also.

    That is logic again, women who are working in the bar ...mostly they have learned ..to tell her clients the same stories.....have to take good care whole of your family...and relations...or the whole semi-province where all of her relations live. The same stories....

    The money you help ......( not only you..but many of her clients...keep helping )....she will live in a big foot....too...and laugh at you ....when you think all of you found real love in her...

    I have warned many Farangs in EU already....but they mostly thought it was real love.....and felt so sad and so sorry for her Buffalo died...logic....she needs money for the Buffalo's funeral again.

    Another mail come....this time...school is opened and her sister needs some money for uniform and many other things.

    Later...her dad is sick..and needed urgently cure in the hospital....darling....i need 30,000 Baht....soon....if you reall love me....please send it soon before my dad is going to DIE .......

    Oh, what a sad story now.....


  9. Just wanna know, as I have heard most Farangs who lives in Thailand likes to drink Beer Chang. Just wondering..if it is an advertising ? Or just doing after another ?

    How is it with Beer Singh ? Or other beers ?

    Just curious....that's all...I am No Beer drinker :o


  10. Love is taking care each other, missing each other when he or she is away. ( or you are happy if he/she is away..humm..) Love is you wake up early to make him a breakfast or cook him a delicious european food ( you know he loves his food more than thai food....;-) love is....he is trying to help your household job, and you like to listen when he said....I love you !!!!!! On the other hands...he loves to hear from you too, but thai women are not used to .....to show all the feellings. If they are not Pattaya ladies....who talks like casette here.....Tirakk..kha.....oh Ti rakk.....:o

    Thai Woman....European loves to have space too...to join his buddies in the pubs or football game....but I am sure....he loves you. As long as you  and him getting along fast with the culture and mentalities.

    Love is real, real is  love...love is asking, asking love, love is U..U and himmmm.....( J. Lennon )

    Good Luck !


  11. Mr. Kurt is expert in Thaiwomen. He is handsome ( he said ) , he is rich and he is strong. He likes good food and pocket full of money. Finally the gentleman with class who loves only Pattaya class women...

    Smell likes I am in the Fish Market now.....:o

  12. Dr. who graduated from Siriraj University ( the good and the best for Medicine Studies ) and from Mahidol University, I am sure you dont have to be afraid. Afraid is that Dr. who graduated from no name Institutes or Dr. from Massage Salon. But I feel you guys prefer to let them massage from those Dr. ;-)

    Ok, it's just only my point of view, I was also born in Siriraj Hospital and still have 32 organs good in shape..hehehe..

    I have nothing concerning with those Dr. but as I am a thai and know well which Hospitals or Institutes are good.

    Good luck !


  13. Oppsss....sorry for my mistyped..* Mozziess Nest * Plachon.

    As I havent used English for a long time and even my native language worst too....( thai )

    Okie..I did mean the Giant Mozzie Net  :cool: I am sure if you have more space lfor the NET and spending the night inside that *NET*..it would  make you sleep as smooth as silkkkk too...hehehe

    Sleep tight and dont let those bloody Mozzies bite !

    Kathe :o

  14. The weather is so dull outside, dark and colddddd...I need sunny day and little smile...

    Joke of the day...;-)

    A husky foreigner, looking for  sex, accepted a prostitute's terms. When she undressed, he noticed that she had no public hair.

    The man shouted, " What, no wool ? In my country all women have wool down there ! "

    The prostitute snapped back, " What do you want to do, knit or screw ? "

    ........ :cool:

  15. well i guest i have no choice, doing the visa run is the only option i got, drive down to the border walk in walk out. i never thought i would do any of these lowest thing, in my life.

    personaly i would like to go back to the stated, there is nothing much here in thailand in my view. but i have a soft heart i can't just leave my girlfriend here, she mississ her parent she the only child, what can i say. Man! these visa thing is really suck-ass

    Am I a dull one ? I have been living in Europe for nearly half of my life just because I love my husband. He didnt want to stay in Thailand ( or he wants but living in TH cost lots of money too), so we still living here and has our peaceful life with little money too. If we dont have money, we just can go for a walk in the forest next door of our noses. With apple in the pocket and one sandwich, we save lots of good lunch like in BKK. My hubby knows well, if he is coming to stay in BKK, we need much more money for a standard status. Of course , we like to live comfortable like European Standard too, but a standard status in Bkk means lots more to pay for. Anyway, there are always good and bad sides. Just think positive ways , it would heal the winter depression too. hehehe

    I am the youngest daughter of my parents too who live so far away, but the technology and communications nowadays are comfortable to contact. Imagine man...since i wrote my hubby as i was a student and waited for a long week till I got one mail....man....that was really hard time for me..not like email nowadays..

    Have a nice day !


    Have a nice day !

  16. Kathe,

    If you have your old Thai residency card, or an expired Thai passport (you apparently had to turn in your latest Thai passport to Austrian authorities), this should be all you need to get a one year, multiple entry visa from Thai immigration. At least this was the case with my Thai wife, who entered Thailand with a 30 day visa obtained at the airport (US passport), then went to immigration in Chiang Mai and got the one-year visa applicable to Thai nationals with non Thai passports. The cost (then) was no more than 2000 baht.

    I would think any sort of proof that you're a Thai national (birth certificate, school diploma, whatever) would suffice. And Thai immigration certainly doesn't care that you now carry an Austrian passport -- you're a Thai national forever (but stay tuned. there may be a price tag on this distinction one of these days).

    Good luck.

    Jim Gant

    Thanks for you advice. Just feel like I am a Thai Wanna be..even I am a real thai..herrrrrrr


  17. Windows open, no clothes... ???????????

    You're just inviting the mossies like a red rag to a bull.

    I do this. Turn on ac before you're ready for bye bye (say 1 hour before). Then swith it off and revert to fan on feet/lower body if needed. By the time the temp gets hot again your fast asleep. Circulating air also prevents mossie attacks (in case window left open).

    Your idea is pretty good. Last time I went visit my parents, and they are now only sleeping downstair in a big living room, in a big mosquito nest. They even went to Pahurat, to buy the Nest for me, very cheap and big enough to sleep peacefully. They know I cant bear much sleeping without ac. But they turn of 2 fans, not direct on me, coz i shall get easily sick, no mossies, and it is romantic in a Nest too, ( cotton nest, no plastic one ). But you should learn the trick to close the nest carefully. Then you will have a good sleep w/o ac. I am sure. I have been living in Europe and like cooler room, but in a Nest, I sleep like a baby too. The Nest should be a big one..have a sweet dream and turn back to alternative.


  18. We have now fulled of visa, reenter visas, bunch of documents, now just relax for some minutes.

    Joke of the day for your coffee break :

    A little old man shuffled slowly into an ice cream parlor, crawled painfully onto a stool, and ordered a banana split.

    The waitress asked, " Crushed nuts ? "

    " No, " he replied, " it's just arthritis. "


  19. Well my friends now have their ticket’s to Thailand confirmed and are now looking to book reasonable accommodation.

    Okay we have the Bangkok side tie up but as they keep asking me about Pattaya and I have never been there I need you expert help my friends

    They have been advised to stay at the baiyoka. which they have been told is a good hotel at a reasonable price and right where the action is.

    has any one stayed her and give me advise

    On o this subject where is the action, from my maps it looks like its all around the southern end

    Soi Post office down to

    Pattaya land 1 2 & 3

    DSoi Diamond

    Your advice on this also

    Now I here a lot of talk about Walking St,  but can not find it on a map of Pattaya i down loaded off the web

    is it a part of Beach Street or what?

    I know only Baiyoke Building in Bangkok, you can visit that website and you might find the way to the same branch Baiyoke, Pattaya. Pattaya is the nearest beach of Bangkok. If you like night life places, so Pattaya would be fun for  you.

    Have a nice and safe vacation Ozzie :o


  20. Easiest is for you both to get a multiple entry Non-Immigrant O class visain Austria. After 90 days cross a border and come back into Thailand where you will be granted another 90 day stay. ( with the multi you can do that as often as you like for one year )

    Many thanks for your informations. Another question, please. Do I have to show bank account in a very high amouth of 250,000. Baht ? That sum is rediculous high. And I have to leave the country to get a visa ? ( Dont really like much to leave the country and asking for a visa at the border ).

    Thanks for khun Lopburi, here in Austria, we are not allow to have both passport. I had to leave my thai passport and carry austrian one. That is bad :o

  21. Fox    DO NOT arrive on a tourist visa. You MUST get a non- immigrant O class visa before entry, otherwise a one year extension is impossible.

    Hi there,

    I'm Kathe, I have a problem too. Anybody can give me any advise ? I have been living for a long time in Austria, but I am a thai woman who now has Austrian Citizen. I went to BKK every year to visit my parents but never stayed more than 5 weeks. This time as my husband is retired and we have more time to stay there, the problem is, i need an non immigrant visa to stay for 5 months. I think I shall get only 90 days visa here and what happen when my visa is not valid after that ? Do i have to get out of the country to get reenter visa and shall i get the same non immigrant visa for another 90 days ? Because i have already return ticket in May. I cant stay longer than that date. Anybody can give me any advices ? Thanks so much.


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