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Everything posted by chicowoodduck

  1. Well, Mother Nature wins the beach front race once again in Pattaya City ???? Why the city spends millions if not billions on a beach drainage system that allows huge chunks of beach front to get washed back into Pattaya Bay makes me scratch my head and have a good laugh at how crazy people in high places use the thinking cap? ????????. There is a good reason Mother Nature will remain undefeated and a long time Champion! Save some cash and just demolish Walking Street and the surrounding bars and the like and make it a family friendly spot in the road?
  2. I just returned to Thailand and lucky for me my suitcase arrived with me….unfortunately I had the hand carrying part ripped off by the baggage machine! ????. My question is…does anyone know of a repair shop in Pattaya City that can repair my suitcase? It is far too young to give it the heave ho! ????
  3. I saw a Thai youngster get hung by wires on 2nd Road near Central Festival a few months back….not pretty at any age! ????????????
  4. Well, you should not feel all that bad, the Los Angeles Thai Consultant lost my passport a few years back…????????. I had to file an FBI report with the US State Department…was a <deleted> show from top to bottom and they had issued me a retirement extension with multiple entry….sorry, no refund…????????????
  5. Wow, 300thb+ 100 THB tip and out the door….???????? p.s. wash and <deleted> included ????
  6. Wow, medical advice from this forum? Bit risky on many levels…perhaps brain surgery advice will be next?
  7. Just stick to your room and not come to Pattaya City….unless boredom is your new best friend? ????????
  8. Hoi An is ok for a few days, but after that you might be bored out of your mind! ????????
  9. Looks like curtains for you, mate! ????????
  10. WhatsApp works swell for me, of course you and the caller must have the app on your mobile, but works great and the cost is zero! ????????????????
  11. Vagina Stretcher….short hours and big pay….end of story….????????????????
  12. I wish, I am always locked and loaded! ????????. Some <deleted> wants a showdown, bring it on…if it Is Thai, so much the better! ????
  13. Every time I try to use the zebra crossing in front of the Holiday Inn on Beach Road in Pattaya City No One (ZERO) will stop for the red light! ????????????. I usually will bang the side of the car as it goes by and hope they pull over so I can wack them! ????????????????
  14. Oh my Buddha! Asking for Medical Advice on this forum? Next up advice on Bitcoin…<deleted>! ????????
  15. Reminds of years ago having to move apartments because the little guys starting to <deleted> on me at night! ???????? I have seen Gecko spray at the DIY store, might come in handy for you? ????
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