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Posts posted by Crimson

  1. I am confused. Crimson what exactly do you have now.

    I'm sorry.....my visa situation is quite confusing!! I'm still a little confused by it, but here goes:

    You may remember me from a previous topic wherein I was the COMPLETE IDIOT who left the country without getting a re-entry permit. At that time, I had a one year extension of my Non-B visa, which was canceled as soon as I left the country. I was able to get a new Non-B visa (for 90 days), as well as a multiple entry re-entry permit, but I was unable to get another extension on this new visa (long story....), so my visa and my re-entry permit BOTH expire FOR GOOD on April 28th. My question is this: if I want to get a 30 day pass on the 27th of April, will they grant me that at the airport, even if my visa and re-entry permit expire on the 28th? I do have an onward flight that departs within the 30 days.....I just want to make sure that they don't only allow me to stay in the country for only one day as per my visa/re-entry permit, 'cause that would just be no good......

    Yes they will. Make sure they do not give you 1 day. Check your passport before leaving the Immigration checkpoint.

    I'm sorry (again)....by "yes they will," do you mean that they will give me a 30 day pass? Or that they will only allow me to stay for one day??

    A friend of mine just told me that if you don't write in your visa number on the arrival card (and you just mark "tourist") that they will give you a 30 day pass automatically and cancel out whatever visa you may have had prior. Does this seem correct?

  2. I am confused. Crimson what exactly do you have now.

    I'm sorry.....my visa situation is quite confusing!! I'm still a little confused by it, but here goes:

    You may remember me from a previous topic wherein I was the COMPLETE IDIOT who left the country without getting a re-entry permit. At that time, I had a one year extension of my Non-B visa, which was canceled as soon as I left the country. I was able to get a new Non-B visa (for 90 days), as well as a multiple entry re-entry permit, but I was unable to get another extension on this new visa (long story....), so my visa and my re-entry permit BOTH expire FOR GOOD on April 28th. My question is this: if I want to get a 30 day pass on the 27th of April, will they grant me that at the airport, even if my visa and re-entry permit expire on the 28th? I do have an onward flight that departs within the 30 days.....I just want to make sure that they don't only allow me to stay in the country for only one day as per my visa/re-entry permit, 'cause that would just be no good......

  3. If it's a multiple entry you will get another 90 day entry if you enter before it expires.

    No need to worry about the 30 day entry.

    My re-entry permit AND my visa both expire on the 28th of this month, so I would actually not be getting another 90 day entry. The visa itself expires, as I was not able to get an extension beyond the 90 days, so I would need to re-enter the country on a 30 day pass. I am just wondering if they will grant me a 30 day pass if I still have one day left on my 90 day visa (provided I show proof of an onward ticket, which I have)

  4. If you have a multi entry non immigrant B visa why not use it? If you had a single entry non immigrant B visa you already used it when you entered Thailand so you do not have a valid visa.

    There is no limit to the number of times you can use visa or visa exempt entry.

    I'm sorry, I don't think I've been clear: I had a MULTIPLE ENTRY Non-B visa that is expiring, and I was unable to get an extension (that is another long story....), so when I leave, my stay will not have expired, as I have left the country several times throughout the duration of this visa. I'm just wondering if I can get the 30 day pass if I still have one day left on my Non-B visa.

  5. Hello--

    I have a Non-B Visa that is about to expire. However, I have obligations here beyond the date of expiration of my visa (it's a long story....). I was planning on leaving the country next weekend and returning with a 30-day stamp, which I know is possible with a US passport. HOWEVER, my Non-B visa does not expire until the day AFTER I would be returning from my weekend trip. Does anyone know if it is possible to still get a 30-day pass if there is still one day left on my Non-B visa?

    Also, just out of curiosity.....does anyone know what the exact limit is of 30 day passes that they will issue at the airport? I have heard that it is three, but I am not completely certain.....


  6. But Ubonjoe has it right....my visa expired in November, and now my one-year extension is invalid, and I'm hoping that there's a way for me to take care of this without having to leave the country. Or, if I DO have to apply at a consulate outside of Thailand, does anyone know how long that process takes?? Or where is the best place to do it??


    Go back and read my first post. You should get all the documents that were required when you got the extension in November and go to immigration and try to get a change of visa status. If you can get that done you will not have to get a new visa at a consulate.

    If you have to get a visa. Vientiane would issue a single entry B with all the required documents and would be the least expensive trip. You apply the morning of one day and get your passport with visa back the next afternoon.

    I'm sorry I keep asking the same questions over again, but I just want to make sure....

    So it IS possible to get a change in visa status here in Thailand?? That is reassuring.....

    And if it is NOT, I know that Vientiane can issue a 60 day tourist visa in one day (as in, dropping off the passport in the morning and picking it up the next afternoon), but is the same true for the single entry B visa?? And once I have that visa, do I need to go to immigration here in Thailand to make it a multiple entry visa?? And my first visa was a Non-B....can I get a Non-B in Laos as well, or only a B??

    Again....I'm sorry for the silly questions. Thank you for your responses thus far :o

  7. Thanks for any help you may be able to provide (the sooner the better, as this is a time-sensitive issue and my visa-on-arrival expires Feb. 3rd!!).
    Just to add to the clarity: - He may have a multiple entry visa that weren't expired, so that he actually "is here on a non-B visa" and got 3 months at his entry. Who knows?
    If he had a multiple entry visa he would not of needed a visa exempt entry when he arrived which he mistakenly calls a visa on arrival.

    He was on a one year extension of stay based upon employment not a visa. His visa probably expired long before he left.

    Yes, allow me to clarify......I received a one year extension of my visa. I previously had a one year visa (and a valid re-entry permit!!), which expired in November. I therefore had to go through the process of renewing both my visa and my work permit recently. Last time that I got my visa and re-entry permit (and when it came time to renew both), the school hired someone to take care of everything, so all I really had to do was show up and immigration and sign papers. They also helped me with my re-entry permit last time. This time, they did not help me with my re-entry permit (probably because they assumed that I knew that I had to do that on my own, but I had mistakenly assumed it had been taken care of.....anyway, the reasons are not important and I clearly made a STUPID mistake....), so when I left the country, I did NOT have a valid re-entry permit in my passport, and so my one year extension became invalid. I need to get a new Non-B visa, and so my question is in regards to the process of doing that. But Ubonjoe has it right....my visa expired in November, and now my one-year extension is invalid, and I'm hoping that there's a way for me to take care of this without having to leave the country. Or, if I DO have to apply at a consulate outside of Thailand, does anyone know how long that process takes?? Or where is the best place to do it??


  8. Hello everyone,

    I am here in Thailand on a Non-B visa with a valid work permit (all of which I had recently renewed :D ). However, and the reasons why are not important, I had NOT gotten a re-entry permit before leaving the country to return to the U.S. over the holidays. It is my understanding that my visa is now invalid, and that I need to go through the application process again. I have the following questions:

    1.) Has anyone else ever done this, and do you have some advice to offer???

    2.) Where is the FASTEST place that I can get a Non-B visa (as I have to take unpaid leave to take care of this...I have Mondays off, and I would prefer to not have to miss more than one day of work, meaning Tuesday.....)??

    3.) How much does it cost to get a new Non-B visa (my school paid for my last two visas, so I don't know anything about the fees....ugh.....)

    4.) I haven't gotten a clear answer on this question: do I also need to get a completely new work permit??

    5.) Is it possible AT ALL to get a new visa without leaving Thailand??

    Thanks for any help you may be able to provide (the sooner the better, as this is a time-sensitive issue and my visa-on-arrival expires Feb. 3rd!!). I would like to assure you all....I'm not a complete idiot, I just wasn't completely clear on this whole process :o .

    MANY, MANY, MANY THANKS in advance for your help!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. So is there a general rule of thumb for the percentage of salary that is taken out for taxes? Does it depend on the income bracket?? My school has an accountant, but I want to make sure I get all of the info I can so that I make sure I'm not getting screwed.....some international schools here post on their websites that 10-20% is taken out for local taxes....is that true??? Does anyone have an idea of what percentage is taken out for 100K or higher per month????


  10. Salary in many international schools is based on that back home. With the overvaluation of the pound sterling that is neat for Brits.

    Apart from the top three or four international schools salaries will be a fair bit lower. For a start up the salary seems reasonable.

    Let me reiterate the gratitude that I have!!! I think this site is truly wonderful for the diversity in feedback that I am able to receive!!! I'm so thankful that my topic posting is still receiving responses!! You are all fabulous :o

    In true teacher style, I would plaster all of you with gold stars :D

  11. Hi!! Thanks so much for your reply!! I most definitely can assure everyone that I did not get into teaching for the money! I used to teach in inner-city districts in the U.S., and I made less there than I am making now!! At the same time, I did take a year off to be a full-time student (not earning a salary) in grad school, so I do have loans and debt to pay off. I just wanted to see what other salaries are out there, particularly since we will soon be hiring more teachers from the U.S. and we need to know what we are up against!! At the same time, you are absolutely right: what difference does it make what other people are making as long as my salary is enough to live on? I really appreciate that insight.

    You all have been tremendously helpful!! I'm so glad I found this online community!! I really appreciate the info I've been given so far...keep it coming!!!

    Just purely out of curiosity: are there any posters out there who are currently employed at the "top-tier" international schools here?? Schools such as ISB, Harrow's, Bangkok Patana, etc.? I'm just curious to find out from teachers currently employed there what the salaries and general work environments (such as school culture) are like!! In the end, you all are right: money isn't everything.


  12. Hi everyone!

    I'm so happy I found this forum! I have a zillion questions, but I'll start with this one for now....

    I moved here from the U.S. to help start an international school. I have four years of teaching experience plus a Master's in education. I currently get paid about 94,000 baht per month, and in March I will receive a raise that will put me over 100,000 baht per month. My housing is completely paid for, as is my medical insurance and visa stuff, and I get a free round-trip ticket. Plus my employers frequently feed me :o

    I was just wondering--for all of you working in international schools--whether or not my salary is equivalent to what other teachers in the larger international schools (ISB, Ruamrudee, etc.) are making. My role is a hybrid teacher/administrator role. We are just getting started and currently do not have many students, but I work very hard, only get 1.5 days off per week, and get very few holidays. I just wanted to make sure that I'm getting paid accurately because it is IMPOSSIBLE to find information about salaries from the schools themselves!!! They will only reveal that information if you are serious about applying for a job. Plus I have not yet met any other teachers out here who can give me a basis for comparison.

    Any insight that anyone can provide would be MUCH appreciated!! It's also helpful for me to know this information for when we start recruiting other teachers. Thanks!!

    Hi, it's Crimson again......

    I have a few more questions: At these various international schools (that clearly pay more than what I'm getting...sheesh.....), is housing included?? Do teachers have to pay taxes?? Are teachers paid during the summer??

    Thanks for including these specifics in your responses!! I want to be as certain about my figures as possible when I a) gently ask for my raise to be increased a little further, and :D suggest what we should pay teachers that we recruit from the States.


  13. Hi everyone!

    I'm so happy I found this forum! I have a zillion questions, but I'll start with this one for now....

    I moved here from the U.S. to help start an international school. I have four years of teaching experience plus a Master's in education. I currently get paid about 94,000 baht per month, and in March I will receive a raise that will put me over 100,000 baht per month. My housing is completely paid for, as is my medical insurance and visa stuff, and I get a free round-trip ticket. Plus my employers frequently feed me :)

    I was just wondering--for all of you working in international schools--whether or not my salary is equivalent to what other teachers in the larger international schools (ISB, Ruamrudee, etc.) are making. My role is a hybrid teacher/administrator role. We are just getting started and currently do not have many students, but I work very hard, only get 1.5 days off per week, and get very few holidays. I just wanted to make sure that I'm getting paid accurately because it is IMPOSSIBLE to find information about salaries from the schools themselves!!! They will only reveal that information if you are serious about applying for a job. Plus I have not yet met any other teachers out here who can give me a basis for comparison.

    Any insight that anyone can provide would be MUCH appreciated!! It's also helpful for me to know this information for when we start recruiting other teachers. Thanks!!

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