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Posts posted by abq2020

  1. Hahahahaha!

    I'd be looking to cancel after that amount of info hits the press. Completely compromised if true.

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Yes, for sure. As the saying goes, "loose lips sink ships." Information true or not, in my oprinion the brain-deprived source of the leaked information lacks even the slightest amount of common-sense, and definitely has set the stage for yet another slap in the face of Thailand.

  2. Anyway looked at this is now or will soon become a "political matter" because: 1. it is political appointees will decide ultimately if this case ever goes to trial; 2. If it does go to trial it will at some point be a political appointee (a judge at some level) who will render or affirm a verdict of guilt or not, and the punishment (if found guilty); and 3. money buys great "political influence" in The Kingdom.

  3. FLASH: Consumers of alcohol are to stay away from flood waters. It is highly recommended that instead you continue driving your car or motorcycle. Also, in an effort to encourage you to stay away from flood waters, bars and other businesses which sell alcoholic beverages will be allowed to do so on a 24 hour basis until such time that flood waters are no longer pertinent.

  4. Nice to know that my future new iPhone 5 w/ 4G LTE will be able to connect to a "new" 3G communications infrastructure. Except for the reasons already discussed by others (which are not good reasons), Thailand would be well served by crap-canning further investment in 3G and allow aggressive investment in and implementation of newer technologies. That would posture well the country, telecom companies, financial entities, and mobile subscribers for the present and future.

  5. Fair enough, the family get their money, now can the city get him behind bars please!

    You and the all the rest of us can wish jail for him (I surely do!!)...but Thai reality will prevail, and he will not see the inside of a jail. There are two types of justice here: One for the have nots, and another for the filthy rich and politicians (not mutually exclusive). :-(

  6. A 52-year-old drunk Norwegian tourist and 17 year old GIRL. What a shame.

    Your dead right there, she was just a kid - IF its proved that he was intoxicated, then its another grim statistic.

    Sooner the police clamp down on drinking and driving in Thailand, then the safer we'll all be.

    It is a grim statistic x2 even if it is not proved he was intoxicated. Two dead people; and a 52-year-male with an underage girl.

  7. As with all issues involving the highly respected Thai Police, the additional cameras again begs one to ask the question...Who polices the police? I think many of these cameras should be pointed at points where police usually conduct there 'activities.' Cheers.

  8. How can 200+ in 2011 and 55+ year to date in 2012 repairs to runways requiring closures be termed "normal?"

    I recollect that there was quite a controversy regarding runways problems (majorcracks, sinking, etc.) way back before the airport opened. I cannot remember if it was The Nation or Bangkok Post; however, one or the other did a great series of articles outlining the problems and possible corruption associated with the contracts and original runway construction work. Welcome to Thailand.

  9. Have not read or heard of foreign law enforcement agency involvement in this bust, nor of any possible criminal charges these folks are facing overseas. Probably not...

    "Meanwhile, police arrested a Liberian national and a Guinea national for duping an American into buying a magic potion for Bt147,000, which could allegedly turn US dollar bills of a lower denomination into $100 bills. The victim notified police after the suspects demanded another Bt1 million in exchange for the key to a safe deposit where the remainder of the potion was kept."


    I think the American must have already on some 'magic potion' when he/she made this deal. Maybe it works, which all I can say then is maybe the US Federal Reserve and Bank sould consider this option to turn a few billion dollars into about 15 trillion greenbacks so that the national debt can be paid-off.

  10. Very sad situation. My heart and sincerest sympathy goes out to their family.

    Other than someone confessing to intentionally poisoning them, the only real chance to solve the pathological cause of death is through competent and independent conduct of forensic toxicology tests. The key words here are competent and independent, which will not likely happen if left only to Thai entities with typical self-preserving motives.

    I would hope that authorities at the Canadian Embassy will push hard to have an "independent" pathologist involved in the autopsies, fluid and tissue collections, and audit-trail management of samples....and then have an internationally accredited lab outside of Thailand perform the toxicology tests. Without heavy-handed pressure from the Canadian Embassy it is highly unlikely that any unbiased results will ever be determined or made public.

    The accomplishment of the above will not only help the family understand what really happened...but will also help protect others tourists and visitors in the future, as well as potentially improving the Kingdom of Thailand's rather dubious images regarding tourist safety and Government authority competence.

  11. And how much money do the rich Chinese Thai have here in Bangkok?

    If they say they have 30 billion dollars, they likely have 100 billion dollars.

    The other rich Chinese Thai families have huge money off shore as well.

    Just look at the Thai Baht at 32 for the US dollar.

    How on earth is that possible unless huge money from these same rich families is supporting it with huge buying of the baht.

    Imagine the foreign currency in any nation after this event. They would all be in free fall. But here in the land of Chinese Thai money, the baht is still strong.

    Bangkok is closed down and the baht is still strong.

    But this too could end soon.

    The Chinese Thai business man are ready to run from Thailand now. if they should start to leave in mass, the Thai meltdown will accelerate and the baht could see 100 or more for the us dollar.

    The Thai wreck is was so so predictable and preventable.

    Of course when you treat people like 2nd class citizens and kill them without a trial, you have become a rogue nation, as Miss Sarah says.

    I fear for my family and you should fear for yours.

    This is the start up of a revolution and not the end of a small movement.

    More rubbish

    and now your quoting Sarah Palin :D:D:D

    I agree, pure rubbish. Contains so much crap that I was experiencing non-symptomatic GI cramps. :)

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