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Everything posted by Crash999

  1. Thank you so much. I did manage to find a few pages from Rex. I will take a read through. Appreciate the reply.
  2. Thank you Sheryl for that referral. I’ll check it out. Both Singapore and Hong Kong have patient groups and Singapore has a dedicated ALS clinic. With the much larger population in Thailand I was hoping there would be something available locally.
  3. Does anyone know if there is any expertise in Thailand when it comes to monitoring and treatment of ALS? It cannot be cured but in some countries there are clinics that provide support in terms of monitoring progression, providing what drugs are available, equipment, and so on. Also I can’t seem to find any sort of groups for people with the disease. Bumrungrad has some neurologists that can do basic diagnostics but their experience is limited. Thank you!
  4. Lawyer. Would have been much cheaper than what she did.
  5. Needs a lot more detail. The person who owed the money could have said, “no” and that would be the end of it.
  6. 100,000 years ago early man learned to start fires using flint rock. Fast forward to now and this guy trying to bash a lock with a pebble. Seems we haven’t learned much along the way.
  7. Years ago a bar on Sukhumvit would give out free shots of Lao Kao out of a barrel. Was always suspicious of that stuff. Who the hell knows what it’s made of or what used to be stored in that container.
  8. Awful. They all need long jail sentences. Hope those kids find better lives.
  9. Of all the dumb things one could do in Thailand, selling a cornucopia of highly illegal drugs is way up there as the dumbest.
  10. “minor brain bleed” Any kind of brain bleed doesn’t sound very minor.
  11. Man, these sequels are so predictable these days. Same plot but they cut all the action and shrink the timelines down. Let me guess. Naughty behavior, protests, a denial that a coup is coming, coup, and we get another bringing happiness to the people song.
  12. Believe the track would need some major upgrades as from what I remember it’s only certified for F3. Plus remote location and not enough local hotels. Biggest issue may be that the track is privately owned. And this is another group’s attempt to launch a separate project affiliated with the government. Lots of new government contracts to issue. Wink wink!
  13. Poor little girl. If that guy is proven to be the culprit then no punishment can be severe enough.
  14. They’ve been predicting this since the 90s. At first it was that a big aquifer is being drained and Bangkok was sinking. Then it was the seas are rising. Bangkok was to be underwater by 2010 and then it was 2020. Now it’s 2030. I wouldn’t be investing in Surin seafront property just yet.
  15. Could be a shuttle for Soneva Kiri guests. That’s one of the most expensive resorts in Thailand.
  16. “Michael” is wearing a giant Dior onesie. Perfect attire for the overgrown toddler he is.
  17. Case#5247 of someone going AWOL when they were supposed to be heading home. Family is worried and posts all over social media then flies to Thailand. Said person is located and all we get is a brief update, “person is found and is safe” or if we are lucky, “person doesn’t want to be contacted” meaning they’re both safe and annoyed that their impromptu extended holiday has been rudely interrupted. And every time it was “out of character” for the person.
  18. Gatekeepers like Dan should remember that border runs are never guaranteed. In the past there have been plenty of cases of people being turned away at the border for “excessive” (at the discretion of the immigration official in front of you) number of tourist entries despite the person technically doing nothing wrong.
  19. Only winners to come out of this will be the police who can get an amount of bribes back. And maybe the God squad who think they they will somehow get bonus points. Lost tax revenue, lost tourism revenue, and most importantly loss of personal freedom. So long as the people using cannabis are adults why should the government have domain over what they can put in their bodies?
  20. Bringing unhappiness to the people. Wonder if we will get another song out of it?
  21. Plenty of upscale hair salons like Moga employ foreigners. Often Japanese. Not sure how they get away with it but not insulting the police is probably high on the list.
  22. There was that American killed in Bangkok a decade ago. From the comments here at the time you’d think it happens every day. But when foreigners murder each other we get crickets.
  23. You should be more worried about fellow foreigners than the locals. Like the guy in this article, a German going around punching people. We hear ever time a local taxi driver goes nuts and kills a foreigner, but over the years there has been a constant stream of often grisly murders between foreigners that quickly fall off the radar. And we are by far the minority population in this country.
  24. If this guy wins the lawsuit maybe he can afford to buy a different shirt.
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