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Everything posted by billsmart

  1. The brother-in-law (an adult?) should be two counts of first-degree murder, but proving this might be difficult.
  2. I live up in the mountains in Phetchabun Province, far away from any of even the Thai-resident Lazada merchants. When I order from Lazada, the delivery is usually done by Kerry, but lately, a few other services have been used. As I've said in my earlier posts, I've had no trouble with Lazada or Shopee or their delivery services.
  3. I've been using Lazada for only six weeks now and I've already been messed around by a couple of sellers. still waiting for a big refund from one purchase where after 5 days of no contact he suddenly cancelled the order. so no, problems are not rare at all and threads like this are quite useful for getting tips on how to deal with that sort of stuff. you know, useful practical advice. unlike... I've been using Lazada and Shopee for years, and as I said earlier, I've never had any problems. Problems are not rare in threads like these whose main focus is to complain about problems. Nobody starts a thread telling about how wonderful an online retailer's service is. Both of these online retailers, especially Lazada, have been a real benefit to me since I live up in the mountains. quite a distance away from a large city, and especially in this last year or so of COVID-19 restrictions. I'm not insinuating the problems discussed here are not real, but I am saying that I think they are rare.
  4. I'm only saying I've used Lazada and Shopee for years now and have never had any problems such as described here. Assuming these accounts are not "porkies," what I'm saying is that, IMO, they are very rare. I've never had them, and my experiences are the only experiences I know for sure are not "porkies."
  5. I regularly order items from mainly Lazada but also Shopee occasionally and have never had any problems as described here with either.
  6. I agree with the majority of respondents here. I'm not offended by the term "Farang," nor are any of my Farang friends. I also have heard it's origin refers to the French (Franks), which were supposedly the first Westerners (Caucasians/Whites/Foreigners) to come to Thailand.
  7. I don't think this is a rule at a Thai Immigration office. I have a Type O visa and renewed my One-Year-Stay using Retirement criteria in March this year and my US passport was to expire in December. There was no problem, but they only gave me an extension until the date my passport expires, which in my case was about nine months. After getting the extension, I applied online for a new passport and received one about 10 days later. Then, I went down to my Immigration Office (Phetchabun) and had everything transferred to the new passport. My Long-Stay Extension expires in Dec, the date my old passport was to expire, but all I have to do is go in before the expiration date and apply for another One-Year-Stay extension using the new passport. Easy-peasy!
  8. ...or maybe the one who poisoned the dogs, the neighbor?, was just an <deleted> and liked killing animals. I hope the police find out and put him away for a long, long time. ????
  9. I think, unfortunately, it all depends on what channel's news you watch... ????
  10. If the report in the story is true, I hope the perpetrator sentence "and/or" is changed to only an "and." ????
  11. The snake in the photo doesn't look like it's 4 meters long. I I'd say less than 2 meters.
  12. Unless there's a lot more to this story, she'll have a hard time proving the attacker was her ex-hubby. ????
  13. My local barber charges THB 70. I give her 100, which includes a tip.
  14. Do you know the difference between a ruble and a dollar? A dollar... ????
  15. Yeah, I think I've heard that before too. That guy's dead now. He committed suicide. No rottweilers were involved. ????
  16. What kind of "agreement" was it, and why would the father be "going to the media" to have it enforced? Why isn't he going to the police or to court? The article says it was done in conjunction with the police. If so, then the "agreement" must have some legal validity and can be enforced. If it is a legal agreement and the owner of the dogs refused to honor it, he could have his bank accounts and property seized to pay it off, and yes, he could be sent to jail. As for the incident, I read that son was fishing, which is attempting to hook fish in their mouths, drag them through the water, stick a rope through their mouth and out their gills, and leave them floundering around in the water in an attempt to keep them alive so they can then have their bellies slit open, their organs removed, and finally left to die. So, I don't have a lot of sympathy for the son being attacked by some dogs.
  17. Try paying when ordering. Works for me... ????
  18. Yes! I agree! And while they're at it, they should all start speaking English, cease all this "bowing" claptrap, and tear down all the Buddhist temples and accept Jesus into their lives. ????
  19. I'm a US citizen with a US passport, and I just did this. My passport expires in Dec, and just a week ago, I applied for a Long-Stay Extension on my Type O visa based on retirement criteria. There was no problem. My stay was extended to the day my passport expires. When I get a new passport, I'll have to bring it in and have the appropriate stamps transferred. Then, I'll have to get a new stay-extension before my now current extension expires in Dec. Easy-peasy.... ????
  20. When referring to the global, public internet, the word should be capitalized, like this: Internet.
  21. "Weakness in his left arm"... Could have been a stroke, but what caused it at that very time is not known. Maybe he'll have an autopsy before he's cremated. You think?
  22. Do they have to have a Work Visa to do their online work while living in Thailand? ???? And where do they have to report their income, Thailand or Denmark? ????
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