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Posts posted by ecopaul

  1. many have lost lots of money with Pay Pal....Pal pal has frozed many accounts for lame reasons, most people who may have a few 100 dollars may just forget about it and open a new Pay Pal account....checkout nopaypal.com a goood site to read.......your money is very much at risk and the crap they say about being safe is a bunch of bull...I have a real merchant account to tkae credit cards, but NOW ebay will force you to use eBay or foce ou to link a Pay Pal account to your eBay account even if you have your own merchant account....they are just to greedy....just back in 2001 you could post links to yor web site on your ebay auction, but now you iwll get banned just for that....if you say you take google checkout you will get banned or you listing will NOT even list......and if eBay does ban you for any reason they will contact your buyers and tell them NOT to pay....then eBay will force you to pay the sales commision on all the auctions the sold evn the ones that did NOT pay......the BS they get away with is unreal....if I was a buisness and did what eBay and Pay Pal are doing I would be in Jail...I am sure any of us would....the western way big business get away with anything.....I hope google opens and auction site.......yahoo is usless tryed them a few years back....buyers could change a positve to a neg months after they leave you feedback...Not sure if that has changed...yhaoo does NOT even promote thier auction so no wounder it is not doing any goood.....the fact is if you want to sale you must use eBay....unless google come in
  2. That village looks a bit too 'built up' for my likeing, maybe you should think about moving out into the sticks. ;-)

    When the urban press of the village gets to be too much I retreat to that puddle of water (center right) or take off on my mountain bike and try to get lost.

    Try living in Chiangrai in 1987 it was even more remote, the road to Measai from Chinagrai was a dirt road and the now massive Customs Post bridge at Measai to Tachilek was just a rickety wooden bridge.The road from Measai to Chaengsaen was almost impassable and dangerous!

    Best Bar at that time was Baitong run by Ken from Australia (Aka Middlesborough) Good Hamburgers at Mr Macs and Napoli Pizzas.

    Only 2 Brands of Ice Cream Ducky and a Local one, No 10 Wheel Trucks, No Frozen Food, Plane journeys from BKK were to Chianmgai and the a 30 Seater Shorts Plane journey (Very Scaret) but they never crashed!!

    Great entertainment then in Chinagrai Country Roads dancing on the Tables 3 live bands, Beer was 19 baht for Singha and 21 for Nats Piss Kloster prior to Richard Clayd!!!!!the Piano Player from France arriving.Low Kaow was real!

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