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Posts posted by SaratogaRay

  1. I've been trying to have someone at the banking center over ride a teller at a branch who will not except my check because he does not like my # 2 date on it. The center

    said they would call the person that it's made out to and straighten it out, it's been 3 days with no call, l had a copy of the check sent to them to see it, no reply.  l am in the USA so l cannot go to the branch l talked to them on messenger but they would not cash it without my initials. Very bad branch for K-bank. 

  2. It's about time someone has the sense to use a vehicle that can track the bad guy's, only the one they have is too limited to do much good. Why doesn't some one contact the US Government and have them fly one of there day

    and night drones over the area and catch the bomb planters in action or follow them home. Also the night is open

    to see all the illegals in the woods etc thru heat detectors. I tried over a year ago to inform the military the advantages of using drones with no luck, i hope somebody will try and use them.

  3. l don't understand the entry's of the visa, l just got a 2 entry visa, does this mean that if

    I go out of Thailand before my 60 days and return I will have another 60 day visa?? I'm planning a trip to China before the end of my 60 days and have no idea what to do.

    Thanks for any advise you can give me.

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