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Posts posted by HAWKHILL

  1. Where did you find the M 900 and how was it brought into the country?

    The official Ducati dealership in Thonglor has a decent workshop but may require an 'entrance fee' (usually 10% of the purchase price) for working on Duc's that weren't originally bought through them.

    There's a place called Chicane out on RamIntra that handles many race Ducatis and comes highly recommen

    Just an udate Chicane is now out on Lad Prao 64.



  2. I think next time we need to use the wet weather gear on the bikes.


    Oh you got the pics up already! I replied to your PM before visiting this thread :o Video next? =D

    Anyway, just for the record. There was nothing wrong with my bike. That was the official prognosis. Maybe it was just showing its displeasure at being left out in the rain while we ate those delicious ham steaks!

    It was a great ride though. We should do it again on a day with no rain forecast and finish the loop.

  3. "Z" - Glad to hear you and your bike are back unscathed. On the ride back, we got hammered with some more heavy rain ... I'm sure your bike would have been really unhappy with you for that.

    All in all, it was a great fun ride guys. Nice to meet some new faces too, although I still only understand about 50% of what anyone from Scotland says to me! Also, it was totally the opposite of what I expected for a Songkran holiday. Little traffic and no crazy drunk drivers that I could see ... only crazy farang on cycles :o The group of bikes on this ride were especially loud and I'd like to listened to us from the side of the road as we blasted by at 160 ... what are the words ... shock and awe? :D Till next time...


    Wait till you hear me after a few beers, anyway we can work on that next trip.


  4. Well done to all for their awesome trip reports! Nice photos boys... Pete you need to learn when to use a camera and when not to but I suppose being suspended has taught you a lesson about this subject.

    The first few days were seriously crazy and there were a few nights where things got outta control (well I did anyway). Let's just say I won't be calling tequila my best friend anymore. Once we left Chiang Mai and headed west again things settled down nicely and we got back to doing what we came to do, ride the roads this beautiful country has to offer and soak up the experiences it throws our way.

    I would have to agree with Tony on one of the highlights on the trip was the road just before Mae Hon Son were Pete, Tony and I were riding some seriously twisty roads in tight formation. Well done boys, can't wait to get to the track and try our hand at racing there.

    Another spectacular part of the trip was when we got lost and ended up in the middle of nowhere at a small tribal villages New Year's celebrations....awesome awesome experience! Was a little taken back when some dude was walking through the parade firing off a handgun but I suppose he was just drunk and happy and this was his way of showing it

    I think alot of what I had to say has been said already so no need to repeat.

    As you all know once we got back to Bangkok Bard and I left for KK to meet with John Gooding and we went riding again. From KK we went to Rayong for 3 days track riding with HST.

    Day 1 at the track was awesome, just to be there amongst other riders and watching them corner like legends felt good. Bard and I the first day were just concentrating on getting the feel with the new bike on the track seeing that its alot higher than a race bike and to get our knee down was going to take extra special lean and balls.

    After exhausting myself at the track I went back to Bards and layed down in his driveway as I was totally and utterly physically exhausted. I drank more than 10 litres over the course of the day at the track but this wasn't enough to replace the salts and other minerals my body had used. One could not imagine a day at the track could take so much out of your body, by the end of the day I had troubles with even putting one foot in front of the other. I could hardly feed myself that night. Went to bed at 7pm and slept until 6am the next day. 11 hours sleep was nice but my body was still wrecked from overdoing Day 1.

    Not to worry, some protein, couple litres of water and off to the track we went. Day 2 we learnt more about body positioning and then went to try our hand at 'getting our knee down'. The very first session after the lesson Bard was very fortunate to get his knee down at Honda corner, it was just a touch and go... this was a nice smooth knee down all the way around the corner. I was positioned behind and I couldn't believe what I just witnessed. Immediately after his knee down we hit the main straight and I swear if Bard jumped any higher in the air he would have touched the clouds! He was sooooo happy. I drove down the main straight thinking "ok next lap, next lap it's me". I focused and throttled on but after 5 laps no joy. I was getting dehydrated so I hit the pits for a refresh before I headed back out to get my knee down. When I hit the pits the rain kicked in and the rest of the day was a washout.

    Off to the pub for a knee down beer. Bard wouldn't shut up about it... good on him! Not everyone gets to achieve this feat and no one deserves it more than him.

    Day 3. Early rise...full tank of fuel and off to the track we went. We were very very early and nobody was there yet so we prepared the bikes and as soon as the garage was open I kitted up and out we went before even the rest of guest arrived. I think it was 2 warm up laps and the third lap I finally got my knee down on Honda corner.....wooohoooo! Tick! Been there done that! What a feeling!



    With good instruction from the 3 legends at the track: Graham, David and Jimmy (thanx guys... I owe you all!) I left BIRA feeling more competent and in control of my bike. I had a better understanding of cornering, braking and smooth acceleration. I can highly recommend anyone who is thinking about riding lessons at any level... Highside Tours can service you at any level of riding experience you may require.

    Thought I would add some photos of Jimmy, he is like me ...camera shy!

    (Notice the knee down action)

    So we all went to TQ2 in Pattaya and celebrated for the evening. Great night had by all.

    The next day I spent in Pattaya relaxing with a friend of mine and then planned to head for Chantaburi to visit my factory and spend the weekend there before finally returning to BIRA on Sunday for a final knee down experience and then back to Bangkok Sunday evening where I would finally end my SSR Epic Ride. It didn't quite work out like that.

    Left Pattaya with perfect blue skies mid morning Friday and then the weather changed quickly, I found myself in the middle of a thunderstorm and had to pull over due to very poor visibility. A 120 km trip took me 3 hours due to the rain and I arrived safely and checked into my hotel.

    Friday and Saturday I worked and enjoyed a night out with friends from the factory before being escorted back to my hotel by some of the staff. I was following them on their scooter quite slowly in the left lane of a 2 lane road when out of nowhere I was struck quite violently by a car from behind (obviously drunk and using multiple lanes) at some speed. I fell to the ground doing around 50-60km/hr and as I was on my way down the car's tires sped past my head. I noticed it was a white car and then I remember seeing my bike nearly taking out the scooter as they slowed down when they heard the crash. My bike skidded along the road on its right side and finally rested about 30 metres from where I landed on the road. The car by that point sped away and was never to be seen again although they left a number of souveniers from the front section of the car there for the police to investigate. My shoulder, wrist and butt were killing. I was wearing a helmet, boots and good thick jeans but no jacket that evening. The police and ambulance showed up within minutes and I was whisked away to hospital for X-Rays and some attention from the local nurses.

    Nothing broken; only missing skin and a sore shoulder and black fingers. I went back to my hotel after some treatment and a pain killing jab from a lovely nurse. The next day I went to the police station and although I don't remember speaking with the police at any point in time they had already filled in a report and me giving accounts in the first person...go figure!

    The bike looked ok initially but my shoulder was wrecked so I decided not to ride home and contacted Yamaha to come and pick the bike up which they did and took it back to Bangkok. Today I went to look at the bike and although it appears reasonably undamaged the car hit with great impact on the rear right side and hit the rear section, followed by the indicator and then took off the rear passenger peg completely. I believe if the peg hadn't been open it would have crushed my leg so I'm thankful I got away without permanent injury. After careful inspection by Yamaha and Bard there was more damaged than first believed, the whole frame and sub frame needs replacing, front forks and whole rear tire section is all out of whack. At this point the insurance bill is between 200-250k...thank goodness for insurance companies! It will take them around 2 months to process the insurance claim and order the parts from Japan so I will be twiddling my thumbs for some time to come.

    So the SSR Epic Ride is over, not the way i would of liked it to end but atleast i went out with a bang.

    Sit back and relax and enjoy some of the photos from the track days at BIRA.





    See you all next time :o


    Glad your okay bikes can be fixed.


  5. Hi,on my new bike which comes soon I want to install a gps navigator.Does anyone know what is available in thailand that fits for a motorbike.For sure it has to be waterproof.Some price guides would also be very helpfull.

    hey dude,

    for mounted type waterproof that are bike specific the zumo is available here. i have 1 but its expensive, garmin make some waterproof handheld units that are way cheaper. you can get any of the garmin GPS units at gadget trend which is on thong lor gadget trend

    fortune town on ratchada have just about every gps unit on the market....i'm partial to garmin though :o

    what bike are you getting?

    Anthony,the bike I got,as the topic is one year old,is the one in my avator.Yamaha roadliner XV1900.Got the Zumo 550 mounted on it but bought it from the UK at less then half the price it is in Thailand and with the bluetooth headset built in in the helmet.Works a charm and wouldn't want to miss the music while riding anymore.

  6. don't know if there are any dyno's available in Thailand.

    Anyone got any info on this ?



    Dirt Shop on OnNut has a dyno.


    I have been there several times the old premesis as I think they moved recently I never knew they had one I will be making enquiries.



  7. Very interesting I have read about this in other forums, I ran my bike in as per the manufacturers recommendations, perhaps thats not the way to go, don't know if there are any dyno's available in Thailand.

    Anyone got any info on this ?



    Porsche Dealer in Bangkok apparently does them on bikes . Fuel Mapping For Power Commanders too apparently .

    Any details who where contact No



  8. Found this thought I share it with you boys. :o:D:D

    Now, you see, it's all a matter of perspective. Whilst you saw it happen like that and got embarassed, it actually went like this (if you look around Harley forums, it'll be there somewhere...)

    "I was out on my Hog cruising along US77.. I was in the left lane and I saw a Triumph Tiger in the right lane. Wow, we were doing 70mph!! I gunned it hard and eeked another 10mph out of her, yes 80mph!! The Tiger was doing the same but hardly looked warmed up, though my Harley was sweating some. Then the Tiger went up to an astronomical 90mph. That's right.. 9 0 m p h !!

    I wondered if the Hog could go that fast so I squeezed the throttle hard open. The bike picked up slowly then the throttle stuck wide open at 92mph.. Helpless, I could only cling on for dear life as the stench of melting Evo and the clatter of bouncing valves took over from the potato noise it usually makes. Wondering if the forks would just fold under me if I braked or if the now-disintegrating belt would snap.. I was terrified. As I headed past the Tiger, I managed a little desperate wave before fouling my breeches. It was six miles before I finally ran out of gas and piston rings. I waddled into a 'little boys' room to clean up and call home for a lift.

    God, I want a Triumph.."


    Id have a Triumph any day over a Harley


  9. Thanks for the info.... will try to make it. Good to see The Paddock will have a stand..... need some new gloves!

    no problem ace cafe .see you there ...............

    What day is everyone going to be there ? I will be going on the Friday 1st as i go back to work on the Saturday maybe an opportunity to meet and say hello



  10. Sorry Hawkhill, I didnt notice that.

    Hope this helps, I thought it was interesting, he claims an extra 10hp on most bikes just due to it being broken in on the dyno right from word scratch.

    Very interesting I have read about this in other forums, I ran my bike in as per the manufacturers recommendations, perhaps thats not the way to go, don't know if there are any dyno's available in Thailand.

    Anyone got any info on this ?



  11. Hi,on my new bike which comes soon I want to install a gps navigator.Does anyone know what is available in thailand that fits for a motorbike.For sure it has to be waterproof.Some price guides would also be very helpfull.

    Garmin Zumo

  12. I found this one on youtube, which might interest those who have looked at the various ways to run in new bikes. Take a look at what this Aussie is doing with this new Ducati 1198S;

    Hi ND

    Can you post the link as the vid won't work.



  13. Hello

    All good stuff video, condition of the roads riding technique and field testing the equipment hopefully everyone who reads this will take something usefull with them.



    Yes, the Bardster and co taught me to continue tracking around the corner, otherwise target-lock / can mean riding over the edge.

    But this is one reason I prefer to be the lone rider. No worries about the others buzzing about near me. Bummer if you tumble-down though :D

    Ok Part III now uploaded!

    The helmet cam blew off at highspeed a few days later. All my touring data for the last leg to Chiang Mai and around the city moat, lost forever.

    I was not able to recover it. The first I knew of it missing was pulling into the petrol station for a fuel stop. :o

    If any of you riders out there are travelling on Highway 1 between Lampang and Khampaeng Pet. If you see a black, square-shaped object with elastic material around it, that's my helmet cam! :D

    Until I can get another one sent into Thailand there will be only the Isaan Oddessey chapter to publish and then no more!

    Bard, your tank cam is our eyes and ears now! :D

  14. 848 is getting some awesome reviews in Europe in USA. What is the Thai price?

    I was offered in February 2007 brand new tricolore for 1,5 million, not sure how much they go for now.

    The dealers' price list is here. http://www.ducatisti.co.th/financial.htm

    Doesn't list a Tricolore but the 848 is 898k.

    The 1098 Tri in the showroom was up for sale last year at 1.4 or 1.5 mil lots of extras but second hand.


  15. Does anybody know a shop selling Dainese stuff (boots, leathers, protectors...) in BKK besides the Dainese shop on Thonglor? 2nd hand would be ok, too.

    I am not sure but perhaps the dirt shop try google and have a look at their website or call. Where in Thonglor is the Diuaneses shop ?



  16. Ducati make really nice bikes lots of new technology, but also lots of recalls voltage regulator for one and rear drive sprocket another, why don't they get these items sorted before the bike go on sale. I have heard the 1198 has some issues with the engine. Ducati Thailand say thet the 1198 wo't be in country until Sept 09 time to start saving.


    Calling Crobiker, Rustic Charm & any of the others interested in reading a good write up on the new Ducati 1198S......also click on the link above and goto Kevin Ash's site, click on bike tests and have a read, very informative....looks like Ducati may have pulled something very special out of their hat, this time.

    HH, Which duke had the recalls and what were the problems you heard with the engine in the 1198, ive been reading around heaps and am yet to hear anything bad....ohhh except for a few 1098 owners going on about theres no reason to buy a 1198, but you always get that type of thing. :o

    Hello ND

    The 1098 1098S & Tricolor from 2007 to 2008 not all bikes just certain frame no's google and you will get hits the sprocket was the most worrying as there were pics on Ducatims or Ducati Spot with the results, they really could have been very dangerous, the other item was the voltage regulator not so bad just meant complete electrical failure same again 2007 -2008 bikes with certain frame nos check Desmo works I think they have the details of frame no's. I had the rear sprocket replaced under warranty the VR I had to pay for myself. The Ducati 1198 there was an item on one of the other forums I joined but unconfirmed I would investigate further if I was going to buy one, google recalls Ducati 1098 & try 1198 see what comes up as I said 1198 unconfirmed.




  17. Bard

    Nice bike nice side panniers, but I don't see the need for the Hibachi grill on top.


    HH AKA D


    Well here's my new bike readily tour kitted with the E41 sides and V46 top box, also got the frame slider on and note the Tour Screen in front which will make it a comfy ride in ehh highway speed.

    All the bike is missing is it's rider who sit in Africa longing for the ride.

    BTW if anyone goes to Yamaha and look at it, remember if you don't run your fingers over my bike, I won't run my bike over your fingers.

    Cheers Bard


  18. Ducati make really nice bikes lots of new technology, but also lots of recalls voltage regulator for one and rear drive sprocket another, why don't they get these items sorted before the bike go on sale. I have heard the 1198 has some issues with the engine. Ducati Thailand say thet the 1198 wo't be in country until Sept 09 time to start saving.


    Calling Crobiker, Rustic Charm & any of the others interested in reading a good write up on the new Ducati 1198S......also click on the link above and goto Kevin Ash's site, click on bike tests and have a read, very informative....looks like Ducati may have pulled something very special out of their hat, this time.
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