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Everything posted by Sheist

  1. DIsagree, and strongly on Makro. The only things more expensive are Cokes. Big C and Lotus are higher on every food item I buy.
  2. And 640l local beer down to 620l, but that was a few years ago.
  3. M-O-N-E-Y. That word solves lots of problems.
  4. This issue started yesterday for me. The issue started when I foolishly tried to log in from my phone, instead of my computer. Got the login "security" options. Got logged in fine now from the phone, but now the computer won't. Logs in and sends email fine IF from a phone, but never sends email on the computer, or SMS. SOLUTION: (sorta) Click the SEND button after you first click the email box (it never emailed me, and SMS never SMS'd). For some reason, that email with 6 digit code sends, and it logs you in, but once. When I log out, the entire stupid scenario starts again. Laz chat help just wants a screenshot. OMG.
  5. "Your room cost is 1500 b." - "I can't pay. My credit card is banned." "Ok. 1450 b."
  6. 90 day online to new site approved. Woo hoo! Rejected in December 2021 for unknown reason; it may have been not using dashes in the 10-digit phone number then.
  7. Approved! So now, why did my last attempt on the NEW site in Dec 2021 get rejected? The only difference is... wait for it... I did not put dashes in between the 10-digit phone numbers last time. OMG. It is this, or the person working my request this time was more on the stick than was the last time. All the rest of the information was entered exactly as I did before on the OLD site. It "broke" after I did my annual+90 Day-on-same-day thing last year. NOTE: Some people got an approval with "leaving middle name blank", leaving non-required fields blank, etc, but I did not do those things and it was approved for me. Finally, it worked on the new site!! I could not be more pleased.
  8. Same identical address used in the old system, before it bonked last year, and the PDF. I will test with the app first next time... I did not even try it anymore, nor resubmitting. If you used the app all 3 times and it worked "overnight" (I assume you meant, after midnight), I will try these suggestions.
  9. I have been Jomtien since I arrived here 9.5 years ago, and have never left this area. The PDF itself says no reason, and the line to see it says only Rejected. If only there were a way to contact this person or people working this desk to ask them why the rejection by email or phone number, will/can they fix it, whatever. If they are able and willing to see that I am not actually on overstay, then what is the reason? I don't suppose you have their cell phone number? ???????? Frustrating. Never had any problem (except when the site was down) until my last visa renewal last year (I had no idea doing a 90 day report AND a visa renewal on the same day last year would "break" me, but apparently it did. There is no chance of a dual report next year, thankfully) and since then, the mobile app says I am on overstay and both mobile sites fail me.
  10. How do you know this? Something is still bunked for me.
  11. On the new site, I got a "rejected" response with no reason on the PDF after about a week. The mobile app says invalidly that I am on overstay, so it does not work for everyone.
  12. There is no "precheck" when the site reason fails for the same reason as the old site, if the old site fails for the reason of overstay (see the mobile app). The cause is the person at Immigration that failed to update/insert your real information the last time you updated it at Immigration. Informing the desk-rider at the time is/was a waste of time.
  13. Impossible. The new system read the same info from the old, which shows an invalid overstay. If you suspect, check the mobile app which confirms. Imm. desk jockey cares not that the data entry (or lack thereof) caused it. Here is hoping the next visa renewal is entered properly there next time.
  14. Avoid the line on the left and save your legs 45 minutes of waiting. Just go to the "line" (usually empty) at the desk outside on the right. There is a 90 Day Report sign on the tent. They take your passport, give you a laminated number, they take bunches inside to process, you sit under the tent in chairs and wait. Just FYI, since they used to force us inside for a chit like the other "riff raff." (i.e. you for an extension, once a year or more)
  15. The answer is, no. ไม่พบข้อมูล (no information found), after entering TM number. 2 other things I noticed: 1. it does not ask for the Arrival Card number, and its place is blank on the PDF. 2. same for the blank VISA "NON-IMM' and "TOURIST" boxes.
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