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Posts posted by DumpyLevel

  1. Not too sure how this thread has lasted.. but.. i post rarely.. lurk a lot.. love cricket and everybody should play or at least appreciate the game.. it has a calming yet competitive feel.. breaks down many barriers... and as quite a tense person, this is obviously a good thing

  2. Clubhouse on Suk 23 happy hour 5-8 everyday. 175 baht Guinness all day everyday as well.

    Watched the football there tonight. 8 different games on at the same time. Well impressed.

    Is that small guiness all day every day???... and if so, why does it not meet happy hour criteria for a discount

    I would start drinking there more often if they had a better selection of draft beer

  3. I don't even know what a torrent is so I'll have no problems with my post.. I hope..

    Must agree about the Dexter series,.. best show I've seen I believe.. Only started watching a few weeks ago but now up to 5th season second show, but struggling with a slow feed as we speak

  4. I'm certainly not having a go at you and at 8.4M to purchase, I'm surprised that a Brit pensioner can afford to stay in such a place, especially if he is a bum.

    I still think it is the building management / body corporate responsibility and you need to pressure them into action even if they say they don't know what to do.. You do have rights as an owner occupancy against a tenant occupancy... Not sure what you mean by something drastic, but being petty only lowers you to their level

  5. I can see where this sort of problem is harder to fix in townhouses and basic moo baans without a common authority so...

    Not sure if I am missing something, but if it is as bad as you say and everybody sees the problem, would this not be discussed by the body corporate, who if agree, could suggest the the owner get rid of the tennant. Surely this nearly up market condo has rules and regulations

  6. Peter

    I do think you have a case. I'm no expert but I was told quite a few years back that the labour department put rules in place to stop people not getting their due entitlement by breaking employment periods up by making the staff work to fixed contracts and then re-engaging them. Either you pay the required compensation at the end of a year or two, and if not and the contact is renewed, without having paid the compensation the employment is deemed continuing. As someone above said, the labour department do not care what your contract says with your employer, if you have been on the one work permit with the same company for eleven years, you have been employed for eleven years.

    I only found this out some years back when the foreign company I was working for, on yearly contracts, finally terminated me after seven years as the project was complete paid me a most welcome compensation payment I did not expect. Not that they were overly good hearted, they had been taken to task a number of times before, and maybe they thought clueless me was more a bit more clever than I am.

    Good luck. I believe the labour department will be behind you, but in Thailand, you never really know.


  7. Well now you have "a few" <deleted>.. sorry...

    You wrote a novelette, and it could have been condensed to a few lines... if you consider this one of your major dilemmas in life, consider yourself lucky..

    It really is a no brainer.. go see your mate.. if you are truly on again, off again with her, it does not really matter and you can sort it out later

  8. Not sure why this topic has gone so quiet..

    Ex Bangkok bar girl who marries a farang and tries to improve herself by getting a degree (still not quite there but an admirable trait) stabs her husband to death..

    Lot's of pictures of him and his past (not so pretty, nazi's are not a popular lot) has been exposed to the world... I'm not going there, from everything else at hand that is well behind him.. he is the victim... what do we know of her.. the wife .. who admitted to stabbing him (well allegedly from some of the articles about).. it may well have been self defence but it was more likely he was caught off guard thinking .. hey .. we've been here in these tantrums before and he was relaxed and she took advantage albeit in an emotional rage...

    So.. I have not seen a profile anywhere of her....I still want to see a photo.... and would like to know a little more about her.......

    I do know someone who 'says' she used to work with her and she said, said lady was quite volatile at times (and this is prior to the marriage)... especially under the influence of whatever.. She also said that it is not the first time she has stabbed a boyfriend... well.. practice does make perfect as they say............. and this time she succeeded in doing what anyone who pulls a knife obviously has intention or capabilities to do..

    I don't recall ever talking with Johan, but have been around and surely know many who knew him..

    No one deserves the end Johan had ... however bad anybody thinks they have it.. they can always walk away...


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