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Posts posted by johnandtai

  1. I am not really interested in politics. But I do believe all countries are the same....... power corrupts and thus it is hard to have honest people in power.

    Thailand currently is not a democracy, but a police/military state. Under this condition Thaksin would be crazy to surrender himself to the will of his opponents.

    I read all the posts painting him as an evil person who harmed Thailand. These people obviously know nothing of the recent political history of Thailand.

    Thaksin was elected & re-elected by the people of Thailand, he was & is popular with the majority of Thais. He was ousted while he was out of the country by his opponents with the backing of the military.

    Was he good for Thailand? I believe he was ... he is a good businessman and Thailand was prospering. Was he corrupt? Probably. Are there any honest politicians taking his place? Not likely. If all politicians are the same, isn't better to have one that does good things for Thailand?

  2. BBC showing APCs and water cannon in action.

    Looks like this is the end.

    Sorry for the poor dupes who thought they were protesting for democracy (which they already have).

    We now know this was all about power and money.

    Hats off to Abhisit!

    This sort of post just shows how ignorant many expats are about the political situation in Thailand. Thais DO NOT live in a democracy. They live in a military controlled environment. The top military generals allow elections and prime ministers to be elected.... as long as the leadership meets their approval. Case in point I believe the military threw out the PM on average every 4-5 years for as long as I can remember.

    In the current situation...... the RED shirts are fighting for elections to be held. Thaksin was elected by popular vote and was the democratically elected PM for Thailand. He was removed from power while he was on a trip out of the country by the military. The opposing party said he was corrupt. ( Like corruption in not a part of every ruling party here in Thailand & most other countries. ) They held elections and the RED shirt party won and the military & opposing party found a way to kick him out & install their own puppet ( Abhisit ). RED shirts want a country where the people choose their leader and that is what they are fighting for.

    I don't think it will change, but I hate to see so many people lose their lives when they are only pawns in the big fight between one corrupt party & the other ..... which is truly about money & power and who gets it.

    JUST MY OPINION.....Thailand is a wonderful country with very nice people and they deserve better leadership of their own choosing.

  3. rats leaving sinking ship springs immediately to mind.......

    Some people don't seem to realize that Thaksin is the LEGAL democratically elected head of the Thai government. The military took over when he was on a trip out of Thailand. He was the people's choice to lead the country. We seem to be currently under military control without elections. I am sure if you were in his shoes you would want your family to leave the country to insure they were out of harm's way.

  4. Most of the people of Thailand love Thaksin. He is the LEGALLY ELECTED PM of THAILAND who was ousted by the opposition leaders with the help of the military. Popular vote elected him to office. The Thai military took over when Thaksin was out of the country on a trip. If you have been in Thailand long you would know that corruption is the norm here. All politicians are basically on the take.........and them calling Thaksin crooked is quite a joke.

    The politicians should play nice, as all this unrest hurts this beautiful country & it's people. JMHO

  5. Cambodia's recent activities with Thaksin really scaring thai gov......i wonder why..

    I don't think it's about being scared. He is doing irrepairable damage to the country so something had to give.

    They should have done it a long time ago. Get this matter resolved once and for all so the country can move on.

    You must be kidding right? The Thai people elected Thaksin and the "other" political party with the help of the military took over when Thaksin was out of the country. The current government is a sham without the people's support. Thaksin is the rightful democratic leader of Thailand. Thaksin's a good businessman and was good for Thailand. Even if he profited from government contracts ............ any government leadership would do the same thing. All politicians are crooks in ALL Countries. I would rather have a good businessman running the country than the people currently in office.

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