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Thai at Heart

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Posts posted by Thai at Heart

  1. The sad fact in Thailand is that when the price of rubber was high (especially 4 years back when ball rubber was over 90 Baht a kilo) every person thought they could make the same money (get rich) and did not plan for the future as markets rise and fall.

    Lots of folk went out and planted rubber trees and tendered their trees and when it was time to milk their trees in came the money.

    Then the world oil price started to drop and drop and drop to the point where the cost of fertiliser; chemicals; transport costs; cutting tools; etc is now higher than the 16 Baht per kilo of ball rubber.

    Result is that all these farmers, that saw lots of Baht, now have none and lots of these farmers went out and bought, on finance up to 7 years, new pickup vehicles.

    If these farmers were better educated and did not go with the crowd mentality maybe there would be less broke farmers.

    The Thai governments are also to blame for not providing better industry assistance packages (years back) in guiding farmers in budgeting and learning about markets.

    Thais are envious of others and if they see someone doing better in a industry, them many go and follow (sheep mentality) and try to do the same without any idea of the costs. In my in laws village there was only one reasonable shop for food supplies (no ice cream; no real coffee shop) so I built a proper shop (stand alone brick with glass front doors; air cond; good lighting) that provided Ice cream to the level of Swensen's; coffee like Black Cannon and a supermarket like a mini Tesco/Big C.

    Guess what some local Thais did....Yes, went and tried to copy without any idea of costs and their building (house front) are dirty from the dry season dust and the food hygiene is very questionable.

    Envy and Sheep mentality, so how to fix?

    "Amazing Thailand"

    The point is, the middle men processors for this product in South East Asia are thai companies. They have operations in Malaysia, Indonesia and others, and are basic middle men. When they were getting the govt to encourage growing in isaan, they didn't give a damn where the product is grown, since they make a clip whereever.

    this is the ulimate example of a govt following the advice of private business and confusing that the benefit of private business isnt; the same as the need of farmers. Whilst they were ploughing head long into increasing production, NO ONE considered this from a global price perspective except the private middle men, who don't give a damn.

  2. The action is on par with cheering someone who has murdered a victim. People who publish such posts online should also consider that those comments might remain on the Internet for a long time.

    Um, no its not at all. Firstly, people don't know that a statement is lese majeste at the time that they like it. Secondly, is it illegal to cheer a murderer? No matter how they dress it up, making a "like" have some legal meaning is absolute nonsense. It has no meaning at all. It conferes no support, no complicit meaning or otherwise.

  3. Trying to micro-manage a constitution, for 70 million people is doomed to failure, and further coups.

    I'm no constitutional scholar, but it would seem to me that a broad and basic set of laws, that are the backbone of what a country is all about, constitutes an, ummm, errr, constitution.

    Once again, I have no idea, but it would appear that most constitutions they have are a few thousand pages long and open to every sort of interpretation under the sun = coup after coup after coup.

    I don't understand...........

    Well, even the Indian Constitution, which is the longest one in the world, has only 395 articles and has been amended just over 100 times.

    The American Constitution, which is the worlds shortest one, has only seven articles and has been amended 28 times.

    America is considered to have the oldest written constitution but only if one refines the criteria of "written constitution" and excludes Switzerland wink.png

    In very simple terms, a constitution is just fundamental principles on how a state should governed, a set of basic rules on the rights and duties of the government, institutions and the people.

    Everything else are laws who can change or be added at any time by any government.

    Point being, they have a mechanism to allow them to be changed. Thai constitution can apparently only be changed by coup.

  4. Firstly , lets take the main theme and premise to conclusion you try making.
    That "" we lack insight , and in any case can't influence things , so therefore we are irrelevant .

    Not so.
    I have sent 400 plus articles directly to journalists in. 22 countries but mainly the US , UK , and Australia on issues as such.
    Along with opinion here that pasted on social media and twitter.
    The story of arrest for like is now being seen on Facebook news feed.
    My home nation is altered by me and hundreds of others.

    Public opinion stated not just by Envoy's but social media can and does create awareness.
    How does that influence things?

    Well say ISIS who think selling woman or raping them is ok .
    The general western feeling is it isn't.
    Eventually we are in conflict with all their crimes.

    Thailand may feel locking up people and ruling by gun is ok in some quarters .
    And your entitled to your opinion based on your beliefs and insights.
    But like a rapist who may hold justifications for his actions .
    The general consensus is regardless its wrong.

    If you wish to sign agreements on international norms and appear at the UN.
    Even trade ..you are answerable regardless of how you feel about it being an internal matter.

    The elites wish to pretend its a misunderstanding on our behalf.
    Just as ISIS will point to the Koran and twist it to justify its criminal behaviour.
    If the envoy's express their nations viewpoint it is with clarity and careful consideration to human rights.

    If you feel at 70 your prepared to trade human rights abuses for personal comforts that's selfish.
    But in a bigger sense it impacts on your collective position.
    Laws that are wrong should and will be called out.
    Humans in this century demand standards.
    If you wish to do commence with us .
    Have us as tourists and avoid conflict with the west.
    You need to understand you can't have your cake and eat it.
    Silencing your populace by fear and or gun is in the international community minds a matter for them to decide what punishments you will be given.

    And make no mistake there will be.
    And the changes you say can't be made will be.

    Opinions do change things.
    When they are free to be voiced.

    They have just locked a few guys up for burning down a town hall in Udon. I was privelidge to know when this was all going to happen and several up country town halls got burnt. I know for a fact that the army was fuelled and ready to move in Isaan and enter every major town in the north east to stop this arson. they didn't because they couldnt be sure that the majority of the population wouldnt fight them.

    This is the very delicate balance people........as far away from reality as it seems today, the army hasn't marched yet in the north east and the north. and people talk about calm???

    They have just (my italics) locked a few guys up for burning down a town hall in Udon and several up country town halls got burnt and you knew all this was going to happen?

    So ......

    1. Please (oh pretty please) please give us a link to even one news item that covered these momentous events.

    2. Please explain why we are not reading about your arrest for sedition, sabotage, aiding and abetting arson and god knows what else.

    Either you are dreaming, drunk, spaced-out, insane or simply yet another Walter, how can anybody take anything you say seriously?

    But perhaps (if we are lucky) you will join the list of fortune tellers that don't survive in army custody for very long.

    NB if you ever get back to reality, check out the number of military establishments in Issan, never heard of any of them suffering from fuel shortages, they are hopefully always ready to move, that's what armies should always be ready for. By the way, when was it they marched in the north west, south, mid levels, etc? Might have been worth a paragraph or two in the news.

    Barmy as a coot.


    The army was tipped off that that was what was going to happen. I was told by a friend in the army to stay well away from the town hall and provincial administration areas of town.

    They were prepared and ready to intervene, but we're told to back off for fear that it would get very much out of hand, very quickly.

    They don't just randomly have full tanks sitting out in the sun all day. They were ready to go into all these provincial towns where the arson was ongoing and "quell" the problem. It would have been carnage. The order didn't come.

    I was viewing the protests and reporting on them to my company and others. If the army had come out then, it would have been a very big mess.

    You keep avoiding the essence, where are the links to these non-existent recent arsonings?

    When did the army march and where?

    Last time I heard the Thai army marched anywhere serious it was up Phu Hin Rong Kla - and they did a pretty good job there.

    A small number were forced to turn out by certain crooked politicians in 2010 but made a right <deleted> of that. Huge dissention within the ranks.

    If you have enough savvy to make these stupid posts, for god sake get your tenses right, they are basic English, past, present and future................got it ?

    NB I was told by my friend in the army that if you arse about posting lies and trying to stir up trouble, you will certainly find some.

    What are you going on about? You did notice the town halls getting burnt down in various cities in Issan at the height of the problems? You did notice that whilst the army was cracking down in Bangkok these arson attacks weren't stopped and the army didn't intervene despite having bases in all the major towns.

    You did notice the sentences being handed down this week.

    There is relative silence today, but it is false. The issues are still there.. Nothing has been really put to bed despite all the apparent attempts at reconciliation.
  5. Firstly , lets take the main theme and premise to conclusion you try making.

    That "" we lack insight , and in any case can't influence things , so therefore we are irrelevant .

    Not so.

    I have sent 400 plus articles directly to journalists in. 22 countries but mainly the US , UK , and Australia on issues as such.

    Along with opinion here that pasted on social media and twitter.

    The story of arrest for like is now being seen on Facebook news feed.

    My home nation is altered by me and hundreds of others.

    Public opinion stated not just by Envoy's but social media can and does create awareness.

    How does that influence things?

    Well say ISIS who think selling woman or raping them is ok .

    The general western feeling is it isn't.

    Eventually we are in conflict with all their crimes.

    Thailand may feel locking up people and ruling by gun is ok in some quarters .

    And your entitled to your opinion based on your beliefs and insights.

    But like a rapist who may hold justifications for his actions .

    The general consensus is regardless its wrong.

    If you wish to sign agreements on international norms and appear at the UN.

    Even trade ..you are answerable regardless of how you feel about it being an internal matter.

    The elites wish to pretend its a misunderstanding on our behalf.

    Just as ISIS will point to the Koran and twist it to justify its criminal behaviour.

    If the envoy's express their nations viewpoint it is with clarity and careful consideration to human rights.

    If you feel at 70 your prepared to trade human rights abuses for personal comforts that's selfish.

    But in a bigger sense it impacts on your collective position.

    Laws that are wrong should and will be called out.

    Humans in this century demand standards.

    If you wish to do commence with us .

    Have us as tourists and avoid conflict with the west.

    You need to understand you can't have your cake and eat it.

    Silencing your populace by fear and or gun is in the international community minds a matter for them to decide what punishments you will be given.

    And make no mistake there will be.

    And the changes you say can't be made will be.

    Opinions do change things.

    When they are free to be voiced.

    They have just locked a few guys up for burning down a town hall in Udon. I was privelidge to know when this was all going to happen and several up country town halls got burnt. I know for a fact that the army was fuelled and ready to move in Isaan and enter every major town in the north east to stop this arson. they didn't because they couldnt be sure that the majority of the population wouldnt fight them.

    This is the very delicate balance people........as far away from reality as it seems today, the army hasn't marched yet in the north east and the north. and people talk about calm???

    They have just (my italics) locked a few guys up for burning down a town hall in Udon and several up country town halls got burnt and you knew all this was going to happen?

    So ......

    1. Please (oh pretty please) please give us a link to even one news item that covered these momentous events.

    2. Please explain why we are not reading about your arrest for sedition, sabotage, aiding and abetting arson and god knows what else.

    Either you are dreaming, drunk, spaced-out, insane or simply yet another Walter, how can anybody take anything you say seriously?

    But perhaps (if we are lucky) you will join the list of fortune tellers that don't survive in army custody for very long.

    NB if you ever get back to reality, check out the number of military establishments in Issan, never heard of any of them suffering from fuel shortages, they are hopefully always ready to move, that's what armies should always be ready for. By the way, when was it they marched in the north west, south, mid levels, etc? Might have been worth a paragraph or two in the news.

    Barmy as a coot.


    The army was tipped off that that was what was going to happen. I was told by a friend in the army to stay well away from the town hall and provincial administration areas of town.

    They were prepared and ready to intervene, but we're told to back off for fear that it would get very much out of hand, very quickly.

    They don't just randomly have full tanks sitting out in the sun all day. They were ready to go into all these provincial towns where the arson was ongoing and "quell" the problem. It would have been carnage. The order didn't come.

    I was viewing the protests and reporting on them to my company and others. If the army had come out then, it would have been a very big mess.

  6. How will this law be treated up country?

    Most villages are only a few hundred metres long with a school in the middle

    I would say that the entire city centre of where I used to live is thus, a dry area. There must be a dozen schools of varying age ranges in the town. If anyone adds in private creches, technical colleges and the enormous university, there can't be much space left for a bar in town.

  7. The Thai TV news showed the meeting and showed the General greeting the Americans in a welcoming and affable manner. The narrative only presented positive sounding quotes. The picture shown here must be after the meeting and reflects the General not being pleased with the results. I really do not think the US should be lecturing any country regarding their internal affairs. The United States shows a lack of consistency in its dealings with countries. Egypt had a coup and was not criticized because the coup leader ousted a democratically elected leader who leaned towards being an Islamist. The Obama administration shows it knows little of what happens in Thailand or the real reason behind the coup. The American Ambassador's speech in a public forum was an error in policy and shows the lack of understanding on behalf of the US.

    I guarantee Obama and his administration know exactly what's going on here. More than we do....as exposed by Wikileaks.

    Anyone with a brain can see what's going on here. The really dumb ones think the army intervened to stop corruption.

    The really dumb ones think the army intervened to stop corruption.

    ... or a civil war... thumbsup.gif

    Yeah right.....

  8. The Thai TV news showed the meeting and showed the General greeting the Americans in a welcoming and affable manner. The narrative only presented positive sounding quotes. The picture shown here must be after the meeting and reflects the General not being pleased with the results. I really do not think the US should be lecturing any country regarding their internal affairs. The United States shows a lack of consistency in its dealings with countries. Egypt had a coup and was not criticized because the coup leader ousted a democratically elected leader who leaned towards being an Islamist. The Obama administration shows it knows little of what happens in Thailand or the real reason behind the coup. The American Ambassador's speech in a public forum was an error in policy and shows the lack of understanding on behalf of the US.

    I guarantee Obama and his administration know exactly what's going on here. More than we do....as exposed by Wikileaks.

    Anyone with a brain can see what's going on here. The really dumb ones think the army intervened to stop corruption.

  9. "In order to comprehend the situation in Thailand, we have to look into the past to understand the present and see a clear future. Consider the country, not just the people. Don't just believe me, but study the situation more," Deputy Government Spokesman Werachon Sukondhapatipak quoted Prayut as telling Russel.

    Twenty-odd military coups since Thailand became a democratic monarchy suggests that if we study the past then we see continuous military interfering in the democratic process. I'm pretty sure that's the conclusion that the US will draw from studying Thailand's history.

    This is a very strange remark. "Consider the country, not just the people".

    If you take "The people" out of the equation then what of substance do you have left? In most countries the answer would be "very little", because the country and the people are almost synonymous. Why does Thailand think it is somehow special because of its past?

    good points, however,

    Why does Thailand think it is somehow special because of its past?

    It's not Thailand, but the self-appointed PM who thinks that way, and it is most likely because he is not able to come up with any logical, coherent internationally acceptable justification for his own past actions other than the fact that he grabbed power for his own reasons, and (apparently) has no intention of letting it go... After all, the current "plan" has the Junta in direct power longer than the entire administration of the Yingluck government... much longer, in fact.

    They think they are special, for no other reason than they think they are special. The day they stop blindly believing they are special is the day they grasp the problems and start making proper changes....

    God or Buddha knows why they really believe in their natural superiority, but it is a nationwide problem of inflated ego. Nothing wrong with a little national pride but it also brings massive structural problems that refuse to be tackled.

    Seems they are more than happy to feel pride at being better off than Burma, laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, as though this is a stellar achievement.

    Pride before a fall and all that. Greece used to look down on Turkey. Who's laughing now?

  10. So after 19 coups not one administration changed the status quo according to you all who are indeed liberal with your advice concerning the current administration.

    So are you really walking a neutral path politically and socially regarding your comments on this current administration. What are your sage remarks concerning all of the past administrations and their impact upon democracy?

    Well shunter, after all your self proclaimed "years" in the English part of the UK (must have been very limiting if you did not visit any of the rest) even you should be able to recognise the expression "flogging a dead horse" and save the TV aministrators a lot of bother - just stop rabbiting on your interminable bs. It is clear that your English language comprehension is just "not up to scratch" if you keep posting stupid questions as per above. You probably arn't capable of recognising it, but answering these questions is exactly what a lot of other honest posters have done. They just did not answer by indefensible uncritical support of a gang of rich crooks who have overthown the peoples rights, grabbed power and intoduced unfettered repression in a naked attempt to avoid prosecution for their past heinous crimes.

    What s your problem? Do you think Thai politics improved over the last 40 years

    booring, not even worth a capital B.

    Why aren't you locked up for colluding to burn down town halls, since you profess to know all about it?

    Tells us that you are just another troll.

    The only ever present in all of this is constant military intervention..... That's what is boring about this. Believing that finally this time, their intervention will be for the last time.


    See you in coup style Thailand within a decade.

  11. So after 19 coups not one administration changed the status quo according to you all who are indeed liberal with your advice concerning the current administration.

    So are you really walking a neutral path politically and socially regarding your comments on this current administration. What are your sage remarks concerning all of the past administrations and their impact upon democracy?

    Well shunter, after all your self proclaimed "years" in the English part of the UK (must have been very limiting if you did not visit any of the rest) even you should be able to recognise the expression "flogging a dead horse" and save the TV aministrators a lot of bother - just stop rabbiting on your interminable bs. It is clear that your English language comprehension is just "not up to scratch" if you keep posting stupid questions as per above. You probably arn't capable of recognising it, but answering these questions is exactly what a lot of other honest posters have done. They just did not answer by indefensible uncritical support of a gang of rich crooks who have overthown the peoples rights, grabbed power and intoduced unfettered repression in a naked attempt to avoid prosecution for their past heinous crimes.

    What s your problem? Do you think Thai politics improved over the last 40 years

  12. Firstly , lets take the main theme and premise to conclusion you try making.

    That "" we lack insight , and in any case can't influence things , so therefore we are irrelevant .

    Not so.

    I have sent 400 plus articles directly to journalists in. 22 countries but mainly the US , UK , and Australia on issues as such.

    Along with opinion here that pasted on social media and twitter.

    The story of arrest for like is now being seen on Facebook news feed.

    My home nation is altered by me and hundreds of others.

    Public opinion stated not just by Envoy's but social media can and does create awareness.

    How does that influence things?

    Well say ISIS who think selling woman or raping them is ok .

    The general western feeling is it isn't.

    Eventually we are in conflict with all their crimes.

    Thailand may feel locking up people and ruling by gun is ok in some quarters .

    And your entitled to your opinion based on your beliefs and insights.

    But like a rapist who may hold justifications for his actions .

    The general consensus is regardless its wrong.

    If you wish to sign agreements on international norms and appear at the UN.

    Even trade ..you are answerable regardless of how you feel about it being an internal matter.

    The elites wish to pretend its a misunderstanding on our behalf.

    Just as ISIS will point to the Koran and twist it to justify its criminal behaviour.

    If the envoy's express their nations viewpoint it is with clarity and careful consideration to human rights.

    If you feel at 70 your prepared to trade human rights abuses for personal comforts that's selfish.

    But in a bigger sense it impacts on your collective position.

    Laws that are wrong should and will be called out.

    Humans in this century demand standards.

    If you wish to do commence with us .

    Have us as tourists and avoid conflict with the west.

    You need to understand you can't have your cake and eat it.

    Silencing your populace by fear and or gun is in the international community minds a matter for them to decide what punishments you will be given.

    And make no mistake there will be.

    And the changes you say can't be made will be.

    Opinions do change things.

    When they are free to be voiced.

    They have just locked a few guys up for burning down a town hall in Udon. I was privelidge to know when this was all going to happen and several up country town halls got burnt. I know for a fact that the army was fuelled and ready to move in Isaan and enter every major town in the north east to stop this arson. they didn't because they couldnt be sure that the majority of the population wouldnt fight them.

    This is the very delicate balance people........as far away from reality as it seems today, the army hasn't marched yet in the north east and the north. and people talk about calm???

  13. Insider trading should not be illegal, so long as there is transparency as to which insider bought/sold stock. Indeed many investors follow the boards personal trading, when a director buys his own companies stock it should give confidence to potential investors and vice-versa. Back in the good old days in the UK insider trading was legal and normal, before leftist <deleted> in the 70s outlawed it. Now it goes on through nominees and gives the small investor no signs

    It's a market distortion, and should be outlawed.

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