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Everything posted by billsmart

  1. Get the first booster you are offered or can find.
  2. Masks with exhalation valves defeat the main purpose of masks. ???? The PRIMARY purpose of masks is to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by reducing the DISTRIBUTION of the virus via your exhales. Masks also protect you somewhat from inhaling the virus, but that is not their primary purpose.
  3. I first worked as a ticket-counter agent for United Airlines. I was accepted in a intra-company program they had to learn how to program computers. I then worked as a computer programmer for UAL. I then worked as a computer programmer/manager for Bank of America. I then worked as a CIO of Teradata in their services division. I then worked for as CIO of a startup. I then worked for BoA again Director of their data analysis division. I then worked on my own as a private contractor doing data analysis for various companies, mostly banks, all over the world. One of my last jobs was working for Krung Thai Bank in Bangkok. At that time I was planning on retiring to Brazil where I had worked also. But, in the end, I decided to try Thailand. I've now been here over 20 years, live up in the mountains outside of Phetchabun, and will stay here forever. I do not miss my former life in IT because when I retired, I started writing, which was something I'd wanted to do all my life. Since retirement, I've written and published 10 books. Here are a few links to them: https://web.facebook.com/WDSmart.Author https://www.amazon.com/W.-D.-Smart/e/B00MBK0BR4 https://books2read.com/ap/xXJPWG/W-D-Smart And, no, I wouldn't want to go back to my former job or lifestyle. ????
  4. I have a Non-Imm Type O visa. I initially got it and have for many years applied for a one-year stay extension based on Marriage criteria. Now, I'd like to apply for my next one-year stay extension based on Retirement criteria because it takes a lot less paperwork. Can I do that? And, if I do that, can I then later, say a couple of years from now and in case my bank balance is reduced, go back to applying for a one-year stay extension based on Marriage? I've asked my local Immigration Office and got different answers from different officers. Thanks for any advice on this you can give me.
  5. No, you already have it. That's fine then because I can just ignore it instead of starting a thread whining about how much it annoys me when Stocky is contempful. ????
  6. Okay, but just don't leave your contempt out on the beach... ????
  7. jnm, Here's a good meme for you. It fits right in with your fears and concerns... ????
  8. What's disgusting and not very jmn is whining about a little dog poop on a beach when our oceans are being filled up with human trash. IMO, you need to reprioritize your complaints. ☹
  9. I'm not confused and I agree that people should clean up after their dog if it poops on a public beach or any public place. My point is that you seem to be trying to highlight some miniscule little problem that only OFFENDS you (and others), when there are many much more dangerous problems to highlight that regularly KILLS many living beings on this planet.
  10. This response sounds a little better. Of course all the items you mentioned that are dangerous are due to humans. Dog poop is not dangerous, at least I don't think so. Others have posted it can kill children, but I've never heard of that before. Maybe it can. I don't know. But everything else you mentioned above can kill humans, other animals, and plants also. My remark about your kids was not just about keeping them away from the beach. It was having them in the first place. Human overpopulation is one of the primary causes of our continuing destruction of the Earth's biosphere. And yes, I have kids and grandkids, but I did not think about overpopulation when I was younger. I only thought about me. On the lighter side, I just ran across what was going to be a candidate for "Photo of the Year" but was quickly eliminated from the competition, probably by someone like you, and most of the commenters on this thread. ????
  11. Many problems for all other living beings (and humans too) from plastic. Everything is affected. Kills many types of sea life.
  12. I can understand that to a point, but what would be best for the beaches and the environment is to see no humans on the beach.
  13. I didn't say that owner's of dog's shouldn't clean up after them. What I was trying to point out is that there things that dog poop isn't as harmful as plastic. I know dog poop is a problem for others, but evidently plastic isn't. I can guarantee you there's a lot more plastic on beaches than dog poop.
  14. That, IMO, is because you're only thinking of YOU, not the Earth's environment and all the other living organisms on the planet. I assume with that kind of attitude and being a "BritManToo," you must be a Brexiteer. If your tag had been "USManToo," I'd assume you were a Trump supporter. If you want to learn more about why it is much better to step in dog poop than a plastic sack, read my book The Icarus Syndrome. Here's a link to its page on Facebook where you can get a free copy... https://web.facebook.com/booktheicarussyndrome
  15. How many dogs and other animals are killed each year by humans just for fun? Humans are much more of a problem in this world than dog poop.
  16. You having kids and then taking them on holiday to somewhere you expect to be pristine is more of a problem to the environment than dog poop.
  17. It is just poop. It's quickly biodegradable. Poop is not really a problem for the environment, in fact may be a benefit to it. This can't be said of most of the trash that humans deposit on the beach, especially plastics.
  18. In the video, it looks like after he jumped over the counter, he only grabbed a couple handfuls of gold. It that all it takes to be worth THB 1 million, about US$ 30,000? ????
  19. I don't believe in any supernatural forces like "Gaia," but I do think human extinction is inevitable. We're like a cancer on this planet. The only hope is that we go before we destroy the ecosystem for all other lifeforms.
  20. It will affect Thailand just like it will affect the rest of the planet. It will eventually kill all humans, most other animals, and most plants. Read the details in my book I wrote over a year ago. Below is a link to its Facebook page which describes it and has other links to which you can go to buy a paperback, ebook, or even get a free ebook. https://web.facebook.com/booktheicarussyndrome/
  21. I'm 75, and I don't care to have conversations with elderly expats, middle-age expats, or young ex-pats. If I wanted to do that, I would have stayed in my home country. Of course then, all those people wouldn't be expats... ????
  22. How about teaching English online to someone not living in Thailand? Or, performing some other service online for someone not living in Thailand, like creating a website for them?
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