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Posts posted by Jeii3000

  1. What about the areas around Suk 3, full of African drug dealers and black prostitutes... but maybe some high ranking policemen are turning the other way and allowing this Black trade to continue... one night I walked to The Grace Hotel and in a short time was offered drugs 6 times by Negro men... and on the way back into Suk I was offered sex only 2 times by Negro girls, shows you what they thought of me... haha Should call this area now .."Little Africa"

    Negro Men!!! Really? What year is this? What century is this?

  2. As a black man living in Bkk, I get the stares, the purse-clutching and the funny faces. Do I care? NO!!!!

    I get similar reactions in America, in Europe, Asia etc....

    The OP's observations are on point. But I do think that most of what he encounters is due to ignorance

    not racism.... When I am face with such situation, I just laugh it off.

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