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Posts posted by Casuarina

  1. Seems like the same old tactics of using media to brainwash human's mind is still working in Thailand.

    Why are people still some blinded by the press and so called Democratic Govt who only choose to reveal partial truth which is in their favor.

    Shockingly, so many Bangkokians still accept the brainwash exercise.

    Is there a reboot button to stop these mind from being manipulated by media, govt and so called "must not be named family"?

    We are already in 2010. People must be given the freedom of different viewpoint. I am so sick of multiple repeat of Mr "Thick Skin" Handsome PM recordings. It sounds like a broken record.

    Surprising to me. This tactics still work in Thailand.

    Mr "Thick Skin" PM, Be a gentleman. Let others play their records too. You can't just play your favourite song day in day out. I am starting to puke because of indigestion.

    It was absolutely great to see that not one significant element of Bangkok workers joined the red rioters and terrorists.

    It is easy to see why.

    The reds wanted to destroy Bangkok.

    Destroy jobs.

    Destroy the livelihoods of working people.

    They hate you and all the reds invading their neighbourhoods.

    It is good that you puke with your defeat.

    You are not coming back.

    Go to hel_l.

    Where is button to upgrade firmware to latest edition?

    Is it 2010 compliance?

    Nobody can be 100% right or wrong.

    For a Win Win nego, both parties need to win something.

    What is the damage? 2% of Thai Population owns 80% of GDP. These building owner can afford it easily.

    The land owner of Central World has US$35 billion which translate to 1000 billion baht. What is Thaksin compared to the almighty land owner.


    This is just a money game.

    Get manipulated and takes sides to be their tool.

  2. Seems like the same old tactics of using media to brainwash human's mind is still working in Thailand.

    Why are people still some blinded by the press and so called Democratic Govt who only choose to reveal partial truth which is in their favor.

    Shockingly, so many Bangkokians still accept the brainwash exercise.

    Is there a reboot button to stop these mind from being manipulated by media, govt and so called "must not be named family"?

    We are already in 2010. People must be given the freedom of different viewpoint. I am so sick of multiple repeat of Mr "Thick Skin" Handsome PM recordings. It sounds like a broken record.

    Surprising to me. This tactics still work in Thailand.

    Mr "Thick Skin" PM, Be a gentleman. Let others play their records too. You can't just play your favourite song day in day out. I am starting to puke because of indigestion.

  3. I think the reds are basically peacefull, but Abhisit always changes his mind saying I will desolve parliament and organise elections, the putting all this on hold!

    How can anyone trust him?

    I would get violent too

    Abhisit has to resign if he wants peace back in Thailand!

    After taking 40 lives, people's emotion will be hard to be contained.

    This is the results of playing hard ball. It will always bounce back.

  4. In any conflict, propaganda is always used by both sides. It's up to the intelligent(not 'poor' Northern people) to decide what's the truth and what's propaganda.

    The shutdown of these Red Shirt 'media' was for the fact that they INCITED VIOLENCE. People like to talk about free speech and all that but there's a limit to what you should be able to say and getting other people to INCITE VIOLENCE and OVERTHROW THE GOVERNMENT merits a shutdown don't you think?

    Don't you think our current media only reports rather one sided news. Or should I say always sided the current government until the integrity of the news are heavily discounted.

    Media are meant to report the fact. The best media is the one that reports the truth in a fair manner. It should tell both side of the stories.

    Every Thai is born equal. We all have only one vote in election. They could be poor or in different social status. But, they should have the freedom to choose what they believe in. Never insult others intelligence. They make a different choice from you does not mean they are less superior.

    To be fair, I think it is wrong to takeover the shopping area but it also wrong to takeover the airport. But, this is just my thought. I just would like to have the freedom to express my thought too.

    What goes around comes around..........Do you believe in Karma?

  5. Are you a judge? Will you be able to offer immunity to my friends if they are to step forward?

    Who gave you the rights to comment that we need to backup our allegation with proof on a forum? Are you being silly? Whom with sane mind and a career to take care off dare to come forward and proof these allegation. This is why I ask if you are Thai.

    It is a fact that only Bangkok Bank is the only bank appointed to handle the 2000 baht. It is a fact that their family members is appointed as minister. It is also a fact some big guy is the Chairman of Bangkok Bank.

    What has PM has done? He has talked for many weeks now. Nothing has changed.

    Do you need me to produce a recording where Democrats is asking military to buy submarines where our water is not deep enough? Do you know how much is a submarine and the kick back? You are so silly.

    Media is being censored. Do we need to talk more about this area? The foreign press who are based here are frequently reminded about Les Majestic law. I am talking about ANN. Asia News Network which comprises of a few major press in the region.

    We have 30 mins of Royal Family PR in news everyday if you do watch one. Anything not aligned with current government is censored. Do you think these reporter dare to come out and speak against their employer (press)? They will lose their job.

    Unless you are new in business, how many people conduct corruption business via email or letter. It is all verbal in massage place and private places. Surely, people who are in the ministry knows about it. Unless you can provide them immunity or at least feel comfortable with our Thai judistry system. No one is willing to risk their family to speak out as witness.

    FYI, Russian offer THB10 million as commission for every unit of Fighter Jet sold. I would suggest you to read the budget how much is allocated to new weapon purchase. It is the easiest way to take kick back as the price is not available publicly.

    Unless you are living in an ideal world, many under table deals and corporate corruption is extremely difficult to proof. We cannot produce the proof but it does not it is not there.

    Some company does keep a secret record for accountability. Some pays out huge commission to cover it. Some expenses it out with Marketing Agency. If you are part of these organisation as a small potato struggling to make a living, I am not sure you would be speaking this way.

    There are a lot of law and regulation in Thailand. It is widely perceived as recommendation until one day it is use as a weapon against you. Haven't we seen enough?

    Try harder to discredit me. Naive.

    I don't have to discredit you. You are doing this to yourself very nicely with your aggressive attitude and by making claims that you cannot substantiate. I apologize if I have offended you. I am merely a poster here. When serious allegations are being made the burden of proof rests with the person making the claims. This proof could come from newspaper articles, reports, video, or academic papers. Thus far you have failed to provide any backup to your claims whatsoever.

    hahaha.....so ludicrous.

  6. Go ask those Interior Ministry Officer, how much kick back has the government been asking for every baht they spent?

    Why only Bangkok Bank being appointed to give away the 2000 baht? Is it surprising a family member of Bangkok Bank became a minister? Some Big Guy is in play.

    The current government is only good in talking. Talk, talk and talk. They should run Toast Master professionally.

    Have you been to the farm? Be appreciate to those who actually create products for exporting. They are the ones who makes CP dream possible as World's Kitchen. Are you being ignorant to the water crisis lately. Crops production is expected to drop due to water crisis. Mekong River level is at all time low.

    The problem now is half of the Thai people is blinded by the one sided Media.

    Why are they delaying in dissolving the house until after the budget is approved? Is it clear to you that they would like to spend tax payer money for their own benefits.

    Yellow shirts supporter. Don't just believe all their beautiful words. They are no saint too.

    FYI: Every currency in South East Asia has strengthen against US Dollars. Please do not praise people who closed the airport so easily.

    Lots of accusations but decidedly short on facts. Do you have any proof to back up any of your allegations?

    Are you Thai? Since when Thai back up with facts like our beloved PM and DPM..........They are terrorists....We have been told by xxxxx intelligence but must not revealed the source.

    So that would be a no then.

    Are you a judge? Will you be able to offer immunity to my friends if they are to step forward?

    Who gave you the rights to comment that we need to backup our allegation with proof on a forum? Are you being silly? Whom with sane mind and a career to take care off dare to come forward and proof these allegation. This is why I ask if you are Thai.

    It is a fact that only Bangkok Bank is the only bank appointed to handle the 2000 baht. It is a fact that their family members is appointed as minister. It is also a fact some big guy is the Chairman of Bangkok Bank.

    What has PM has done? He has talked for many weeks now. Nothing has changed.

    Do you need me to produce a recording where Democrats is asking military to buy submarines where our water is not deep enough? Do you know how much is a submarine and the kick back? You are so silly.

    Media is being censored. Do we need to talk more about this area? The foreign press who are based here are frequently reminded about Les Majestic law. I am talking about ANN. Asia News Network which comprises of a few major press in the region.

    We have 30 mins of Royal Family PR in news everyday if you do watch one. Anything not aligned with current government is censored. Do you think these reporter dare to come out and speak against their employer (press)? They will lose their job.

    Unless you are new in business, how many people conduct corruption business via email or letter. It is all verbal in massage place and private places. Surely, people who are in the ministry knows about it. Unless you can provide them immunity or at least feel comfortable with our Thai judistry system. No one is willing to risk their family to speak out as witness.

    FYI, Russian offer THB10 million as commission for every unit of Fighter Jet sold. I would suggest you to read the budget how much is allocated to new weapon purchase. It is the easiest way to take kick back as the price is not available publicly.

    Unless you are living in an ideal world, many under table deals and corporate corruption is extremely difficult to proof. We cannot produce the proof but it does not it is not there.

    Some company does keep a secret record for accountability. Some pays out huge commission to cover it. Some expenses it out with Marketing Agency. If you are part of these organisation as a small potato struggling to make a living, I am not sure you would be speaking this way.

    There are a lot of law and regulation in Thailand. It is widely perceived as recommendation until one day it is use as a weapon against you. Haven't we seen enough?

    Try harder to discredit me. Naive.

  7. Go ask those Interior Ministry Officer, how much kick back has the government been asking for every baht they spent?

    Why only Bangkok Bank being appointed to give away the 2000 baht? Is it surprising a family member of Bangkok Bank became a minister? Some Big Guy is in play.

    The current government is only good in talking. Talk, talk and talk. They should run Toast Master professionally.

    Have you been to the farm? Be appreciate to those who actually create products for exporting. They are the ones who makes CP dream possible as World's Kitchen. Are you being ignorant to the water crisis lately. Crops production is expected to drop due to water crisis. Mekong River level is at all time low.

    The problem now is half of the Thai people is blinded by the one sided Media.

    Why are they delaying in dissolving the house until after the budget is approved? Is it clear to you that they would like to spend tax payer money for their own benefits.

    Yellow shirts supporter. Don't just believe all their beautiful words. They are no saint too.

    FYI: Every currency in South East Asia has strengthen against US Dollars. Please do not praise people who closed the airport so easily.

    Lots of accusations but decidedly short on facts. Do you have any proof to back up any of your allegations?

    Are you Thai? Since when Thai back up with facts like our beloved PM and DPM..........They are terrorists....We have been told by xxxxx intelligence but must not revealed the source.

  8. I wonder if Thailand is about to have a civil war. The gov should invest in some better crowd dispersing weapons that are very effective and do not result in fatalities. They should use such weapons to clear out both 'shirts' and get back to work.

    This is a fantastic idea. Send them to Korea to learn new skills.

    Or shall we import some Korea Police Force since ours are busy making money on driving license and road tax.

  9. It is easy to make claims without anything to back them up.

    Fact: It was the poor who got the 2000 baht hand out. I believe anyone making less than 15k a month but cannot remember the exact number.

    Yes, it is all about money. The reds want everyone to give them handouts because they chose to be farmers. They want the elite of BKK who make 200 baht a day working 12 hours a day 7 days a week to share in their wealth while they sit on their behinds in the non-farming season. If they don't want to be farmers or cannot make a living at it (as is the case for most family farmers in the rest of the world) then they should move closer to the city (as most people are doing in industrial nations such as the US)

    In addition to the handouts the current government in 16 months has guaranteed FREE health care, FREE schooling and school supplies, FREE cash payments for the elderly, income guarantees for farmers as well as low-income housing. Not to mention during this 16 month they have passed a number of stimulus packages with one of the largest being geared toward transportation. During these 16 months they have had to constantly defend themselves from the Reds who admittedly only want one things (to bring down the current gov't at any cost). Regardless of this, the current gov't has pulled the economy out of near collapse and the baht is still very strong regardless of all the BS the reds and terrorists are doing.

    Lets not also forget that the farmers in the north are guaranteed subsidies to make sure they are getting a specific amount for their rice as well as being tax exempt from just about anything related to farming. Really though ... if they cannot make a living then they need to find something else to do. Sorry to say but family farms are a things of the past in all industrial nations. Grow up and wait for elections, make your own destiny and learn to deal with it when politics don't go your way.

    What cannot be argued and is clearly fact is that this government is doing NOTHING to hurt the farmers in the north. What you can argue about is if they should do more and if you think so then there are soooooooooooooooooo many legal and productive ways to express this. Of course one is the voting booth at the next scheduled elections.

    And if you think the government is illegal then use the courts and other legal means to "try" and see justice done but if you can't get anywhere this way then DEAL WITH IT as every civil nations does.

    Go ask those Interior Ministry Officer, how much kick back has the government been asking for every baht they spent?

    Why only Bangkok Bank being appointed to give away the 2000 baht? Is it surprising a family member of Bangkok Bank became a minister? Some Big Guy is in play.

    The current government is only good in talking. Talk, talk and talk. They should run Toast Master professionally.

    Have you been to the farm? Be appreciate to those who actually create products for exporting. They are the ones who makes CP dream possible as World's Kitchen. Are you being ignorant to the water crisis lately. Crops production is expected to drop due to water crisis. Mekong River level is at all time low.

    The problem now is half of the Thai people is blinded by the one sided Media.

    Why are they delaying in dissolving the house until after the budget is approved? Is it clear to you that they would like to spend tax payer money for their own benefits.

    Yellow shirts supporter. Don't just believe all their beautiful words. They are no saint too.

    FYI: Every currency in South East Asia has strengthen against US Dollars. Please do not praise people who closed the airport so easily.

  10. Thaksin was responsible for unscrewing the fizzy drinks bottle. He might have even given it a last shake, but the bottle had been building up pressure for years from being shaken relentlessly by the elite without thought of the consequences. The elite and the military coups they funded just delayed this pressure release and allowed it to build up further.

    The Reds don't want to and won't be dictated to any longer. They don't want to be the underclass while the elite continue to live it up and accumulate their wealth. And the Reds won't let the elite and their puppet government screw the lid back on again. The Reds don't trust the government. They have no reason to and they have nothing to lose by continuing their fight. If they did have, they wouldn't be risking their lives on the streets day in day out with machine guns pointing at them.

    The Reds have faith, and they have a true cause and a mandate. They are now an unstoppable force. You cannot deny this. You can see it all around. Any attempt to screw the lid back on now will result in an even bigger build up of pressure in the future. Abhisit should dissolve Parliament and tell the army to stay in their barracks.

    right on.

    it will be like the last days of ferdinand marco and his cronies in the phillippines.

    What a bizarre read of the situation. Thaksin is much more like Marcos than Abhisit.

    What makes you think that Abhisit government is not corrupted? They are more corrupted than Thaksin's government and importantly useless in managing Thailand economy.

    They are now buying time so that they can pass the budget to have a cut of Thaksin's money. Why are people so blinded? It is all about money. Do you want an useless greedy government or efficient greedy government?

    Chuan's government was one of the most corrupted government in history. People have short memory. History is repeating itself.

    Abhisit government is just hopeless and does not take care the welfare of these northern farmers. What has he done other than giving 2000 baht to the middle class? He just has theory and no practical experience.

  11. People are being quite silly when they say "who knows why the Thais are buying these units and leaving them vacant. Maybe their child is starting university. Maybe its to be used as a guest house. Maybe they will use it to house their stamp collection". If the fundamentals aren't there, then the markets are acting irrationally and they will correct themselves.


    In Soi Aree, which is actually quite an established wealthy neighbourhood. Feel free to drive around to discover those hidden mansions in the Soi. Some are the residence of elite families.

    Most new Condos (Noble, Centric and etc) are snapped up by these super rich and political linked families. There are really limited supply in this neighbourhood. This area is so hot that even Construction Company (Noble) put up advertisements to buy land.

    To tell you the truth, even a 10 years old Condo in Soi Aree looks empty. But, there is never a notice for rental. Even during odd occasion when you see a unit for sale, it will be gone within a month.

    In this scenario, we hope you could at least open up your mind. You just can't apply fundamental to everything. There are always exceptions.

  12. If I am to ask you a question, what is your definition of "empty"?

    Empty... like Centric Scene in the night. I'm looking at it from my balcony... At various times... Since may. Empty like... less than 10 units with light in a building that, I quote, " is a luxury condominium near Aree BTS station located just the opposite of Shinawatra Tower 2 on 1 ? rai land piece, 24-storey high, 206 units, sized 45-114 square meters and selling price range between BHT 2.97 million and BHT 4 million." (source here).

    The project was launched in 2005.

    But, I might agree, with you : maybe an army of students will eventually arrive to occupy the units bought by their sweet parents.


    All your comments (holiday room, spare room, children rooms etc.) are covering part of the reality.

    But a very small one in my opinion.

    My observations are linked to Phaonyotin (where I live) and Lad Prao. It would be interesting to have the feelings and comments of people living in other areas. I go sometimes on Sukhum... the situation looks much worse, with even more units to come.

    But again, from my perspective, this market is not healthy. It can't be.

    You should be happy if you owned the property where you are staying in right now. It must be worth a lot of money to sell it now.

  13. Dear CClub75,

    Well! Some condos looks empty during the weekend as the occupant only stayed there during working days. They will go back to their landed property to stay during weekend.

    Some bought it as holiday home as PKRV mentioned.

    Some bought it as spare guest room to accommodate their family members who will visit Bangkok occasionally.

    Some bought it for their children who will be attending University in Bangkok.

    Some would have bought it to try to rent it out without success as you mentioned. (Nobody knows what is the percentage of these people?)

    To some, it is really their spare cash. How often do you see University Students driving Mercedes Benz, BMW and etc? If you have some spare time, go visit ABAC and many other Private Universities. Foreigners are not the only ones with purchasing power. There are a lot of RICH locals too. They do not need to justify to us why they invest into a Condo near BTS.

    Sometimes, I find it difficult to believe too. At the end of the day, if they can pay the downpayment (quite substantial for some developer) and able to secure a bank loan, it means they have purchasing power. I am sure Local Bank has some guideline before they approve loan to an individual after 1997. Some of them probably paid in cash too.

    If they are not in the market to sell, do they care if the market is overheated.

    If I am to ask you a question, what is your definition of "empty"?

  14. Hi! Chiang Mai, Are you a Landlord? Or best still....are you my landlord?

    Very possibly I'm your landlord! Is your landlord tall, Caucasian and exceedingly handsome and does he make the best meat pies in Phuket? If so that's me and in which case I've just decided that you, as my tenant, owe me 25,000 baht to cover a new charge I have just levied, the description of which I will decide upon shortly. :o

    Extremely close except he is a Thai, maybe once handsome and never tasted his cooking before. Maybe he can make good Tom Yum.

    Just in case that you are actually my landlord....please be informed that I will move out at 23:59 on the last day of my lease.

    If you would like to keep my deposit for your cash flow, I am willing to loan it to you with daily interest of 10%. Perhaps you may want to consider AEON, they can provide more generous repayment scheme.

    Perhaps, I can move out all the furniture and fittings as collateral until you return the deposits.

    Anyone interested in 2 hp Aircon?

  15. Can a landlord introduce new fees as it is convenient to them?


    I owned apartments in my home country. Perhaps, law does not apply in this country.

    You got it in one!

    This is not really a low end place. Maybe it is considered low end to you for monthly expenses of THB 10,000.

    I wonder what is considered as common.

    Everyone has a different view.

    Well! Perhaps I should be considered lucky not to have experienced such nonsense in my first two years.

    You got that in one also!

    Hi! Chiang Mai, Are you a Landlord? Or best still....are you my landlord?

  16. Well! Thanks for all the feedback. I got a local guy to check the contract. All the fee were not listed in the contract. Can a landlord introduce new fees as it is convenient to them?

    I owned apartments in my home country. All fees must be stated in the contract to be considered legal. I can't simply issue a notice for a new fee. Perhaps, law does not apply in this country.

    This is not really a low end place. Maybe it is considered low end to you for monthly expenses of THB 10,000.

    I wonder what is considered as common. Common in Thailand? I have stayed in similar service apartment with about same range. There isn't such nonsense.

    Well! Perhaps I should be considered lucky not to have experienced such nonsense in my first two years.

    Anyway, I really hope other foreigner will not have similar experience in the future.

  17. All these charges should have been disclosed in the contract - which you probably signed and was entirely in Thai !

    After providing a deposit and asking for a copy of the contract, I got it verbally traslated and the late fees, cleaning fees, water and elec charges and other aspects (minimun stay, giving notice etc) were all specified. The place I stayed at also had a fee for setting up the finger print recognition. It also had a fiddling girl in charge - but spealing to the big manager and to other occupants soon revealed the real charges...

    You are partly correct. All contract is in Thai. But, all statement require you to pay is in English.

    If I am not wrong, the THB 500 cleaning fee is not part of the contract. It came in as moving out notice. Door Opening Fee of THB 100 is introduced later. I really wonder if there is a clause somewhere in the contract that Landlord can introduce any addition fee as they see fit.

    They are still holding the deposit. Do I have choice? Is there a Small Claim Tribunal?

  18. Despite all those negative news, quite a number of Good Location Condo sold out within weeks. i.e. Noble Reflex beside Aree BTS, AP LIFE in Sathorn, AP LIFE in Sukhumvit, Pulse beside Major Ratchayolthin and etc.

    Technically speaking, these condo were booked 100% as buyer paid only 10% downpayment or more for brand name developer like Noble.

    Unless you are in the market, it is difficult to imagine the feeling of "missing out" an opportunity to own a condo. Some projects were sold out even before it is launched. To buy from the speculators, you will easily need to pay an addition THB 100,000 more as there is a penalty of tranferring booking +profit for speculators.

    Everything is about Location, Location and Location.

    I am sure there are still a lot of unsold units for Condo around less primed area like Srinakarin and Sukhumvit 77 which developer still struggle to sell it. For example, Four Wings (THB 3 million up), Supalai Bangna, Prima, Aspace Onnuj, Iris and many more small projects.

  19. post-41241-1192295573_thumb.jpg

    It is difficult to judge a property market in general. In fact, every individual need a home. There will always be demand for Low End Rental Property (Below THB 3500) backed by huge low income group. I strongly believe that this segment will hold firm.

    Mid End Rental Property could be less stable due to huge supply (AP, Aspace, LPN, Supalai). There were news article that a huge number of the condo were purchased by speculators and investors who wished to rent it out (Target will be working professional and of course the foreigners). If the demand dries up or can't match the supply, you could be seeing a lot of them under auction. There are a lot of people selling their booking on Thai Website.

    As for High End Rental Property, as long as expatriates still stay in Bangkok and company pays for their rental. The demand can be maintained unless they decided to move to Mid End Rental Property.

    Nobody can predict the future. How many times did the economist make a correct decision? There are not too many Alan Greenspan in this world.

    Historically, property price is always on an uptrend for long term. If you are buying for own stay, it is a gamble to wait for Short Term fluctuation. Unless, you really have better use of your cash.

    FYI: Rental in Singapore gone double this year. Many who hesitated to purchase now finds themselves unable to afford the property once were in their range.

  20. Prime Area Property will always be able to maintain their property value.

    If you are looking for cheap property, why not go to Bank Auction Property? From there, you rarely see those Prime Area Property. Those property will be taken off the list by savvy banker.

    Generally, any Government will not allow Property Price to drop drastically. The whole economy may collapse as most property are held as collateral by lending bank. If borrower default, can Bank afford the hit if the collateral is now worth much lesser than before.

    Buying cheaper tomorrow will only apply to those less popular property (due to whatsoever reason) of which we may not even be interested. Unless there is an economy collapse.

  21. I have stayed in a number of apartments in Bangkok. Thus far, all the landlord are great except P&P Modern @Ari Samphan 5.

    When I came to view the room, I was given a false impression that everything is perfect. We were told that we could move in 1 or 2 days earlier. We thought it was very nice of landlord.

    1st Surprise - We received a bill for 1 day rental of THB 200 for moving in earlier.

    2nd Surprise - We were locked out as we left our key in the room. We called the landlord and were slapped another THB 100 for door opening.

    3rd Surprise - After 5 months of stay, we decided not to renew the contract. We were informed about THB 500 cleaning fee.

    4th Surprise - As for the last month, we were late by 1 day to pay the rental. We were fined THB 100.

    Frankly, we are shocked with the way landlord treated the tenants. Since we are treated this way, why aren't we refunded when Internet is down?

    It is no longer a surprise that we get early Morning Call to move your car even though you have paid a Monthly Parking Fee.

    Fellow expat.......you may stay in this place at your own risk.

    Nevertheless, there are still a lot of nice landlord out there. Just not this one.

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