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Posts posted by krobbie

  1. Speaking for myself, I am just not that sharing. When it comes to love and partnerships I am just not interested in accepting that these things happen.

    I accept that this is not the way all gay relationships work but mine has to be.

    As one who spent his youth enjoying the pre-HIV years I had my fair share (and probably several other people's share) of bed hopping. I don't find anything unusual in this but when it comes to relationships ... I am a one many guy i.e. monogamous during that entire period.

    At 56 I am fortunate enough to have a 2 year relationship after being in the wilderness of singledom for 15. It has never entered my head to go outside that relationship for sex. Fortunately I have a man who is a good, attentive and adventurous lover and our relationship is built on trust. Because I live in NZ and he in Bangkok (36, muslim, non Thai) it has to be the foundation stone or it would be insane.

    We see each other 3 or 4 times a year and talk every night on Skype and until he can come to live in New Zealand in 2012 that is the way it has to be. It is not ideal but who knows when love arrives at your door you just make it work however you are able. Let's face it, love is not so easy to come buy as we get older and I grasp it with both hands and nurture it daily.

    What ever works to ensure that love endures is up to the individuals concerned, but for me it doesn't extend to sharing my partner.



  2. On that subject, if I get a new work permit in May, and my non-O retirement visa is changed to a non-B visa to work, will I pay 1,900 baht and still have an annual extension date of November? Or will the extension date be subject to the terms of my school contract? How much does a work permit cost?

    I also would like to know how much the work permit costs per annum. Anyone?



  3. The last Plink Flight like this that Air NZ had, was sold out in in just weeks.

    They ask among the staff, as to who wants to do the flight and they have no end of crew up for the challenge.

    It is a resounding success.

    Who would rather sit for 14 hours on the plane packed with Jo & Joanne average and the kids, when you could have a ball with mates instead?

    As for sterotyping. I guess YOU won't be at the Mardis Gras anyway. The whole deal is so stereotypical in it's wonderful wierdness. From bears to Marys, muscles to queens, everyone is their to celebrate their gayness.

    Or you could sit at home tut tutting and knitting I nice jumper for winter. Up to you.


  4. It's just so unfair. I've abused a number of posters, but they all said they liked it and some even came back for more!

    I mean, what consenting adults do, shouldn't be held against them....

    Scott, are you feeling guilty at this point? Just go to the party! No one will know it's you. Try not to call attention to yourself by wearing a thong though. That might be construed as attention seeking.




  5. wee bit more dangerous though :o more partners more chance of catching something

    Yay, someone paid attention to the health indicators. Multiple partners = greater likelihood of an STI and complications.

    If you need a bigger incentive, the last guy you want swabbing your willy is my dawg Toby. He thinks he's scraping barnacles off of a keel.

    Follow your heart, mister.

    Gabriel, I also say, follow your heart. The whole deal is a gamble (maybe a gambol). Percentages this, percentages that. Give it go. If it doesn't work in the long term, so what. Nobody died! Seems to me there's more +'s than -'s in this particular instance.

    Choc dee to you and your bf, mai pen rai the rest:wai:


  6. I have been reading this thread with some interest.

    There has been some reasoned debate and some plain old scare mongering. The super HIV virus?? Good grief, the ordinary one is enough thanks.

    No-one has yet suggested all HIV+ people should have a number tatooed on their forheads. I fear it won't be long before someone does.

    I also note that Thai people with HIV are poor innocent victims while farang HIV+ people are dangerous criminals.

    I am afraid I just don't see myself in that light.

    To make sweeping staements is of no help whatsoever, no matter how knowledgeable one thinks they are. Walk a mile in someone elses shoes first. It's easy to moralise and to critisize ... when you've got a spare moment.


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