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Posts posted by baruto

  1. 13 hours ago, nev said:

    I am surprised they still have 50baht in their accounts, I left 500baht in a bangkok bank account and year later went to look and it was all gone. 

    50baht a month account keeping fee apparently ????

    I have a similar experience with Bangkok Bank. I just discovered that my account with over 600baht was closed. When I asked the reason, I was told that all idle accounts with small balances were closed. Probably it is again double standards. If you are a farang, your account with over 600 baht will be confiscated while thais can keep accounts with less than 50baht without problem.


    • Confused 1
  2. 26 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

    Because the baht is not propped up.  If anything the government and rich people would like to see it go down but it is not the baht alone it is the baht in relationship to the dollar and pound and Thailand can't control Brexit and/or Trump. 

    "The central bank said it has been closely monitoring the Thai currency, along with nonresidents' capital flow movements. The bank is now "concerned about the rapid appreciation of the Thai baht relative to its regional peers, as it could lead to unfavorable macroeconomic repercussions," according to a statement released on Friday.


    The bank in December raised its policy rate for the first time in over seven years. It is not expected to reverse the move despite expectations that other major central banks will become more accommodative in the near future."


    Sure the central bank can do a lot. But as one can read, the bank is NOT expected to ease. As long as the rates remain high, the exchange rate will not come down. Probably there are direct orders from you know whom, to keep the baht strong.


    The full story:


    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, overherebc said:

    Yep. Lovely little place 'Eckertal' (spelling??) in that area that was split in two by by the border almost overnight. Spent time there in the 70's on the border and would love to go back and see it now to see the changes.


    You have given me a new idea to look at. Danke.

    I come from Estonia, which is in the north of Europe. Therefore, I can point out another extremely pleasant thing about Harz. Although it is mostly hills and forest, there are almost no mosquitoes or other insects in the summer, which would attack or annoy man. On the other hand there are a lot of "friendly" insects, which the local birds eat. It is such a relief for a northener to enjoy hiking in forest, or reading a book in nature in the summer without protective clothes, repellents, or constant hand waving. Even ticks of the Harz, which I have not seen yet, do not carry any disease. There are ticks in Northern Germany and also in Bayern, which are dangerous. Until now Harz is safe, but this is not guaranteed.


    My personal favourite place in Harz is Stolberg/Harz, which is a small city, consisting mostly of medieval buildings with a beautiful Schloss on hilltop. The town is situated between forested mountains and is surrounded by many wonderful hiking trails and view points. There is also a nice spa and sauna centre with swimming-pool, open round the year. I am playing with the idea to retire there. After the beautiful Christmas time in Germany, I would fly to South-East Asia until april with my wife and then return to Harz to enjoy the spring and birdsong. Maybe one day I will make this happen.

    • Like 2
  4. For EU citizens, it would be financially reasonable to retire in Spain, Portugal, or why not Germany. There are  many small towns in East Germany, where cold rents are about 3€ per m2. For example a lovely area is Harz with beautiful nature, fascinating architecture (Fachwerkhaus), not so many people, clean air. Food in supermarkets is good and cheap, simple wines (Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon etc.) are even under 2€ 0,75L. Large 0,5 l beer starts at 25 cents. For winter one can travel to the south and return for the nice European spring. 

    • Like 2
  5. a warm shower is usually enough to melt and clean any ear wax.

    Not true, as anyone who has suffered with wax build-up will tell you. Running warm water in your ears can make the condition worse.

    On the contrary. Warm water is the thing! Suffered myself seriously with same problem for years. When I had to seek medical help, I noticed that doctors themselves always used pressurized warm water to remove wax (big syringe without a needle). As I noted the principle, I designed a very simple device, which I always carry with me in my toiletry bag. I took a clean plastic cone-shaped nozzle (intended for a bottle of silicone) and went to the bathroom. I removed the shower nozzle and adapted the plastic cone to the shower hose, cut the plastic cone shorter until it fitted into the rubber hose. Also, I widened the opening a bit.

    When I have a wax problem, I take this thing and go to the shower or a bath tub. I remove the original shower nozzle and press the wider end of the plastic cone into the rubber hose and adjust water pressure. I bend my head to the side and direct water flow from below into the ear. Keep the nozzle lightly against the ear not tight, so that water can flow freely out of the ear. Use warm water, but not too hot. Water pressure is very individual and can be easily adjusted. Its always good to start carefully. On the other hand, too low pressure may produce no result. Sometimes I have had to let the water flow for several minutes until I see some pieces of wax. Then I let the water flowing for a few minutes more, until I see no more wax. In lighter cases I have seen no wax at all, because it has come out in very little pieces. After closing the water, I keep my head bent, the washed ear looking to the ground. It takes a few seconds, or even some minutes until all the water drops out and hearing comes back. If everything is not ok, the procedure can be repated. Simple trick and it works always and anywhere.

    Anybody can easily invent something similar. Once, when my travel kit was not with me, I used an empty ketchup bottle with success. It is the principle that matters.

  6. ...as it will get harder for the ordinary people there

    to afford any imported food or drinks!

    What imported food and drinks? Good post, nonetheless.

    Now the Byelorussia has also started charging USD for its goods going to Russia. Miraculously its export items now include grapes, bananas, shrimps, salmon etc., all with attached labels Made in Belaya Russ.

    • Like 1
  7. I think the real picture will be seen after the end of Russian holiday season i.e second half of January. Many charter flights will be cancelled thereafter. At the moment the charters are running with only a few reductions. By nature Russians love to party and celebrate, the New Year in particular, no matter what it costs. Russian Christmas is also 2 weeks later than in the Western World. After the holiday season, reality will bite. Certainly there are many wealthy Russians who have investments outside Russia and don't depend on the rouble. On the other hand almost all the package tourists to Pattaya and even many of those, who have bought a condo here, depend on income from Russia. The future of the property and tourism sectors of Pattaya does not look good at the moment.

    • Like 2
  8. Quite a few great musicians holiday or live here, some visit the Blues Factory and jam for free. The last time I went there I met Len Tuckey, Suzie Quatro's lead guitar player and ex-husband. Len was originally with the Nashville Teens, who had a hit with the classic "Tobacco Road" (1964) which was a top 10 UK hit and a top 20 hit in the United States. Lam Morrison (King of Guitar) who plays there, I think, plays Stairway to Heaven better then Jimmy Page.

    Once I went to the Blues Factory and it was great as always - Lam at his best and others. Suddenly one of the musicians asked Ian to join them. A gray haired man sipping beer almost next to me stood up and joined the band. Only when he started to sing, I realised this was Ian Gillan. Blues Factory is indeed a great place for all fans of rock and blues.

  9. Can anybody translate the Russian wording on the warning sign? Hopefully it does actually translate correctly and isn't bad ThaiRussian that implies the opposite through bad grammar or something.


    The Russian wording on the warning sign corresponds to the text in English and is clearly written. Somehow I doubt this guy bothered to read it at all and even if he did, he didn't care.


  10. I've just moved here and the internetop. is mamawifi, 500bht/month, and it very slow....havent manage to find the football though.

    but the area is beautiful and you can't hear much more than the birds....good luck

    Are there many mosquitos in the complex? When I viewed an apartement a year ago, I noticed a lot of trees and bushes around the buildings. I am looking for a rental apartment for February next year.

    Lembit, have you anything to do with Estonia? I mean due to your nickname?

  11. I just started to prepare a budget for my trip to Pattaya in November. Considering the higher prices in Pattaya (roughly 15% up) plus the exchange rate difference, this trip will cost me about 20 % more than last year. Each 100 EUR banknote today means one 500 THB banknote less compared to last time. This is signifiacant difference. OK, this time I don't care, but next time I will think twice before booking air tickets.

  12. the closest place I have dared to swim in the ocean near Pattaya is Bang Sarae. there is a small restaurnt with chairs and umbrellas near the northern end of the road going along the Bang Sarae beach (just where the road makes a right turn towards Sukhumvit when you face Pattaya). it is very convenient to park your car and there is just 20-30 meters walk to the beach restaurant. almost empty beach and quite clean. Sea Sand & Sun Resort is a short walk towards Pattaya.

  13. since i´m a lawyer, it would be thrilling to read the judgement, particularly the part where the judge finds that the measurement 100 meters to the sea and then 200 meters to the shore is right. as I understand this judgement is not final. maybe there will be no appeal if the claimants get frightened or hesitant. they should not be.

    BTW I have no financial interest in this matter, just professional.

  14. I have stayed at the Cosy Beach (really a good value for money hotel) and visited a friend who stayed at the Royal Cliff. There is (at least was) a staff gate at the back of the Royal Cliff plot towards Cosy Beach. Although there was a guard, I just walked through the gate without any questions asked. I guess it is a 5-6 minutes walk or so from lobby to lobby.

    Regarding bringing a thai visitor to the Cosy Beach, I am quite sure you have to pay a fee established by the hotel (probably around 500 baht, maybe even more) plus the security will check the visitors ID.

    Have a nice stay.

    p.s. Due to its remote location (far from regular transport routes), it would be reasonable to rent a bike. There is a small convenient parking lot for bikes just to the right of the main entrance. Otherwise you have to charter a baht bus, which is not cheap.

  15. Thanks guys for all this information. Since I own a unit in JBC S1 building with a view towards this site, I was quite concerned about this news.

    When I bought my condo 2 years ago, I did not make any illusions about the great view lasting forever. Before the purchase I questioned the broker quite thoroughly about the local building rules. I was then told about the 100/200 meter rules and concluded that my condo would not lose the sea view completely even in the worst case scenario i.e. the building of a similar (china wall style) building obstructing around 90 degrees of the present 180 degrees panoramic view. As somebody here guessed the new development could be scandinavian, I googled and got a hit to a site with a 30 storeys china wall picture, which made my quite depressed. Fortunately this was another project to further south of JBC. After seeing the information about the Beach, I was feeling a bit better. The high towers will not obstruct the view that badly, since there is space between the buildings. Obviously they are following the 200 meter rule (somehow I believe the Norwegians will play by the book). As I understand from their plans the 100-200 meter zone will consist of the shopping mall and the parking house with a pool area on top. Hopefully these buildings will be lower than my 11th floor condo.

    The new second road is another project wich will create some inconvenience during the coming years. Last time I was in Pattaya I stood between the 2 pools and tried to imagine a 6 lane road. No way without demolishing part of one (or both) of the pool constructions. In any case the pools will be just a few meters away from a noisy road. Also, the garden and childrens playground will be lost too. Furthermore, who will pay for the reconstruction works? I assume it will be us, since the price the city pays for the expropriated land is peanuts. Obviously, two new gatehouses must be built as well.

    The maintenance fees will increase dramatically, especially for S1 and S2, beacuse of double number of security guards and extra electricity costs at the other gatehouse.

    Does anybody want to buy my condo?

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