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Posts posted by Unski

  1. I did this just now(just got back) and with no luck.

    Went there monday morning and got number 90 something(luckily i wasnt one of those who got over 200).

    With all my papers waited for my turn, i just did my 1 year interview at labour department and they renewed my WP for 1 year, i had the magic stamp in my WP.

    Also with me was WP5 form and everything along with 1inch thick stack of A4's.

    The clerk just said single entry only and didnt even want to look at my WP or WP5 ect ect.

    Next time OZ perhaps...?

  2. Monsoon restaurant in Ao Nang.

    Great salads, soups and sandwiches, my favourite place last season. Also has some daily specials.

    Looks to be closed now until mid oct.

    A1 is good also.

  3. I'm really bad at searching, just managed to find bits and pieces here and there so now i'm asking.

    Im a manager in a small company and i have a fellow farang coming to work for me.

    He had all the company papers in Europe to apply for a Non-B visa, but was declined because he didn't have a work permit yet(no surprise there).

    So he is here on a tourist visa now, and the application process has been started with the Labour department.

    My secretary is now saying that he cannot have his WP cause of his tourist visa, but now it sems that it's a question of whats needed first, the chicken or the egg...? IE. WP or Non-B.

    All the labour department has given is a small A5 sized paper, sort of a recipt of getting the application, is this paper enough to get the Non-B from Penang/KL/Vientiane and thus getting the actual work permit? I think i found some information that an invitation letter from Labour Department is needed, but this surely can't be "an invitation letter" or can it?

    Maybe just to fire all the accountants and lawyers and hire new ones will help?

    And sorry for the typos, and my inability to use search fuctions properly.

  4. I have had this @indy for 4 months now, and like most others, its pissing me off.

    Always at 1103 they say that i should upgrade to @premium, but is it really faster?

    The price is a bit steep compared to indy, but i think ill take it if it will make the connection better.

    Does anyone have any experiences changing from indy to premium and has it helped?


  5. Just to check what i need/have to get the 1 year for car and bike.


    Work Permit

    Doctors certificate



    EU drivers licence(FIN) with car/trucks/semis/busses, but no motorbike

    Above is what i have, will the EU licence get me out of the written/driving tests for car, or should i strap my wave in my pickup and drive there?

    Those papers should be enough? Two sets of photocopies, photos and docs papers, right?


  6. Got mine in Spore about 3 weeks back, no WP3 was required.

    On the other hand, they only give single entry ones, even if the papers ask for multiple entry one year. They said that go with your work permit to immigration office in Thailand and they will sort it out. Never i have heard that anyone has got it...(i only know 5 cases)

    What i heard from friends in recent weeks, Penang and KL both hand out one year multiple entries with normal paperwork(no WP3).

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