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Everything posted by wandasloan

  1. You write that as if it's a bad thing. And as if you believe the world's only farang are western Europeans. And as if western European farangs are somehow important peop.e. I won't list all the errors, but Malaysians, previously Malayans and thus including everyone from Singapore, have been the Number One tourist arrivals for more than 50 years. Closer to 70, actually, since credible figurues don't go back beyond that.
  2. I don't remember much about what you describe, because most of it didn't happen. The actual, real "financial crisis" for Thailand and others was from 1997 onwards. They even call it the "tom yang koong" crisis, in honour of Thailand's leading role. Rakesh Saxena is even back on the front pages today.
  3. Possibly. But she will sleep well every night for the rest of her life. Hate to play Chief Grammarist, but shouldn't that be "murderess"?
  4. As confusing as "teachers" always are. You are entirely happy to take money from the fascists of the Thai education system, but not to enrol your precious ones, or to even try to change/fix the fascist system. Excellent example of sheer hypocrisy. I hope your beloveds grow up and make you try to explain all that, which you cannot.
  5. The law was not introduced by Thaksin, who was in school when the law was introduced. Presuming that you are thinking at all, you're thinking of a different regulation that was applied (and still is) depending on the distance of the alcohol sale from schools, and had nothing to do with hours.
  6. If you don't know the answer to that question after 44 years of Thailand, perhaps you should step back for a while and attempt a smidgeon of education. Courses are easy to find and tuition is usually free - or maybe a bevvie at most. That said, the law was ALWAYS enforced. But arbitrarily, depending upon the need. There's a course on that, too, if you feel the need.
  7. No it wasn't. Definitely not. Nothing in your post is correct. The law dates from 1971 when dictator Thanom performed a coup against himself and then had to try to think up a reason or three for doing that. At the time, Thaksin was 22 years old and attending the Thai Police Cadet Academy. If you aspire to help forum folks with Thai history or anything else, bear in mind the military's 7 Ps.
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