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Posts posted by tomy

  1. If I can catch one of them elephants,I gonna make some soup,I got a new recipe,but I gonna make it with out the hare in it.

    make sure those 10 women down at the lake fishing right now don't see you cooking elephants for soup, or else you'll be in the soup with rabbit in them :o:DB)

  2. 1) *************** If I decide to simply apply for tourist visa, how long should I indicate I hope to stay --only 60 days, 90, or more??*********
    max it out, like 90day mutiple visa or triple if can, what-ever they can offer you, the more the better, you'll never know you might need it , it doesn't hurt to have more, you're not loosing anything.
    2) I favor the suggestion to apply to the Texas consulate, but does it matter that it is not the consulate district designated for my area?

    i think which ever state you apply for thai visa, it will be send to that main head quarter, for sure i know that hawaii have their own consulate cause i have my visa done there, the guy was signing it while i was sitting there waiting for it. same day service.

  3. Good to see I am not the only "Anti-Bush" liberal nutcase here 

    I think 90% of the world can unite into "fighting" the US and their "ugly" Neo-Empire war. See, Bush is an uniter not a divider like some would like to think 

    Europe will grow stronger thanks to this, so there is hope for a better world after all 

    Europe will grow stronger thanks to this.....lol in your dream buddy, without the U.S all you european would be homeless, we are the Super Power, and the Buying Power, with out us you can't sell jack-shiet, California alone have more automobile than all europe combine, we import 80% of your car (germany, british, japan, italy etc...) our kids purchase your brand-name iteam to keep you alive, with out them you can sell it to the rat, we have more oil and natural resource in reserve to last my whole lifetime, but we want to steal more, more is better, so you tell me who is the smarter one, they touches the Twin Tower, now we touches their land, simple as that. extremist Islamist groups should re-name extremist Islamist phycho, they even kill their own people, they claim that their god tell them to kill as much people as they can, so they can go to heaven. but if you don't kill you go to ######. I'm tired, don't wanna write anymore :D , like i say you go and bash your own president or leader let me bash mine . :o

    ooo! ima get it now B)

  4. Something you consider when you are over fifty

    Bangkok, bad idea, at your age you need fresh air, bangkok will not give you that, you have to go to oxygen bar to get some fresh air, try phuket, next to the beach or something more relaxing than city life :o

  5. yes they do scan on arrival. When i was there last july, a girl said to me put the bags to be scanned, and I told her no it has already been scanned and it has the security tags on it.

    I just kept on walking. She then went on to get others etc.

    It is not mandatory after you pass customs.

    I hope you were joking when you did this, try that stunt in the state and they will shoot you on the spot :o

  6. what state are you planning to drive in, each state have its own driving law some strict and some easy, California is very srtict, with a international driver license you also need a local driver license to support the international, when i say local that mean the country that you have driver license in, you have to show both license if caught.

  7. 80,000 to 100,000 baht a month income at that point

    with that kind cash you can live very comfortable life-style in thailand, with a very nice condo on the beach, all utility, and a car to get around, couple of maid if needed :o , and you can also have 2 or 3 young beauty running around the house naked :D

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