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About harleyclarkey

  • Birthday 08/28/1951

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    Dublin and Chalong

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  1. Just a true Thai classic....10 Thais to 1 foreigner, and get involved to beat the sh*t out of any foreigner...even though he incident has nothing to do with these 10 thugs and lowlifes.
  2. I don't give a single toss what he did. The friggin Thais have NO right to treat any prisoners as they do....and they do all the time. Inhumane, savage, cruel, degrading, violent, tortuous treatments are the signs of a depraved system Can he not sue through some world human rights court??
  3. Is this that for real? He was actually going to drink some sh*ite that he had no idea of what was in it. A fool and his money, 20 000 Baht, are soon parted. This could not be more clear with this case.
  4. Mmmmm....tasty! Male models in the Bangkok Hilton? I can hear the salivating from here....
  5. Just love this reporting. The locals would still be their usual stupor.
  6. Too many ignorant inhumane comments here. This elderly, read again, elderly couple were savagely attacked and beaten up by two really brave punk Thais. Two low life scumbags. No matter what they did or whatever about that land, this is assault and battery causing grievous harm, But then in racist, corrupt Thailand this is just another day for those thugs in brown to side with their fellow low life..
  7. It's not the dog....it's that arrogant friggin owner. Throw him out....he is just the type of person who shows utter contempt for others along with a you can't touch me attitude. Idiot
  8. Why bother? There's more than enough wild life in Pattaya, Bangla rd Phuker, Nana Bangkok, etc.
  9. 78 humans died under appalling inhumane conditions - and just now he apologises for this barbarism. Was anyone held accountable for these deaths which were easily avoided? Just another example of how dreadful this country and its leaders can be.
  10. Vaping I'd a right disgrace. Kids are led to believe it is safe(ish)....so puff away. The flavoured vapes are dangerous and have you noticed the amount of smoke that a vaper expels. Thomas the Tank Engine on legs or a WW2 destroyer putting out smoke. Treat vapes as a serious health hazard, price them to heck and only for those over 18.
  11. Aha...its you, again, Loo. Maybe read my post next tome instead of jumping up and going to arms. The vile brutality shown him was way out of context to his " crime"
  12. The emotional trauma and financial loss to these people, especially the musician, was totally out of proportion to this minor offence.
  13. Geez haven't they done well at onlt 107th. I wonder if they paid off anyone??.
  14. Piles of rubbish....at least the guys are delighted to be in their natural environment. One of the filthiest places I gave ever been is....Varanasi. A supposed holy city which should be spotless.....not.
  15. Spending High, Independent Travellers.. SH one T???
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