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Posts posted by blakestree

  1. Hi, I'm in desperate situation and need some information.

    I was recently framed by Thai police for a robbery crime that I did not commit. I don't want to go into details, but I was thrown into jail for a couple of weeks. I was able to bribe my way out, and the embassy was able to negotiate my passport back. I have an impending court date in a few weeks, but I want to get out of Thailand. The problem is how. The embassy can only help me so much, and they know the charge is complete bs. The Thai's know that as well, but I think they just want more money. I have my passport, but my visa expired while I was in. Its kind of a nudge-wink thing with them. I've been told I can pay someone a few thousand baht to get me across the border without any problem, but I have no clue who to contact.

    Anybody have any contacts? Please don't respond with judgements or criticisms or that I'm a liar. Believe me, I am not. I've been through more than anyone should. The Thais would have never let me get bailed since I'm a farang if it was a real charge. Anyone with any information, I would really appreciate it. Obviously I'm in a really tough situation. Thank you.

  2. Going out to clubs in Bangkok, I've witnessed Thais literally pass out on their feet. One woman hit a table so hard that she started to bleed, then 20 minutes later was dancing again, only to pass out again. Her friends had to finally carry her out of the club. Me and my friends (we are from America) told her friends that they needed to take her home after she passed out the first time, but they just smiled at us and thought it was funny. Maybe they do this all the time?

    The only thing I can compare it to is Native Americans in the US. Alcohol turns them into a completely different animal and they practically lose all control. I had several Native American friends growing up, and when they got drunk, the rest of us would say that they spoke "fluent drunkenese."

    I think that it has to do with the fact that Americans have mostly European ancestry, and Europeans have been drinking alcohol for 6000 years. Native Americans have been drinking it for about 150. Perhaps the Thais don't have a long history of drinking alcohol. It always blows my mind when they get so drunk because the drinks they mix in bars are so weak! I always have to order a bottle so I can mix it myself just so I can taste the alcohol.

    In all my years in the US and going abroad to Europe (Germany, Ireland, Spain, UK, etc) I've never seen the type of drunkeness from a people as I see here. Rarely have a seen anyone pass out on his feet. Usually, we Americans and Europeans just hurl and then go home to our beds to pass out.

  3. If she sent you an email saying that it would be easy to steal from you, that could possibly be considered a threat against your property, and who knows, maybe she has done it in the past, which is why she knows it is so easy to steal from you.

    Do you have an accountant. I would have one go through the books over the last period when she began to act out. As far as I know, emails are admissable in court, as long as you can prove they were from her, which should be easy to do.

    I would try to have a serious talk to her about it, and if she continues to show you disdain, its time to act. It might be worth it to pay out the 150,000 baht just to get rid of her, because she could do way more damage than that to your business and its reputation. Who knows what she could be telling clients while she is on the phone?

  4. Hi Fellas,

    Just back from Ban Laem today, went with Claudio at Thaivisaservice, everything with the service was spot on, I highly recommend them. We had a nice group of people in 2 vans, enjoyed meeting other visarunners and Claudio was very nice guy to chat with, everything handled excellently.

    PS _ I am not affiliated with anyone from the company, just wanted to say what a fantastic service it is.


    How do you contact them? I tried the url, and it wouldn't work. How much does it cost?

  5. 7/11 ring any bells?

    10000b is the maximum you can pre load ,handy to have mind you if you dont have a atm ,also has a visa card on it .

    I'm trying to a card with a higher load limit as well as one that can work thru paypal or purchasing on the internet. Do local Thai banks not offer them? I've tried a few, and even though UOB claims they have Prepaid cards, when I went in to the branch or called the customer service #, they didn't know what I was talking about. And believe me, I've tried to do searches on google, and the only ones I've been able to locate of this type are overseas. Would it help if I went into a branch with someone who spoke Thai?

  6. I've heard talk about getting prepaid debit cards, and I can't for the life of me find where to obtain one. Does anyone know where? Plus, is there a bank that will let me get an account in Bangkok without a work permit? I had people tell me that it is possible, but I've been told to every bank I've been into that I can't.

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