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Posts posted by KKK

  1. I've been using Better Vision on the ground floor of Big C mall South Pattaya Road for years. Always been nice and charge a fair price. They clean mine for free and have done servicing, nose pads, screw tightening, for minimal charge. They even said go see an eye doctor when I started getting night vision problems rather than charge me for something I didn't need which plenty of other places might have done.

    • Like 1
  2. When some advertising says "FROM" let's say baht 790 there should be at least one option to book at baht 790. But with all the add-ons, fuel hikes, booking charges, taxes, etc (which you can't avoid) you can never actually book anything at that price So IMO the "FROM" then becomes a scam.

  3. "The court initially sentenced Chinnicha to two months in jail but suspended the jail term for a year on the grounds that she has never been in prison. She was also fined Bt4,000"

    By the same logic, I can commit at least one crime and just get a slap on the wrist and a meaningless fine. Right, I'm off to rob a bank, who's with me?!?!

    So you want to

    fail... to declare ... a debt worth Bt100 million upon assuming position as a Pheu Thai MP.


    rob a bank

    Not the same at all.....

  4. Pattaya experts, every one of you, i salute you!!jerk.gif

    " I was there for three days"

    " spent one night and left the next morning"

    "Just saying, it's rather strange a married man going to a brothel with his wife."

    " I've been to bars in soi 8 and there definitely was NOT a big difference. More like brothels that sell alcohol. The brothels even had the wares showing on outside on the street! "

    "If the trend continues, and by the looks of things and lack of police control it will, eventually Pattaya will become a very dangerous place to live / visit in the future, much like parts of Mexico."

    "It's a bad place to live, when knowing other places."

    "You need a non im visa and 800,000 in the bank and a driving license for a gun. Then you can go to the crocodile farm for the same price as Thais if you carry the gun on a sunday. "

    "pattaya has become a nightmare over the last 2 years,. gun weilding youths with no respect..and normally a low IQ

    so many young people from the villages have moved to pattaya and bangkok...looking for a better future_instead they end up either dead or in prison.....normally through drugs "yabba" is a huge problem in thailand.....being bought in from cambodia..... thailand is supposed to be the land of smiles....guns should be illegal an all countries-and big prison sentances is the only way to deal with these heanus crimes which destroy the lifes of innocent people. "

    I don't profess to be a Pattaya expert even though I've lived here close to half my 60 years. What I have detirmined is that most 'Pattaya haters/bashers' are doing so out of jealousness. They'd like to live here and experience the relatively 'free to do what you like', 'everything is available' lifestyle but for some reason or another can't. I honestly couldn't count the number of previously 'haters/bashers' who now live here even if I used all the fingers and toes of me and my neighbours. They should keep their opinions to themselves as I do about Los Angeles, London, Bangkok etc. all of which I've lived in but never wanted to stay. Like any place in the world Pattaya is what you make of it and I make it just fine thank you. As to the rest of you, well you can just jolly well <deleted> o*f and leave my town to those that appreciate it, faults and all. Your critisisms are not wanted until you live here.

  5. What on earth is a 66 year old man doing in a bar in that area with his wife!

    What on earth are guys like you doing in such a forum? wai.gif

    Interestingly enough, I often see farang couples in the "girlie bars" on Loi Kroh here in Chiang Mai. Usually younger couples, but sometimes couples that look like they are retirement age. Just a guess, but they might like hanging out in bars, pubs, and taverns in there own countries and might feel right at home. I don't think it's that unusual. It's not where I'd take my wife, but we didn't hang out in bars in our home country either.

    It's none of your/my business why they were there. They weren't breaking any laws and have the right to sit anywhere they choose to.

    • Like 1
  6. I haven't looked at any local news stories in a while but one thing that would bring the numbers down (and provide good ratings) is to focus on some specific accidents (related to seatbelt, helmet, speed, drinking...) showing photos/videos of the wreck, interviewing family members (or drunk driver) and doing a brief bio of the victim's lives while sending home the message these are just some stories that make up the 100s who die on the road during Songkran and thousands who die each year on the road.

    People are much more receptive to learning when they can relate it to themselves and putting out numbers as they do each year doesn't have any real impact on improving things.

    How about some government sponsored speaker vans blasting out some road safety messages rather than advertising the latest condo for sale or some rock concert.

    • Like 1
  7. Percentages are difference from previous year.

    2012 - Accident = 3,129.(- 2.7%)....Death = 320 (+ 18.4%)..Injury = 3,320 (- 4.5%)

    2011 - Accident = 3,215.(- 8.6%)....Death = 271 (- 24.9%)...Injury = 3,476 (- 8.6%)

    2010 - Accident = 3,516.(- 11.6%)..Death = 361 (- 12%)......Injury = 3,802 (- 12%)

    2009 - Accident = 3,977.(- 6.2%)....Death = 373 (+ 1.4%)....Injury = 4,322 (- 9.8%)

    2008 - Accident = 4,243..................Death = 368...................Injury = 4,793

    Over all ...

    Accidents down 26.3% since 2008

    Injuries down 30.7% since 2008

    Fatalities down 13.0% since 2008

    Anything more than ZERO to too many.....statistics will not bring down the death/accident/injury rate...sensible driving will.

  8. Google Mail is so much better that everything out there publically. I'll give them an hour or two a year. Hell hotmail is down 3 times a week and nobody complains.

    Most server companies quote >99% reliability....1% would be 87.6 hours per year....so gmail is forgiven by me..as is DTAC here in Thailand for its outages a few months ago.

    You cannot expect 100% reliabilty from anything.

    • Like 2
  9. Old clapped out junk that you could easy buy for $500-$1000 in USA, Australia or Europe you have to pay $6000+ in Thailand.

    This is pretty obiously it's call supply and demend.

    In the 'west' you have generally weathier people, who have been told time and time again the new is better and they can afford it, so they buy new often, this leaves plenty of second hand cars in a devaluted market place for them.

    In Thailand you have alot of people on very very very basic wages, they still need cars, most people can afford to purchase new ones, or even near new, they have to WAIT until it's been handed down 4-5 times before they can get move up from a motorbike.

    So, Supply of Second hard cars is scarse (relavity) plus Demand for Second hard cards is high (relavity)... PUSHING up the prices!

    If you look at the second hard market overall in Thailand is much higher for most products than the west.

    Please excuse my bad spelling.

    Sorry but I disagree. Most second hand car prices are high , not because of supply or demand, but because sellers think their car is still worth the same price they paid for it three years ago, in to days market. Put simply the seller wants to sell it today for roughly the same price he / she paid for it. The concept of depreciation has yet to visit these shores.

    NO. The price of second hand cars is high because the price of new cars are high. I mean you wouldn't expect a 1 year old Benz to sell for the same or lower price than a 1 year old Toyota would you? The price of 2nd hand is relative to the new price. Depreciation is taken into account; if it wasn't why would anybody buy a 2nd hand car when a new one costs the same. The amount of depreciation applied here vs the west I do not know and really has no bearing on the matter as this is Thailand not some western country. But I have to agree that I find the tax on cars to be far too high.

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  10. If he (Thaksin) had any respect for Thailand & Thai Law & Thai people ...

    Cambodia and Laos both seem to have no respect for Thailand & Thai Law & Thai people as they have allowed, the criminal fugitive, Thaksin to visit recently. Both, like Thailand, are ASEAN members. So much for co-operation between neighboring countries.....

  11. Meanwhile, a male transvestite was fined Bt500 yesterday for dancing topless at a party in Ayutthaya, after relatives delivered him to police. Sarawuth Sapharb, 20, was roundly criticised after video clips of him dancing were posted online.


    A transvestite is a guy that dresses up in women's clothing right?

    Once the dress and bra is off, he is still a guy, right?

    Why then would a shirtless guy be considered offensive? People are walking around shirtless all the time.

    Do they mean a guy with fake boobs? If so that would be a transgender, wouldn't it?

    Not right. A transvestite is a person that changes gender. A man dressing as a woman is in drag.

    A transvestite is a person who derives sexual pleasure from dressing in the clothes of the opposite sex....Collins Concise English Dictionary

    but Webster's says: The practice of wearing or compulsion to wear clothes appropriate to the other sex

  12. The word FARANG should be taken out of the question. Farang are not the only ones who can be overweight, there are plenty of Thais around who are also overweight. Or is the OP suggesting that fat Thais should not be charged more?

    Don't be a arse. The percentile comparisons aren't even close.

    Stop apologising for cultures that take over weight as a natural acceptance.

    What utter crap.......

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