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Posts posted by brasso

  1. sorry forgot to say hol visa to uk, i am in the uk living and working want to apply for a hol visa then next year apply for a visa to bring wife and daughter here permantly, once i find out how to deak with the birth cert for daughter(prob dna) british embassy not very good with advice, if any body knows how to go about this i posted in family and children forum any advice welcome mant thanks for all advice

  2. if i want to apply for a holiday visa for my wife and daughter(3and half yrs old) my wife has been on a holiday visa in 2010 is there a problem bringing the daughter as well, wife put brothers name on birth cert as farther(trying to find out way to change this) i am the real farther so will this be straight foreward at vfs ao applt for hol visa

  3. hi, i have asked before if any knows what is involved in getting the thai birth cert changed if it can be done or not.

    my now wife did not put my name on the birth cert as the farther she put her brothers name as the farther ie family name we just got married, can i go to family court and try to get myself as the farther, do i need dna test how long for results after that what do i need to do what documents do i need in court,dna cost in udon, then if i am reconisied by the court can a new birth cert be gained with me as the farther, i wish to apply to the british embassy for a passport so i will neeed to show them that i am the dad(as i know i am), does anyone know how the family court of thailand works, the cost etc many t5hanks for all help

  4. hi all, first of all i would like to post my experience after all the many replys to questions i asked.

    got to british embassy abouy 7.15 in the morning was third in line,BE opens at 8.00, got through security and was directed to the dept that deals with the affamation, took a ticket,called to go to window about 15min later girl behind screen checked affamation paid the fee3510bt told to take a seat wait for my name to be called, 10min went to window signed in front of officer she stamped it and that was that, in and out in 30mins, went across the road to homepro to get the affamation translated this took 20min in all paid 400bt for this, I then took a taxi to lek sei(MOFA) on chaneg wattana road the cost of taxi was 177bt took about 20 min to get there. went inside and upstairs, at this time there were a lot of people already there, so went to a window to ask about express service none available despite being early, so went for EMS post given a form and a ticket for a counter that is for EMS post called about 10min, paid the fee400bt for MOFA stamp and 65bt for ems filled out the envolope with thai girlfriends address on it was told it will take 2days,easy as that, left MOFA for udon thani and girlfriends home town of puibunrak.

    two days later EMS arrived with affamation and all stamps ready to marry. went to the local ampher in the village where my girlfriends lives got married by the local govement officer got the cert and my girlfriend now my wife changed her ID card to my name this in all cost me 139bt, i am now married and will on my next holiday start the visa process to bring my wife and my daughter home to the uk,

    Can you get the affamation and translated in 1day and go to the MOFA yes is my reply and no fuss or bother. only advice go early to BE,get transalation done across the road at home pro MOFA very busy for transalation, And just get EMS post simple and easy. many thanks for all advice

  5. hi coming to bkk in jan2014 to get married, the question i need to know is this, my girlfriend put her brother down on the thai birth cert as the farther, silly thing to do i know, my girlfriend was in the uk with me when she got preganant so no comments please about who the dad is i know my daughter is mine question can the thai birth cert be changed to show me as the dad, do i need a dna test for british embassy so can apply for a british passport for her,id dna test anyone have any idea who embassy use for dna test, or even who to use, whats the best option for me many thanks

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  6. again many thanks for all advice, getting married in udon local amphur so yes will change all id,house paper, to my name in readyness for applying for a spouse visa when i have all paperwork(started new job wage slips etc),the reason i asked about is our daughter is only 3ys old and i did not want my girlfriend to come to bkk with her so get everthing done then i can fly to udon to join them, so that is why i am trying to do same day embassy,translate and mfa in order to catch a flight to udon the same day, if no express advailable at mfa will have to go with ems to girlfriend home, many thanks for all of the posts good to know that there are people out there willing to offer advise and help.

  7. thanks to all of you for the sound advice, little bit concerned about the ems so will wait and try for same day service even if it means hanging around, it seems the quickest way maybe is to catch a skytrain to chatachak then a taxito mfa just for speed and not stuck in traffic, translate at mfa or close to embassy please advise many thanks rob for help

  8. Many thanks for all the good replys and some very good advice,many thanks rob, i will maybe try going to mfa myself see what time i get there as to wait or just ems to girlfriend as will get married in udon thani the next week, is the ems a safe way to get the documents,any thoughts on best way to mfa, go by taxi, skytrain and taxi just to get there quickly, what is the nearest skytrain stop please, many thanks for all info.

  9. hi, just trying to find out if once at the british embassy to get and sigh affamation can this be done same day,or if i have to go back the next day planning to arrive embassy early morning when opening,is it possible to get affamation then translation then to ministry pay express service and all same day,many thanks for help

  10. hi,looking for help trying to get a message to a mate that i have lost contact with.i know he is in rayong living dont know what i can post,my mate is called john sometime he uses jack,married, ealy 50 usec to live in morcombe,plays golf a lot if anybody knows who this may be can you get a message to him that i am trying to get in touch with him many thanks

  11. Have heard around pattaya that a new cider is trying to get a foothold in the market place asking bars etc to see if they would stock it, do not know price yet,english guy tryting to get it into the bars at the moment i know the guy plays for the bowling green soi excite ask around there i think you might find what you are looking for

  12. sorry did not know you had to like or live in pattaya or anywhere else in thailand to post, some times interesting things are posted and there was me thinking it was open to all or maybe some off the things said hit a little to close to home for you to handle

    Come on, you know what he meant. He said he did not understand why someone so anti-Pattaya is so interested in reading and posting on a Pattaya forum. He said nothing about you not being allowed to post.

    We know why you and other puritanical bigots post here. It's the same reason frustrated missionaries from various religious organisations travel throughout the world spreading their "good news" and imposing their judgemental beliefs on otherwise contented people.

    I haven't been home for 6 years, but thanks to posters such as you for reminding me about what I can expect if I do decide to return home.

    My thoughts exactly ,it always amazes me that people knock Pattaya but seem delighted to read about all the "naughty" goings on and then tut tut about it .Methinks" they doest protest to much sir" to nearly quote Will Shakespear . just jelous that they cant be here.

    why if some one does not like pattaya do people think you are jelous, i never understand the thinking behind it, good luck to all that live in the dump we all know the real reason that you and others like you live there

  13. for all the topic on pattaya dirty beaches poor planing lack off water in places better places can be found elsewhere just as cheap what keeps people there is just sex plain and simple, before any off you go on about another pattaya knocker, think about ,it to those that think different take off the rose titned specs, as for one post about a six year old shows how stupid you are as she does not understand what all the thai girls ars doing in the bars ,when she grows she will see a different pattaya where girls sell there bodies to dirty old men

    I assume from your post Brasso that the only parts of Pattaya,(like many tourists who come here) that you have ever visited are beach road and walking street ,

    no have been many places in pattaya, like you yes a tourist once but did not like pattaya

    What i do not understand is ,if you have been all over Pattaya and dont like it,why do you 1/ read and 2/ post on a Pattaya website ? i would have thaught something a little more genteel would have been your cup of tea.

    sorry did not know you had to like or live in pattaya or anywhere else in thailand to post, some times interesting things are posted and there was me thinking it was open to all or maybe some off the things said hit a little to close to home for you to handle

  14. hi would like to thank fred and his girlfriend for a great time at his place the other week, food was great the best tacos i have ever tasted i wish him well for the future, if you have never been and had a taco go to the night market where baja is located and i am sure fred and his staff will not disapoint all the best fred see you next time in hua hin

  15. for all the topic on pattaya dirty beaches poor planing lack off water in places better places can be found elsewhere just as cheap what keeps people there is just sex plain and simple, before any off you go on about another pattaya knocker, think about ,it to those that think different take off the rose titned specs, as for one post about a six year old shows how stupid you are as she does not understand what all the thai girls ars doing in the bars ,when she grows she will see a different pattaya where girls sell there bodies to dirty old men

    I assume from your post Brasso that the only parts of Pattaya,(like many tourists who come here) that you have ever visited are beach road and walking street ,

    no have been many places in pattaya, like you yes a tourist once but did not like pattaya

  16. for all the topic on pattaya dirty beaches poor planing lack off water in places better places can be found elsewhere just as cheap what keeps people there is just sex plain and simple, before any off you go on about another pattaya knocker, think about ,it to those that think different take off the rose titned specs, as for one post about a six year old shows how stupid you are as she does not understand what all the thai girls ars doing in the bars ,when she grows she will see a different pattaya where girls sell there bodies to dirty old men

    I have seen some very clean old men.... and young ones for that matter.

    Still, some sanctimonious b4stard had to come out of the woodwork at some point on this thread - it just happened to be one who also can't spell. I bet the 6 year old can differentiate between their and there and of and off ! :):D I will put "titned" down to typing error rather than grammatical ignorance.

    is that all you do with your time point out spelling what a sad person you must be

  17. for all the topic on pattaya dirty beaches poor planing lack off water in places better places can be found elsewhere just as cheap what keeps people there is just sex plain and simple, before any off you go on about another pattaya knocker, think about ,it to those that think different take off the rose titned specs, as for one post about a six year old shows how stupid you are as she does not understand what all the thai girls ars doing in the bars ,when she grows she will see a different pattaya where girls sell there bodies to dirty old men

  18. Qed, i often wonder why guys like yourself do not like the truth, maybe is becuase when you wake up and look in the mirror you do not like what you see, as for pattaya been there full of guys like you, sad, lonely only way for girl is to pay, i realy pity guys like you, you keep pattaya as i have stated you all know what i think of the place, much better place in thailand, as for jimonhy call yourself a red blooded male if that what makes you feel better, most of us know what you are and why you are in pattaya

  19. november ok for travel, try eva air as its a direct flight and usually get a good price for not much more then you are paying, the money you have for a week is ok hard to say depends on how you are with your cash, sounds by your asking about the women and pattaya you are yet another sex tourist, as for pattaya dirty beaches, traffic problems, pattaya stinks garbgge strewn streets,unfriendly thais, full of rip off artists, if you like better places go to hua hin much better there, if all you want is the sex then pattaya is right for you

  20. the pound against the baht will go up again when the baht was 60 you must have taken your eye off the ball as it was around 70/73 for a long time that was the right time to change, as for your mrs saying no leave in the uk i am not supprised as she wants it, wants you to spend it in her and if anything happens to you she can get her hands on it first,nothing to do with the exchange rate

  21. not a very good option at the moment as the pound to the baht is bad leave it in a uk bank if you can hopefully the pound will recover and you will get more for your money, if it is for a small amount say for a girlfriend do not be a idiot it is a scam by the girls using it for the thai boyfriends or gambling, keep it in a uk bank and think long and hard about what you are doing with the cash,

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